Drinking and Driving Commerical

Too bad most people can't successfully drink and drive, nope they crash and kill innocent people...

there should be a drunk lane on the freeway..drive at your own risk.lol

ya know...if there was no insurance, no re corse, 'drive at your own risk' there would be better drivers, more considerate drivers...or least no one would fk around and hesitate causing a pile up...

hesitate and die! lol
Very good PSA commercial!

To bad it could never air in the USA...... too graphic and migh upset some people.
Run it every day at least once.

Bruce B.
Too bad people dont think about it until its too late...

Amazing how when its one of your friends or worse yet family that gets injured or killed...
its not so cool or funny anymore
My cousins lil girl was ran over and killed by a drunk asshole so this video hits home with me!!!!!!!!!
Very good PSA commercial!

To bad it could never air in the USA...... too graphic and migh upset some people.
Run it every day at least once.

Bruce B.

I agree, that would offend in the U.S.A., which is ironic with all of the garbage shown on TV in America.

Isn`t it odd that in a large percentage of drunk-driving related accidents, the drunk walks away with little or no injuries.(?)
The best friend I ever had was crushed right in front of my by a drunk who hopped the curb. The drunk had a few bumps and does not remember anything and my friend is still dead. Any drunks looking for sympathy can go look in the dictionary under "S" cuz they aint getting any from me.

Late-model Australian Valiant (looks like a CL or CM) at 2:20. Hope it's not the same car at 2:59.

Isn`t it odd that in a large percentage of drunk-driving related accidents, the drunk walks away with little or no injuries

It's ironic and unfair, but not odd. The explanation is simple: when you're drunk, you're physically very relaxed, which means your muscles and parts move/flex upon impact. When you're not drunk, you tense way up just before impact, so your muscles and parts rip/break upon impact.
I remember some of the most graphic films of traffic accidents when I was taking Drivers Education in high school. They were created by the Ohio State Police and were intended to shock the hell out of you. They showed the gory aftermath of people who were speeding or drinking and driving. They also focused on the use of seat belts, something that had only become standard equipment on cars a few years earlier. I can`t imagine what school boards would say now if you tried to show those same films to a group of 15 year old kids.