Country Roads, take me home...

I found a few more pictures I forgot I had of this wonderful place I call home...Take me home, Country Roads...
Open fields in Hardy County
open fields.jpg
Incoming storm near my parents home in Clay County
Autum storm.jpg
Probably one of West Virginia's most photographed icons, The old Grist Mill at Babcock State Park
Babcock grits mill.jpg
This one is from Dolly Sods National Park in 2007
dolly sods 2007.jpg
Cranberry Glades in Nicholas County
The Gauley River that joins the New River to make the mighty Kanawha (Ka- naw-wa) River that flows 3 blocks from our home.
Gauley river 6-07.jpg
Field above my parents home in Clay County.
morning light.jpg
and lastly, the road leading up to Babcock State Park.

open fields.jpg

Autum storm.jpg

Babcock grits mill.jpg

dolly sods 2007.jpg


Gauley river 6-07.jpg

morning light.jpg

Wow!! Kanawha (Ka- naw-wa) River that flows 3 blocks fromm your home.
If I lived there you would never see me because memike would have to stay on that river. Cool pictures:cheers:
Wow. Those are some beautiful pictures, Mary. I have lived in crappy CT my whole life (43) and I have never seen anything remotely close to what you've posted.

Thanks for sharing.

I cruised Yorktown with the Dart and it`s beautiful but not quite prime for color just yet. The deer were out in large numbers though and I tried to catch a couple in pictures with the Dart. One thing that`s really great is gas has finally dropped below $2.00 for regular. That makes for good autumn cruising. Here`s a couple pics.......

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Thanks George, we`re right at sea level here so the leaves haven`t changed as they have in the higher elevations. A couple more weeks and it should be beautiful to ride the Parkway from Yorktown to Jamestown along the York River.- John
Out standing pictures :cheers:
Our dear are moving here to Longgone.
I seen three behind a friends house today.:-D

Just a little bit farther forward and you would have got the water tower in the second picture with the nice old fence behind that FINE!!! GTS.:toothy10:

Thanks for sharing the country road trip you enjoyed
Out standing pictures :cheers:
Our dear are moving here to Longgone.
I seen three behind a friends house today.:-D

Just a little bit farther forward and you would have got the water tower in the second picture with the nice old fence behind that FINE!!! GTS.:toothy10:

Thanks for sharing the country road trip you enjoyed

Yeah I would have liked to have included that tower but the deer in the background were getting real small, lol, so I stopped and took it so you could still tell they were deer. Lol!
#-o I did not even see the deer in that water tower shot.=D>
I was to busy checking your dart out.:thumbrig:
Looks like a perfect day :cheers:
Mike, I`ve got to say it was just about as good as it gets, upper 60`s, low humidity,! I was trying to blend the deer and Dart into one picture but the deer are reluctant models , always staying in the shadows of the trees. In spring the deer there herd in groups that may number as many as 40 or 50 and they have their fawns with them. The park is a prime place for deer to flourish, vast tracks of land with huge grassy areas amid dense forest, well fed streams, and most of all protected government property. The place is teeming with wildlife, it`s just beautiful.
I played the song and slowly scrolled thru pixs and it was great. Thanks.
Once talked to a guy from WV that told me WV had more land than Texas,,,,,,,,,,,,, They just couldn't get it to lay flat.

Thanks for the post.
I don't have the time to do it now, but when I retire in about 18 years, I'm going to take my 1990 Dodge truck and tour the country in it. West Virginia is going to be my first destination! My wife already said she doesn't want to go with me, so I'll probably be riding solo but thats OK with me. I just hope my health holds out long enough for me to do it.
God Bless America.


dart early resto and disassembly88.jpg
Some real nice looking pic you all took. You all have some beautiful country back east....I took a few pics along the bike trail a week ago.. So I thought I would add them to this great thread.
Nice Job dartcuda
It looks like a very fine day out there.
You took some real nice looking pic your self.:cheers:
I agree MeMike, these are all wonderful pictures and stories . Here are two I took today while driving to go see my mom...

Peach Orchard Road 1.jpg

Peach Orchard Road 2.jpg
Once again, Thank you everyone! :cheers:

Peach Orchard Road 1.jpg

Peach Orchard Road 2.jpg
Taken today , on my way home from work.

Off my rear deck.


Bedroom window.


beautiful state we have , huh?
dang right. i dont really like the area i live in. Kearneysville. i wish it was more wooded. like up in shanghai and over the mountain past inwood. but its near where i need to be. you think youll be drivin the green machine any time soon?
wheres Alum Creek. what major road is it closest to and what county? WV is the place to be. if it wasnt, John Denver wouldnt have written and sang bout it. good song btw
Some of the trees on the edge of the forest have peaked and are quite beautiful here but largely the colors aren`t at their best yet. Here`s a couple pics of the trees along the road and at the pond just down from my house.

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Some of the trees on the edge of the forest have peaked and are quite beautiful here but largely the colors aren`t at their best yet. Here`s a couple pics of the trees along the road and at the pond just down from my house.

That sure is some good pictures you got Longgone =P~
I am glad to see that you have some nice country side close by.
Thanks for sharing :-D
Mike, I`ve got to say it was just about as good as it gets, upper 60`s, low humidity,! I was trying to blend the deer and Dart into one picture but the deer are reluctant models , always staying in the shadows of the trees. In spring the deer there herd in groups that may number as many as 40 or 50 and they have their fawns with them. The park is a prime place for deer to flourish, vast tracks of land with huge grassy areas amid dense forest, well fed streams, and most of all protected government property. The place is teeming with wildlife, it`s just beautiful.

I know all about it; I work there ;)



Not much for a variety of vibrant colors, but here's some green stuff.

Bear Lake

Bear Lake

BONUS: vicious creatures!

Death from above (bloodthirsty squirrel)

On the brakes

These were from the Estes Park, CO area last week.