Early 5.7 Injector Info



Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
Lawrence, KS
I've been working on refining my tune now that I'm driving my car regularly again and I'm getting to the point of digging into all the little settings that I didn't really pay that much attention to before to try to get it to feel as OEM as possible despite being an entirely different computer system. I've been fighting an issue where my highway cruising AFR is different going to work in the morning compared to coming home. I asked about it on the Megasquirt forums and have been looking into all the different places I can change it, and I think the first place I want to start adjusting is at the injector settings themselves based on some feedback I got there. I know I can change the temperature calibration table to get there, but that curve should theoretically follow the ideal gas law, so I'd like to try to find the real root issue and not just fix the symptoms.

So that being said, they suggested I look at my injector dead times, which I think makes sense. I never tuned or adjusted those as I never had any info to adjust them with. So with that being said, does anyone have any info on the earlier 5.7 model injectors (pre-09)? My understanding is the very early engines (03, maybe 04) ran at 43 psi while the later engines upped that to ~60, so injectors might have changed. My setup should be stock 5.7 injectors from a 2006 car engine (assuming that makes any difference), which I believe are Mopar P/N 4591851AB according to their manuals at least. I'll try to check the actual numbers on my injectors to be sure, but I have little reason to believe they would have been changed before I got the engine. However, being stock injectors, finding information on their actual specs seems to be more difficult than aftermarket ones. I think these are something like 24 lb/hr if I remember correctly (also used on the 4.7 engines), but I've seen various values in my searches over the years. Size is easy enough to work around in TunerStudio, but I'd really like to try to find some dead time info if anyone has any. Does something like HP Tuners have a table that could be pulled from a stock ECU? I've managed to find some stock VE and ignition tables over the years that I've used to compare my tune against, but my Google-fu is failing me on injector specs, so hoping someone out there might have an older stock computer they could look at.
Well, I might have answered my own question, but still interested in what anyone else might have to offer to check and compare. I found this table the other day: Fuel Injector Lag Times that lists specs for a lot of different injectors, but I didn't see the 5.7 listed at the time and I didn't know that my injectors were the same ones in the 4.7, which are on that list. I may give those a shot and see how they do. They are a fair deal different than some 6.1 numbers I found earlier today as well and noticeably different than the values I have in my car right now, though the difference to my current tune at nominal voltage isn't quite as bad. Though when you're talking milliseconds I guess it doesn't take much for a "little different" to be a noticeable thing.
Now I'm second guessing myself again. The flow and latency values don't list a pressure, so I'm not sure what they were actually tested at. I looked at a lot of injector horsepower calculators as well and stuff wasn't quite adding up. The injectors are listed as 26 lb/hr without a pressure, but using that number in various calculators some will tell me a 350 hp cap and others say 400. Seeing as they were also used in the 4.7, I'm kind of wondering if they are rated for 26 lb/hr at 43.5 psi and Dodge just pumped the pressure to 60 on the 5.7 to get enough out of them to cover the power needs. Does anyone know what pressure the 4.7 fuel system ran at? I looked at my tune and I'm showing 30 lb/hr in my settings, which I think I may have gotten from taking 26 lb/hr injectors at 43.5 psi and running them at 60, but it would be nice to know that for sure. I saw that HP Tuners has a stock file repository and was hoping I could pull some info from one of those, but you can only access it if you have a device registered to your account, so I'm out of luck there.
For those following along at home, I did a little digging and found that the 4.7 fuel pressure apparently runs somewhere between 45-55 psi. Seems like quite a range for a fuel system, but I guess they were a bit earlier EFI engines. Still not sure what the values I found online for injector ratings are taken at pressure-wise, but I guess I would assume ~50 psi if they are going for flow in a stock application.

Update: So I don't clog up my own thread with multiple replies, I found a picture I already had that had the injector part number visible. They do appear to be 04591581 models (AA in my case, but suffix doesn't tend to matter much with Dodge numbers). Based on that number I have found at least two places online that claim them to be 27.5 lb/hr at 43.5 psi, so guess I'm just going to run with that for now. Can't find anywhere that lists official dead/lag/latency/dwell/etc. times for them yet, but using the values for the 4.7 injectors I found on the link does seem to have helped my tune out a bit. Strictly speaking I guess I don't really "need" to have the correct flow values in my software as the VE table ultimately drives the amount of fuel that goes into the engine, but I like the idea of having it correct in case I ever decide I need to change them down the road.
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