Convertible fluid

On my Dart I pulled the rear seat. Pump motor has a plug you unscrew to fill on LHS. Make sure your top is Down before filling. Cycle it up and down a few times and repeat until all air is out of system. I used Dextron atf but you can check your manual on that.
I just did mine about two weeks ago. took about a cup. Not bad as I bought the car in 1985 and never checked it. Started to get the squishy sound from being low.
The manual says to use type A, but, good luck finding that stuff easily. I've used both Dexron and P/S fluid without a problem.
I have been going around and around on this too.

The fluid in my system is clear I don't have any record of it being changed

From my research the pink color was added to trans fluid Type A sometime in 67. My car was built in late Jan early Feb of 67. I'm assuming before the color was added.

As for what to use I think dextron atf should be fine

I always wondered if the system was empty if using power steering hydraulic fluid would be advisable?

O'Riley house brand is clear.

I would hate to have a leak with pink fluid
It's a hydraulic system fellers. Lets not over think this. A standard hydraulic jack oil will work fine. IF I was gonna use transmission fluid, I'd use Type F since it is hydraulic fluid and has no detergent that might damage seals.
I don't know if you guys in the USA can get this or not, Shell Telus 22 is a excellent light Hydraulic fluid and it is clear. It works great in Convertible tops. Like was noted above to work it up and down to eliminate air pockets
I'm curious as to how well some of those fluids will work together, unless you completely drain and flush the system. I know ATF Dexron and P/S fluid will work with each other. Not so sure about the others. I like P/S fluid. It's clear (or nearly so), handles high pressure, and has pretty good anti-foam characteristics. I think it smells a bit better too, but, that's a debatable issue.
Yea as long as your not mixing petroleum based and mineral based think your ok
No need for detergents in top so trans fuild not needed...think clear so it doesn't stain
Yes ...but euro is mineral based
Honda is some thing else
Most are petroleum based
Can't mix

Yes,,,,you are correct,,,,according to the book .

However,,,I have mixed several brands from different manufacturers in my P/S and have zero issues .
I have several Hondas,,,excellent vehicles,,,I can’t complain about anything with them,,,except for one thing .
They recommend only Genuine Honda lubricants,,,,and they are expensive,,,and difficult to find other than through a dealer.
My 2000 Accord has 442,000 miles,,,yes,,, that’s correct,,,original engine and transmission.
I used Castrol transmission fluid for import cars,,,,excellent alternative to factory .
In my steering I used whatever was on the shelf,,,it’s a rack system,,,,almost any quality fluid will serve the purpose.

Modern automatic transmission’s will accept almost any quality synthetic fluid,,,and still operate just fine .

Lol,,,,when I say modern I mean 20-25 years old,,,Lol .

I think P/S fluid is hydraulic fluid,,,at least the clear kind is .

Correct. That's what everybody misses. When they grab transmission fluid, it's always Dexron. Dexron has detergents in it that can harm seals. Dexron is not "just" hydraulic fluid". Ford Type F though, is. I guess since Dexron is so readily available and Type F is either in the back or not in stock? But if you use transmission fluid, Type F is supposed to be it. I've even seen some manuals slap incorrectly recommend Dexron as a replacement and that's just not right.
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Yes,,,,you are correct,,,,according to the book .

However,,,I have mixed several brands from different manufacturers in my P/S and have zero issues .
I have several Hondas,,,excellent vehicles,,,I can’t complain about anything with them,,,except for one thing .
They recommend only Genuine Honda lubricants,,,,and they are expensive,,,and difficult to find other than through a dealer.
My 2000 Accord has 442,000 miles,,,yes,,, that’s correct,,,original engine and transmission.
I used Castrol transmission fluid for import cars,,,,excellent alternative to factory .
In my steering I used whatever was on the shelf,,,it’s a rack system,,,,almost any quality fluid will serve the purpose.

Modern automatic transmission’s will accept almost any quality synthetic fluid,,,and still operate just fine .

Lol,,,,when I say modern I mean 20-25 years old,,,Lol .

ha not anymore
2010 and 2011 mb trans fluid is differnet ...and a lot of new trans fluids are over $30 a quart
in mb if you put red trans fluid in a blue (lv) trans your screwed ... sad part is some 2010s had blue and some 2011s still had red
hondas now are cvt,hp,tvs,tvs lv ....i have so many differnet fluids in stock lucky of me i do so few hondas/toyota/ford/chevys that i just buy it when i'm doing a service