Dart/Demon twin scoop locations



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
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I need the location to mount the scoops on the hood.
Anyone have the dimensions ,template or know where the information can be found?
Picked this up from the net. Probably one of our members....

Sorry if this is elementary but there is a right and left scoop - installed backwards they look really goofy. and you will have misdrilled a bunch of holes in your hood. Drill all the holes that correspond with holes in the frame (labelled #1 in picture) use a collar for the drill bit sized to the frame hole if you want to be accurate. Carefully drop the scoop in those holes and mark the next one on the outside of the scoop in the back, fit the scoop again and mark the next one until all 3 unlocated holes on the outside of the scoop are done, then do the last one on the inside. The holes are a bit bigger than the studs and can be made oval front to back to perfect the smooth fit. The nuts and scoop cover up slight imperfections. You can find a template on e-bay. I think that 4 inches is a bit big for the air holes as you want the big grommet to fit tight - it keeps water out of the engine compartment when it rains (tall side up).
Sorry if this is elementary but there is a right and left scoop - installed backwards they look really goofy. and you will have misdrilled a bunch of holes in your hood. Drill all the holes that correspond with holes in the frame (labelled #1 in picture) use a collar for the drill bit sized to the frame hole if you want to be accurate. Carefully drop the scoop in those holes and mark the next one on the outside of the scoop in the back, fit the scoop again and mark the next one until all 3 unlocated holes on the outside of the scoop are done, then do the last one on the inside. The holes are a bit bigger than the studs and can be made oval front to back to perfect the smooth fit. The nuts and scoop cover up slight imperfections. You can find a template on e-bay. I think that 4 inches is a bit big for the air holes as you want the big grommet to fit tight - it keeps water out of the engine compartment when it rains (tall side up).

Actual size of the original holes was 4-1/8". If you're using a hole saw to cut them, get a 4" or 4-1/16" hole saw. By the time you clean up the holes they'll be close to the right size. When I drilled mine I used a 4 1/8" hole saw. The DMT grommets still fit, but if the holes had been any bigger it could have been an issue.

Bigger version

Also keep in mind that the holes are not centered in the scoop
As I recall one hole is actually elongated from front to back. Anybody remember which one or know why just one of the holes?
I skinned a rusty factory scooped hood to make a template. Let me know if you need anything specific with the measurements.
I skinned a rusty factory scooped hood to make a template. Let me know if you need anything specific with the measurements.
Do you have or can you make a template? Are the templates on eBay worth it? I just don’t want to mess up my hood or have one scoop off…lol. I understand the #1 and #2 hole process but how did you locate the spots for the #1 holes. Does the underside of the hood have dimples, I don’t recall seeing them. Thanks.
My template is the hood metal that I took off the inner structure. That'll be hard to mail LOL.

It's been a while, but I think the number one holes get drilled in the center of the frame holes. Then the scoop is used to locate the rest. My complete hood is at the shop right now so I can't get a look at it. And yes, the original hoods have 3 different sized mounting holes.

BTW.......My hood is from a Demon/Dart, not a Duster in case that matters.
how did you locate the spots for the #1 holes.

the big holes in the hood frame (underside) are already there in 1970 and 71 hoods whether they came with scoops or not (see picture)

they are also there in 72 hoods, along with holes for the big dual snorkle scoop, but you have to be careful to use the right holes!!!
I agree with using a smaller hole saw when using the DMT seals. I used a 4 1/8" hole saw but could have gone smaller. I would suggest some "practice holes" on some scrap material.

Also, I created my own templates using the (aftermarket) scoops I purchased (from Mopars by Crane (now out of business)). I measured between every stud to every other stud on each scoop. I then made my templates (driver & passenger) using AutoCAD. From the underside of the hood, I "center punched" and drilled small pilot holes in the 3 (?) holes in the inner structure then placed my templates on the top side of the, masking tape covered, hood.

Hope this helps.
Previous owner butchered my hood when they installed the scoops. I made the best of it when I made them functional. The hole saw is a great idea if you already have one or have a use for one for other projects. I freehanded mine with a cutoff wheel and they came out pretty well considering the scoop misplacement.





If you use the existing holes in the inner and install a bushing and a transfer punch from under the hood. Drill those holes. Then Close the hood , Set the scoop in place the other studs will locate the other holes you need to drill. No template needed.

The holes for the water deflectors are 4 inches. Don't use a hole saw They make a die and cutter for this. Drill a 5/8 hole put the die on top and the cutter under the bottom draw them together with the bolt or hydraulic clamp and you have a perfect hole , Even through the rib of a Duster hood for a snorkel. I'll be doing two Demon hoods shortly. One snorkel and one twin scoops. I'll make videos. A template is definitely not needed .

These cutters are fairly cheap bought individually. You only need one for sheet metal. Expensive sets are for 1/8 steel. We have sets that go from 7/8 to 4 1/2 in 1/8 increments. Used for all floor pan and body holes. No razor sharp edges like a hole saw leaves.

The rear inner holes in the duster scoop are a little tricky but after doing several its a no brainer. The scoop sits farther back then the Demon hood. Once those three holes are decided the rest fall in place.


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I took my hole saw and centered it on the inside and drew the circle, then I drilled the 3 holes to screw the board to the outside of the hood. With the wood screwed to the outside, the hole saw doesn't jump around. I hope this explains everything.
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