E-bay is worthless



Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Pueblo, CO
E-bay has become a worthless place to sell your vehicle. I listed our 67 Barracuda there because we didn't get any real action on the enthusiasts web pages. The car was listed as a parts car, and I made the mistake of saying it came with a bill of sale. Then E-bay dropped the listing because of it. I licked my wounds and re-listed it the 'right' way. I paid my $15.00 fee for a reserve auction and some a**hole bids $2553.00 and more than covers my reserve. Then out of nowhere the bid is retracted. What ever happened to 'a bid is a legal binding contract'? E-bay says he mis-keyed his bid. His E-bay score is 126, thats a rookie mistake, especially when you have to confirm your bid. What he did was criminal, he fished for my reserve and E-bay let him. I e-mailed E-bay and politley told them off, then immediately both of my listings were ended. The Barracuda still had 6 days to go. No refund, no kiss, no nuthin.
Sorry folks I just had to vent. :wack: :scratch: :sad1: :angry4:
I agree. eBay has gone down hill and pretty much made everything in this hobby over priced.
Man, sorry to hear about the bad experience on the auctions. And it does suck that there are some bad apples out there that ruin the fun.

I am sure you will have no problem selling the Cuda. I saw the post when you listed it hear and it looks like a very fine vehicle.

Good luck.
ask for a refund on the auction, i had a deadbeat buyer over something stupid. i said my peace, he said his, i escalated the dispute to let ebay decide if it was legit that the guy skipped out...i got my $40 back. worse they can say is no, and yes it does suck
I just had the same experience on a 3.23 sure grip third I have for sale on there. Guy bid high enough to hit reserve, then retracts his bid saying he entered the wrong amount. 4 HOURS LATER!!!!! Now everone knows the reserve, Ifiled a complaint but it has gone nowhere. But I do sell alot on e-bay and most of the time i have no problems.
hi iam looking for 3.55 posi 8 3/4 would u happen to have???
But I do sell alot on e-bay and most of the time i have no problems.

That's the thing.... Most people are basically honest and forthright. Because of the anonymity factor, eBay seems to be a successful avenue for scumbag lowlife to either 1) completely rip off the naive and usually inexperienced eBay'er and/or 2) just make life more difficult for the vast majority of honest eBay buyers and sellers.

I've been pretty fortunate so far, but I am skeptical in general of the intentions of people I don't know from Adam and that skepticism is reflected in how I buy and sell stuff. Usually the most frustrating thing for me is lack of communication by the other party.
I'm not sure if I even understand the purpose of a reserve price auction. It just seems to encourage that kind of stupid behavior. And who wins out, no matter what? Why, eBay of course! Why not just list it no reserve and start the bidding at what you want for it?

The biggest problem with eBay is eBay itself, IMHO. There's alot of stuff like that they do to make their money, nickle and diming their customers for all they are worth.
Ace said:
I'm not sure if I even understand the purpose of a reserve price auction. It just seems to encourage that kind of stupid behavior. And who wins out, no matter what? Why, eBay of course! Why not just list it no reserve and start the bidding at what you want for it?

The biggest problem with eBay is eBay itself, IMHO. There's alot of stuff like that they do to make their money, nickle and diming their customers for all they are worth.

From my experience. Say if you want $100 for something and start it at $100 it wont go as high as say if you started at $80 with $100 reserve. Maybe because people like to get in bidding wars or w/e. Usually however, if i want $100 for something and start it at $80...ill put no reserve and let it get what it gets, reserve is all or nothing. but say a car, yea i'll be puttin a reserve on it.

I have been dealing with ebay for years and no problems,alot has to do with how you deal with the people,Its my way or the highway,and only allow a small bit of give and take,mrmopartech
I only go to ebay when I can't get something anywhere else. I would rather deal with Criagslist than ebay any day.
I have purchased 3 things from ebay. ALL were found on ebay, ALL were bought privatly from the owner without ebays involvement. One car and (great deal i got) and a few parts for an OLD Kawasaki Dirt bike i have. NEVER use ebay other than for info and sources...Most folks on that crappy sie will be more than happy to deal with you personally so as not to pay fees to those freekin jackasses.
I got my little convertible that way. Reserve was not met and I called the guy up and told him I would offer cash and take the train and pick it up. Worked out great for me. I buy alot of stuff on ebag but I limit the amount I am willing to spend on any item. I never get into bidding wars. I had goodluck listing stuff on this site too.
I have made a lot of money off ebay and bought and sold my last two vehicles, My Dakota and Dart were both purchased with the proceeds of ebay sales. I made $8K in January this year. ebay protects both the buyer and seller with their rules. All of them are there for a reason, many of them are for protection, many are for legalities. What happened to you does happen, but they cannot legally make someone buy from you. That rule is there because it allows someone to change their mind before the auction is over. I am currently watching 85 items in My Ebay, I have in the past bid on an item when I was watching 3 or 4 similar items, then realized that I bid on the wrong item. I have retracted bids before, when you do, you dont get to type in why, you pick from a short list, some of which may not match the reason you have, but you still have to pick.

Further more, its stupid to list low and set a reserve. I have missed bidding on some other items while waiting for auctions to be over. I have bid what I thought was a fair amount and still not met the reserve. When I do an auction, I usually reveal the reserve in the auction to stop people from doing what he did to you. Why make somebody believe thay may have a chance to win an auction, when the reserve might be twice what they have to spend.

My recommedationS

Figure out a maximum price and stick to it. If you can be there when the auction ends, dont place you final bid until the last 30 seconds, then bid you maximum you will pay.

Set the starting price at the minimum you will accept, or if you are confident that it will be bid up high, like a high demand item, set the starting price at $.01. Remember that if you are offering something people want, many will wait until the last minute to bid. If you don't meet your reserve by the last day, cancel you auction, you have until 12 hrs from the end to do so.
I had a really scary incident happen about 2-3 weeks ago. I had bought a supercharger from a fellow in Michigan (I think) about 2 months ago. Well, 2-3 weeks ago the identical ad pops back up on eBay under a new sellers name (1st time on eBay). The guy I bought from phones me ands asks WTF, and I tell him the blower is sitting in my garage and it's not going anywhere. So we both sent multiple emails to eBay telling them that the sale is a fraud - and eBay didn't do a damn thing - nothing!!!!!! Some poor fool sent his money off into electronic oblivion never to be seen again. My lesson learned - I do not buy from anybody unless thay have a visible track record - nobody.
flyboy01 said:
My recommedationS

Figure out a maximum price and stick to it. If you can be there when the auction ends, dont place you final bid until the last 30 seconds, then bid you maximum you will pay.

Set the starting price at the minimum you will accept, or if you are confident that it will be bid up high, like a high demand item, set the starting price at $.01. Remember that if you are offering something people want, many will wait until the last minute to bid. If you don't meet your reserve by the last day, cancel you auction, you have until 12 hrs from the end to do so.

This is good advice.
440WIP said:
I had a really scary incident happen about 2-3 weeks ago. I had bought a supercharger from a fellow in Michigan (I think) about 2 months ago. Well, 2-3 weeks ago the identical ad pops back up on eBay under a new sellers name (1st time on eBay). The guy I bought from phones me ands asks WTF, and I tell him the blower is sitting in my garage and it's not going anywhere. So we both sent multiple emails to eBay telling them that the sale is a fraud - and eBay didn't do a damn thing - nothing!!!!!! Some poor fool sent his money off into electronic oblivion never to be seen again. My lesson learned - I do not buy from anybody unless thay have a visible track record - nobody.

You want to see scary, see how many BIN (buy-it-now) ads there are on ebay for HEMI Mopars. You can pick one up for about $6000 usually. I got curious once and e-mailed the seller to become pre-approved and he sent me an email back saying that he had just moved to Serbia to take care of his sick mother and left his HEMI car in Florida and needs to sell it right away, of course, outside of ebay and with a money transfer to an offshore account. :toothy7:
I must say I have had a 90% success rate with e-bay,the 10% were a few things that didnt meet the advertised condition but I recieved a partial refund do it wasnt a total loss.I rely almoat entirely on their feedback-I actually read what people wrote because even posititve feedback can hold little secrets.I also use craigslist but man-you talk about flakes-I must get 7 out of 10 people who either will buy it now and never show or are just calling to b.s.,still a great source though.