Cylinder head cleanup, cosmetic



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Reaction score
Mequon, WI
I've got a set of used aluminum ProMaxx SBM heads that I'd like to clean up when I pull them apart to check everything. I don't think anything is wrong but I want to check the guides and valve job doesn't leak. Seems to be the right thing to do before I install them. They are painted 273 Red and the paint is chipping off the machined faces. If I can, I'd like to get them back to unpainted condition without significantly dulling the machined surfaces. I have blast cabinet but would probably need to tape off shiny areas which seems like work and that crap gets everywhere. Anyone done this? Paint stripper? Bucket of carb cleaner? If I have an engine shop do them, will they come out unscathed? I would rather keep them unpainted if I can get them looking decent.
Aircraft paint remover (look it up on your favorite search engine, see if your local auto parts store has it) NOT let it touch your skin. Wear gloves! Had it drip on my arm once:mad:
Better make sure any paint stripper doesn't react with aluminum. Most that I know of does. And not in a good way.
Paint stripper and carb cleaner are pretty much the same, methylene chloride. At least in Wisconsin it is. The old carb cleaner (the good stuff that actually works) I believe was dichloromethane .
Aircraft stripper should be compatible with aluminum
since that’s the choice material for aircraft
What processes are engine shop’s using to clean blocks now? With all the aluminum blocks and heads these days they got to have something safe. I need to get a 340 block cleaned and sonic checked so I might ask if it isn’t done by then.

I will stop at the hw store tomorrow and see what kind of non-aircraft aircraft stripper they have. Got some ZipStrip in the cubbies but seems to be oriented at wood. Contains Methol chloride, methanol,and mineral spirits.
Something else I just thought of.....don't use mag wheel cleaner! Most every kind of that stuff has Citric Acid in it, and that stuff will dull the heck out of bare aluminum!
Generally about $79 at Harbor Freight for a pressure washer with coupon...
There’s no room at the inn. Had to sell half my machines to make room to get the car in the garage. Can’t even walk around it. Pressure washer not high enough priority to displace something else.
Post back gzig, i’d Like to know how it goes, as I have some motorcycle projects as well.
A quick search on the phone found a guy that charges $2 per minute of machine run time. Something like $15-20 to do a Mikuni motorcycle carb. Unfortunately he's on the other side of the state and shipping is out of the question, but I'm sure there are others out there. Might be worth it for certain trim pieces though in the future. Big problem with DIY version is creating a mold farm when it isn't in use.
I have stripped paint off plastic parts by soaking them in a strong solution of Pine Sol and water.
Used hot water to start with then let them soak completely submerged, after about three days most of the paint lifted off. What was left scrubbed off easily with a sponge.