Door alignment/adjustment



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
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I am working on my 73 Dart Swinger, I have the passenger door pretty much aligned. Body lines line up good, it sits just a little high in the rear, but there are no guts in the door. My question is about the lower rear of the door. That lower rear corner of the door seems to curve in too much, so when the rest of the door is flush, it is 1/16"-1/8" inside the quarter panel.

Do I try to readjust the door, moving the lower section out? (this will probably throw all other gaps and edges off)

Or do I dare try to move the door edge out slightly with a hammer & dolly?

This is not going to be some 100 pt show car, so maybe I just leave it alone and assume I am the only one that will notice?

What are your thoughts?


Before a hammer & dolly, I'd "close" it on a block of wood. Put the wood in there, then gently apply some body weight. Let some others chime in before you go doing anything I say though. I've been known to louse some things up pretty good.
Thanks, it's my first time doing body work, so I know it wont be perfect, but it doesn't need to be.

Here is a better picture of the lower door. (I think this pic makes it look worse than it really is)

Adjust the bottom of the door out. Once you have the door fitting the quarter and rocker, adjust the fender to fit the door . This may require another shim at the bottom of the fender.
Or you can move the top of the door in and move the striker out. It just depends on how everything else fits but if you are looking for good gaps, you get the non movable parts to fit the movable parts first.