Yes,,,,you are correct,,,,according to the book .
However,,,I have mixed several brands from different manufacturers in my P/S and have zero issues .
I have several Hondas,,,excellent vehicles,,,I can’t complain about anything with them,,,except for one thing .
They recommend only Genuine Honda lubricants,,,,and they are expensive,,,and difficult to find other than through a dealer.
My 2000 Accord has 442,000 miles,,,yes,,, that’s correct,,,original engine and transmission.
I used Castrol transmission fluid for import cars,,,,excellent alternative to factory .
In my steering I used whatever was on the shelf,,,it’s a rack system,,,,almost any quality fluid will serve the purpose.
Modern automatic transmission’s will accept almost any quality synthetic fluid,,,and still operate just fine .
Lol,,,,when I say modern I mean 20-25 years old,,,Lol .