Old Junk: Have same engine and carb issues as you. New carb, new engine with only 200 miles on it. Awful rich! Idle screws are set to best idle and vaccum. Everything else is set to specs that I can see.
Have you had any luck in getting your straightned out? If so, what did you do?
The only thing I have done is change the springs to the lightest ones available (blue). I haven't really noticed a big difference. I'm not getting that tapping noise anymore, but it still seems to be running rich. I can't adjust the idle screws at all!:angryfir: I'm planning on putting an insulator between the manifold and carb because of issues with heat soak. When I pull the carb I plan on cleaning the thing to see if it makes a difference...and checking the floats. I begining to think strokerscamp is right...I may change my set-up if nothing improves.