Driving a long distance in hot weather without AC?!

When me and my buddies were in high school, the first thing that went on cars we got if they had it was all the A/C stuff. In the ditch it went. Lookin back thirty plus years ago, I don't see how we did it. I never had air on anything I had back then....and all of um had headers. If I'm able to finish my Coronet, it will be without air, but I don't plan to drive it a lot.
What's the problem, the highs are supposed to be in the 80s and the lows in the 60s. Drive the thing :toothy10:
I stopped in my buddys auto repair shop last week, and he had a normal box fan, with copper tubing coiled around the front of if being held on with zip ties.
On one end of the tubing he had it hooked to a aquarium pump running in to a cooler of water with frozen 1 gallon ice jugs floating in it.
The other was end of the copper was the return line back to the cooler.
I wish I took a picture of it but you could do the same with a 12 fan and pump.
What's the problem, the highs are supposed to be in the 80s and the lows in the 60s. Drive the thing :toothy10:

damn i never even looked at the forecast.

it looks like its gonna be awesome weather.



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I never when I was a teenager in these old cars. Now a days I don't think I could drive around everyday without a/c. Good Luck!
I was wondering how we used to travel without ac. Seems like I remember always having a cooler of pop(no Gatorade, bottled water, etc. back then)and a jug of ice water or ice tea. I was just thinking today of posting if anyone had any opinions or suggestions on the mesh or beaded seat pads, to avoid the dreaded vinyl seat sweats. I used to have a swamp cooler that sat on the seat, you filled it with ice water, tried it once in my Duster but evaporative cooling doesn't work here (high humidity). Looked for it a while back to put in the Dart just as a prop but couldn't find it.
I am considering driving my Scamp out to Carlisle this year - for the first time. BUT, I don't have Air Conditioning and hate the heat. Are any of you driving an old Mopar to Carlisle this year and can you offer any thoughts?
I know, some of you will think I'm a wimp - but I REALLY hate driving in the heat without AC.
It's really easy to just drive out my daily driver '06 Ford Fusion with ice cold AC :blob:
On a positive note, the Scamp runs terrific and at a steady 180 degrees with my new rad, stat, and hoses. Also, I have a three hour drive - shorter drive than some of you I'm sure.
Ok, let me have it, but go easy on me....lol.

LOL, Cry a river, that is perfect working all day outside weather... 80s for the high and 60s for the low.... How are you going to handle the heat at the meet? Sorry, but I just had to pick on you a little.

Black seat... use a light colored blanket or something similar on it.

If you still can't handle it, try one of these along with a power invertor.

View attachment 670509616_tp.jpg

Make blocks of ice, in plastic tubs with lids that will fit in the air boxes under dash, the air blowing in will blow over the tubs. The Ice melts in the tubs and not all over the floor. After they melt you have clean drinking water, or refreeze for the trip home somehow.

I commute daily w/o A/C and we are having a nice July in the PNW! Then again when the sun is out I am on the Bike.
i drove about 2ish hours.. in the dart no a/c... no issues.. no overheating.. the mrs actually wanted to take the car.. ok.. anyway.. i think it was in the 90s last time we went.. all was good.. until on the way home.. got a flat on the interstate.. no spare no jack.. live and learn..
had to be rollbacked all the way home
My wife and I drove the 67 Dart vert down from Ottawa, Ontario Canada last year. 12 hours on the interstate top down all the way. Love the heat, of course being from Canada any time we get out of the igloo's its all good.
damn i never even looked at the forecast.

it looks like its gonna be awesome weather.


Alot better weather than 105F last year.
I have to pass this year because my cousin has to work Saturday.
He wanted to go up on Sunday NOT, everybody will be leaving then.
I'm with Abodyjoe get a tube of vagasil princess, I drive my black interior fastback across the prarrie's in august, I just set the cross vents and open the back window's , never even need to open the air boxes.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUzwr_Y3SOQ"]Redneck air-conditioner.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
I'm with Abodyjoe get a tube of vagasil princess, I drive my black interior fastback across the prarrie's in august, I just set the cross vents and open the back window's , never even need to open the air boxes.

I almost spit out my Coke when I read this. :laughing:
I throw a towel over the vinyl seat to absorb the sweat. Then I can lean forward and let it chill in the breeze.
Put a window unit in one of the rear windows! Lol

Only vehicle I've had ac in was my little Acura, and that was only because it was the family car and the newborn rode in it....
Serious hints? OK. Here goes.
* Practice getting used to it. Do some aerobic stuff outside, and build up some tolerance. (I'm convinced I came in 1st in class autocrossing on a very hot day because I had been working on the roof every day for three weeks.)
* Start hydrating before this weekend. Some electrolytes and some potasium helps. Both of these are needed to make good use of the water your drinking. It doesn't have to be straight water, but careful on the other extreme as you might have guessed. Gatorade is too much electrolyte - add 2 parts water.
* Light clothing. My first drive to Fla in the 'cuda I bought TEVAs, and wore a button down shirt. Shirt can be unbottoned while driving but the LL Bean look heps make you look repectible. After all there's no breeze sitting on side of the road saying Yes sir, no sir. ;)
* Have some cardboard and crawling/or under the car/changing a flat clothes 'cause that light clothing aint no fun when your doin' roadside repairs.
* Attitude. Just think about driving and not about the situation. It's like a mosquito bite or a cut. You can't stop working. You dress it and move on.

The Car
Most has already been said. I once tried the wet cloth & ice in the vent idea. Wasn't very impressed. Towel or something on the blck vinyl seat - absolutely! Drive in the shade and cooler hours as much as possible. Yep - gotta love them vent windows and big door floor vents.

Some folks find bandanas a good addition to washclothes. They even sell various stay cool bandanas etc in outdoor and workgear stores.
Put a window unit in one of the rear windows! Lol

yep, don't see the problem here...
I used to carry two beach towels and would drape one over the driver bucket seat (black vinyl). The other was a spare for exchange or a passenger. Beach towels are long enough to reach from the front of the seat behind your legs to over the back of the seat so they don't creep down your back. All of the other advice is good too.
The ac in my Dakota is lousy. Drove the Dart in 90 degree plus weather the other day, with top down, and laughed cause I could hold a conversation without hollering. I can't hardly stand to drive the pickup with the windows down as the air just roars in, I had a 95 Neon 2 door without air and the wind would boom in the backseat with the windows down, unbearable. Guess what I am saying with the wing windows and vents in the old a-bodies I think it is easier and quitter to get air flow than newer cars.
I deliver mail and am on the street in a truck with no AC from about 9:30 to 5 every day. People always act surprised when they learn no AC in those things. They are aluminum boxes with no insulation sitting on a S-10 frame and motor that circulates hot water through the heater all day. I actually pegged and broke a cheap thermometer a few weeks ago at 135+. It is the one part of my job I really dislike. I can't wait to get in my private car and crank up the AC on the way to my AC home set at 71.
I have noticed some NASCAR underarmour type stuff with cooling tubes sewn in but I am constantly having to get in and out.. that ebay link posted with the cooling pad looks good too.