Duster differences 70-71

Pagilman: I'm pretty sure disk brakes were standard in 70.
The stripe difference for the '71 and '72 models was the '340' callout was attatched to the stripe in '71 and detached in '72. I mention this because I see MANY '72's with the wrong stripe and '71's with the wrong stripe. When you try to 'help' them out with it they look at you like you are from Mars. This is FYI only.

How can you guys remember all that stuff? The below car is a congromination of all the years!!!!!!!!!!

(I'll just call it a tribute, purists will call it an abortion, but it's my mopar)
Then those people just don't love cars, cause thats a darn good looking car you have. I wish mine looked as good as yours.