Dash Pads, Custom, BOF's & FOTO's, Padded & Button tucked!

Dude- Corona? Really? Tsk tsk tsk... :sad3:

Just kidding- nice work!

There's a time to drink cherry pepsi and a time to drink Corona!!:clock:

Cherry Pepsi wouldn't begin to cover it at that very moment. LOL!!8)
I had moved table and dash into the sun for stretch. ABB ask, what's all this wet stuff all over the dash? (she was still looking down at dash while she was holding and hadn't seen me, drenched in sweat, heart palipatating, head tingleing, pantin' like a dog, I barley managed to get out of my mouth...
"Baby, please go get me a beer before I pass out!"
When she looked up and saw my face, she let go of the dash and made a bee line to the fridge! I'm pretty sure my face was lacking color and closly resembled slate gray. Wrestling black vinyl in the 80 degree direct sun....not how I figured I would pass on!!8)

Thanks for the kind words.
Have a great day!:-D
ya still with us? or you taking it easy today? the more progress you make the more I do to my scamp:-D
Cherry Pepsi! :pukerigh: Next you'll be telling me you put ketchup on your eggs and eat Circus Peanuts for desert.. :angry7:

Perhaps I should send you down a few cases of a real soft drink. :toothy10:

it's raining here and it's going to rain tomorrow also:angry7: I hope your car show don't get rained out, I'm not sure how far you are from cincinnati, I'm 98 miles east.
ya still with us? or you taking it easy today? the more progress you make the more I do to my scamp:-D

Hey dude!
Check the thread in mopar general disc. titled,


I was just late posting!

I did sleep in though. Ask around, they will tell ya. I go like a frekin MAD MAN for around 25 days or so with 3 or 4 hours sleep each night, then all of a sudden BAM!
I'm out like a light for 2-4 days and when I do get up the first couple times, I feel like I'm drunk and can't hardly get up! Rest a couple days and full steam ahead, well at least 3/4 steam at 50ish!! LOL!! HAHAHA!!:toothy10:

Now quit watchin and start doin!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Get back on that scamp!!:-D
Cherry Pepsi! :pukerigh: Next you'll be telling me you put ketchup on your eggs and eat Circus Peanuts for desert.. :angry7:

Perhaps I should send you down a few cases of a real soft drink. :toothy10:

What's wrong with ketchup or tobasco on eggs?
Not sure of the circus peanuts, I may be old but I do sometimes put beer nuts into coke!:cheers:

The cherry pepsi is just one of the stables.
I like alot of the off brand designer soft drinks but cannot afford lately!!:read2:
it's raining here and it's going to rain tomorrow also:angry7: I hope your car show don't get rained out, I'm not sure how far you are from cincinnati, I'm 98 miles east.

Yeah, postponed but that was what I was hoping for. I thought all along the show was on 5.8.10 but found out last week it was today!!! thank goodness it was postponed, BOF's dash isn't finished yet.

98 miles EAST?!!!

I was in your back yard this morning!!!

Went out 28 to Leesburg OH! Check the thread out titled,


We'll have to meet up at a show between us....Sharonville? Any ideas?
Have a good one!8)
it's raining here and it's going to rain tomorrow also:angry7: I hope your car show don't get rained out, I'm not sure how far you are from cincinnati, I'm 98 miles east.

Yes, we got rained out. John was glad because he was exhausted and his side kick, me, was working and couldn't go with him. I am 100% not working next weekend. Got a three day weekend!!! Hopefully we won't get rained out again.
I am 100% not working next weekend. Got a three day weekend!!!

gesh it must be nice, I'm still doing the 12 hour days 7 days a week thing:angry7: at this rate I'll never get the scamp done.
I gotta get going on BOF's 67 dash pad again!
Show is Sat 5.8.10!!!
Maybe she can get another gas pump trophy this year! I'll let ABB go up to get it so I can see her cry again! LOL!!!
Had BOF at the junk yard today mudding parts for LUMP with the trailer on back!
LOL BOF, Muddy junk yard, parts haulin ***** on Tues & Wed, then prom queen on SAT!!
Well few more layers and one more sanding and I think we can glue/foam/cover it now. Well lets do it tomorrow. Cruiz in was tonight. Check it out on the car **** thread!!

So here's where we are at now;:read2:







I just screwed up the dang thang and I needed for show tomorrow!!!!

I can't get mo fo osterage it's 50 miles away!!!!

I taking Fern's dash pad back out and putting in BOF for the show.:angry7:

I'll post pics of my misserable failure later.
Man that sucks. Take a deep breath.....exhale.....aahhh, all better.

To bad about the show. BOF is no slouch though. 8)
Man that sucks. Take a deep breath.....exhale.....aahhh, all better.

To bad about the show. BOF is no slouch though. 8)

I was better as soon as I wadded the big gluey mess in a frikin ball on the driveway. Called ABB & told her to stop at Busch Liquor (Beer store) and get me CORONA!!!

Now drinking one!!
FERN is already starting to lose her pieces!!! I'm taking her osterage dash pad and putting in BOF. That 67 dash pad is a mother!! Too many weird angles and fragile too!! It was pretty much looking like crap at the top end corners. Can't figure out the right folds for the corners, weird stretch and I should be working in garage not direct sunlight, I wilt like an ice cream cone in the direct sun unless I'm surfing!!:-D

High note; FOTO going in for front end alignment at 1PM.
Thinking ABB showing BOF and me showing BABY & FOTO (Baby arives piggy back on FOTO like the princess she is!! LMBO!!:toothy10:
Doing a great job. just remember, take a deep breath and get back to work. Oh after a few more drinks.
step away from the dash, drink a few, then go back at it, you'll figure it out.
Here's my F-up!!
Nobodys perfect and I'm not even in that neighborhood!!

Taking Fern's pad for BOF and the show tomorrow!!!:cheers:

We'll pick it up again after I can go 100 miles to get material again!!!:angry7:










Here it is...


I'm a big enough dumb Ace to share the bad with the good. After all if I didn't show FABO the F-ups then you guys would think I was a Dart Guru or something!! LOL!!

So here it is..

Reality in all its glory:cheers:





Just a quick update;
We had to borrow back the flat osterage dash pad back from Fern and put into BOF real quick for todays show. Thought I would let ya know, I'll have to redo BOF's 67 dash pad after my mess up. (See the dash pad thread in interior trim section). The borrowed pad really helped today though,

BOF & ABB got their trophy!!:cheers:

Check out all the pics in the events section. ABB started a thread when she was freezing in the car, she took her computer, hit a spot, and chatted FABO live at the show!!

Have a great Mom's Day FABO!!:cool:

Remember the first few pics from earlier in the week?
You should see some of the cars Mud BOF & ABB nudged!






