


Don't ask me... my garage is empty
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
see ya many Moparts attitudes on here for me. Get treated like I know nothin'. Just tried to spread some knowledge. Tired of it....

Had fun while I was here though. Just have better things to do than take sh*& from people that think I am too young to know what I know....

So long guys and gals....
Not sure if there was a thread or something that has triggered your actions but I hope you reconsider.

all folks here on FABO are valued members of the community I think.

I have seen threads liek this pop up a few times in the last month and some of them thought about it and changed there minds and the others hit the road...

theres only one thing about this that I can say....those who hit the road......sure have missed out on ALOT.

Hope you stay and if not than good luck and it was good to have you here while we did, take care
Sorry to see ya go :angry7:

What is Moparts?

Maybe just take a break for awhile, then come back. I have noticed some changes here too.....
.........SO WHAT did i miss............Opinions r just that OPINIONS , we all have them , good or
I don,t think you should let what someone thinks about your knowledge affect your stay here.I wouldn,t let it bother me to the point of leaving?Hope you stay.
Steve I hope you read all this and decide to just take a breather for a bit. I know a couple more guys on here who don't log on as much as they used to because of stuff like this. Its a big forum and plenty of people on here, myself included, value your opinion and years of experience.
I hope you change your mind on this redfastback in :clock:
Personally I agree with Steve. This site is a victim of it's own popularity.... I stop in almost daily to see whats on-topic and the old vibe is gone. Too many loud-mouths....too many experts..... too much bullshit. That's why I stepped down from being a moderator. There is a thread on my car being in Mopar Muscle right now and I could care less.....

It's just not the same......
don,t take it so personable. i,ve posted stuff that people disagree with but i,v ran it that way for years and have driven my car from fla. to ohio that way so if you know your right just brush it off. if you can learn something on a daily bases then you need to keep a open mine. hope you stay.
Vibe has changed definitely. Way too may loud mouths and tough guys. I have stated this in several threads lately, still really enjoy the site though. The moderators will have their hands full in the future. I for one, am not going anywhere.
Lot's of new members and with that comes new attitudes.

For the most part the forums are self moderated but alot of new guys like to act like asswipes and make rude comments because they are new to the scene.

Gotta have a thick skin on the internet anyways because everyone has an opinion so just blow off the one's you don't like.
He's talkin about that thread about the oil pumps and high volume VS standard volume and all that jazz. He sent me a very nasty PM about my response to him there. Look man, I told you in PM I was not bein personal. Maybe I could have worded it better.....but dude, you were wrong. It's simple as that. I've had people here step up and tell me I was wrong.....and I WAS. And I ADMITTED it and moved on. I've been turnin wrenches since 1974....but that doesn't mean I know it all......God I hope not. How borin would that be? I'm sorry if you took what I said the wrong way, or even if I said it wrong.....but my only reason in responding was to make sure somebody didn't make an expensive mistake.....and I'd do the same for you. I hope you'd do the same for me or anybody else. I was not mean or nasty to you in my response, yet, you chose the low road and PM'd me with curse words and nastyness. I told you in PM you should be ashamed and I'll say it here. You should be ashamed. Anything that was not conveyed or understood about my response in that thread was a simple misunderstanding.....but your PM was intentionally rude and mean. Nobody has attacked you. Just relax man. You could learn a lot around this place. I already have. You cussed me out, but I don't want you to go anywhere. That's all on you. You wanna make that choice, it's yours to make and nobody else's.
personally i agree with steve. This site is a victim of it's own popularity.... I stop in almost daily to see whats on-topic and the old vibe is gone. Too many loud-mouths....too many experts..... Too much bullshit.

It's just not the same......

Even though I have owned and worked on my own mopars for the better part of 25 years, I know very little in comparison to a lot of people on this site. I have asked for help and will continue to do so. What I get on this forum is free advice and assistance with my questions. What you get in response to your questions is free advice with no guarantee, or your replies to another members questions are free. Everybody is wrong sometime, and you arent burned at the stake for being wrong. In my opinion the only way your reputation can be damaged is thru a buy/sell situation that goes bad. If you know you are right and they dont want to listen to your advice....oh well, lesson learned on their part. Take a break and c'mon back!
I've also seen a change in the flavor here. I was a visitor for years before I joined. As Fastback340 said...way too may experts here. Now that the economy has gone South and a lot of FABO members don't have the money to work on their own stuff, it seems that they feel the need to post SOMETHING without considering whether it has any value or not. In this situation "less should be more". I have posted a request for some very specific info and it went totally unanswered. But then I see a post on something like "how to drive a 4 speed" that gets literally hundreds of posts. It seems that after you bought an A body, have made a few posts, and done a little work on your car, you become an expert here. I've been working on Mopars for 40 years and the more I learn about them the LESS I realize I know. I will continue to be an FABO member as the info here has been valuable both in terms of saving money and technical knowledge and the positive aspects here far outweigh the negative ones.
I will say that it's not just what strokerscamp said, it's the PM's I've gotten from others over time. His was just icing on the cake.

And BTW,strokerscamp, you are wrong.....go do the math, go talk to engineers, go talk to multiple engine builders, understand max flow rate versus resistance such as bearing clearance, orifice size, as well as knowledge of drainback efficiency...I don't care how long you been wrenching or how many dirt track racers you know....I don't just turn a wrench, I study engineering and physics of all aspects of the car to better my cars for my customers, but I don't need to prove anything to anybody....I was just trying to help out a fellow member.

THe only curse word i said in the PM was "F%* it, forget it...this place is starting to feel like moparts...."

you act like I was cussin you out like no tomorrow....

I'll stay to sell some things but as far as giving input....DONE.

I have been here a better part of 4 years and I have seen BIG changes in things. I am on multiple other forums for chevy, ford, studebaker and amc to understand everything about those cars as well. This place used to feel like some of those. The bigger chevy sites I am on, the same problem with know it all's over there exist....and NO it's not just me.

I do thank many for alot that I have learned and I will continue to learn, just maybe not from the so called experts here...
Most of the time on FABO I don't post anything. I sometimes fill out quick reply and end up deleting it. I have gotten lots of information and managed to get a 360 into the Duster which runs very well. The reason I won't post pics or threads on my car or engine is due to far too many experts telling how you did it wrong. I value this site and have used it many times for information but feel too many of us get petty over our views or just want to see post count go up. Sorry for rant and not trying to hyjack.
There have been a few members join in the last few monthes that are jerks. Don't pay them any attention. Just use the ignore button and all will be well again.
Personally I agree with Steve. This site is a victim of it's own popularity.... I stop in almost daily to see whats on-topic and the old vibe is gone. Too many loud-mouths....too many experts..... too much bullshit. That's why I stepped down from being a moderator. There is a thread on my car being in Mopar Muscle right now and I could care less.....

It's just not the same...... :angry7:


I have been here a year plus a few months and I can tell a HUGE difference in that time. I have backed off also. Absolutely no one did anything, it just has changed.

One thing that I have noticed is there are many many people coming here to unload thier goods and for no other reason. Others only want an appraisal and a decoding so they can flip a car on eBay.
see ya many Moparts attitudes on here for me. Get treated like I know nothin'. Just tried to spread some knowledge. Tired of it....

Had fun while I was here though. Just have better things to do than take sh*& from people that think I am too young to know what I know....

So long guys and gals....
Redfastback [qoute]
Hey, just out of curiosity, why do you come across so arrogant? You seem to have plenty of knowledge of engine building, who do you work for? Lately everything comes across that you know everything and everybody else knows nothing and you tend to slam people for their ideas/opinions. We all appreciate shared knowledge on the board, but not arrogance or humility.

I'd be interested if you posted some of your work and experience so we can all see where your knowledge comes from.[end quote]

This was after the 'people and they're car knowledge' thread where the title became the direct description of the most who posted on that pos

A lot of people don't get my sense of humor and pride in mopars, they think it's narrow/close minded and that I'm red in the face behind the key board gettin mad.....nope, I laughing my *** off!

I grew up in a town where 'if it wasn't chevy it was crap', that coming from 'crap for brains' people. There seemed to be no mopars where I grew up.
I had the only one as a teen for miles it seemed...and all my bud's were sceptical...till my 74 dart custom w/stock 2 brl 318 blew the doors off a malibu w/350 4brl owned by my friend matt. Later I would get comments from old dudes/my pops friends saying ''why u wanna drive round in that ugly dodge?'' meanwhile it would run great, get me where I wanted, heck I layed a lot of pipe in that I had d bags in ck-10's talk sht and ramble on about how much hp their 355 had and others in crustanks tell me the 289 was the sht and bla bla bla....
I eventually went to work for an old swedish merchant marine named Leonard, he had raced hemis, super charged volvos,chevys, etc...and when it really came down to though...he was a mopar guy. He tried talking me out of the built slant idea cause it costed the same to do a 360...I was determined and he was cool enough to help guide me through it, even cross drilled the crank and ported the head, taught me how to grind valves, build 904's,c4's, do head changes, why this was better than that...and yes, even volvos are better than most out there with beefy steel cranks, thick cyl walls, beefed rods....Everything compared to chevy ...and the chevy looked more and more like a dog turd.
We rebuilt 2 454's for the same guy 'hauled rock in a dually' , both had spun rod bearings...thats when I learned to stuff the 396 crank/rods into the 454 and make a better engine was the ticket..then I learned head porting, and the chevy had not much to work with, which where I remember a book quote ''chevy heads are the easiest to port'' yeah cause there much you can do, the pocket is hallow, floor is flatish and the port is squatty short, though wide, the potential is nill.
then came the fe fords and that experience...the ports were cliffs that just dropped off...too bad, and then the rod journals were so damn narrow..and that spindly lil oil drive and poor
Then isusu-head crackers, nissan-throw away cars, toyota-decent, mercedes-motors good but everything else fails, bmw..all had issues/a/t trans
, though I like beemers style & interior, the parts were EXPENSIVE and doing head removal/instal was involved and was easiest to just pull it all out and out of the way, especially that hood.

yadda yadda I've worked here-there-that machine shop this repair shop...
and at a point with mopars I was on my own and had to learn on my own..
Hands on repair is where my knowledge comes from.
That and my grandfather Bud, he worked for chrysler and ran the casting line for all the aluminum slant engines, he also worked for ford. We would work on his tractors out in the barn on the family horse ranch.

just cause you like everything don't mean all else do.
do we all like the same football team???
they all play the same sport...
And if anyone feels like they've been rubbed wrong...see it from the other side, where as to somebody who knows whats going on...the sht you see people post for answers is like wtf???does this guy know how to tie his own shoe laces??

I mean the diagnosis from some is basically to check the entire car out???
when it really could only be 1 -3 things that are the problem.

moparts is dead, this place is not, and there is plenty of good advice on here meanwhile moparts has a vibe like an empty bar with only 1 kind of bourbon and 1 song juke box..
Sorry to hear this Steve. You've enlightened me with many words of wisdom over the years.
