Ernestina was...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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...doing dishes, looking out the window. She seen Daisy, our Blue Nose Pitbull, walk by with something in her mouth. It was a dead cat. Earlier in the morning I saw the 4 of them in pursuit of something...Heard a bit of a "disagreement" between the 4 of them but by the time I got to the door it was over...don't know which pup killed it...
Have a boat load of feral cats in our area. Make matters worse our neighbor behind us feeds them. Being in a rural area we seem to be a "dumping ground" for unwanted pets. A month or so ago a neighbor had an Akita show up on their game camera. We have no animal control in Stevens County. Neighbor tried to catch it, got bit for troubles. Taylor put some food for bit a second time. Dog lunged at her from 6 feet away both times. Dog was tearing at another neighbors fence...trying to get at their goats. Nothing a .223 round wouldn't cure...

Suppose I am the problem here as well....
i love cats
but feral animals on a persons private property are fair game

depending on personal relation ships with neighbours, even properly tagged and licensed animals on your property are good for target practice
Just don't make the same mistake that woman veterinarian did when she posted a pic online of herself holding up a feral cat she skewered with an arrow through the head. lol
Just don't make the same mistake that woman veterinarian did when she posted a pic online of herself holding up a feral cat she skewered with an arrow through the head. lol
Would not purposely hurt one of these feral cats. That being said we did have one that used to sit out in the middle of the yard when we had our other Coonhounds. After several nights of the dogs chasing this thing...and treeing it...sitting under the tree barking at it... at 2 in the morning...I did take a shot at it with a 10-22 Rifle with a scope. Hit the ground about 4" behind it...watched it take off...only came back a few times after that.
With the amount of Coyotes we have out here I am surprised we have any feral cats.
Ernies sewing buddy lives about 8 miles from us. She has a couple out door cats to keep the mice away. Over the past year she has had several feral cats take up residence. She just captured the last couple from the last litter..... they are going to get fixed tomorrow. Think she now has 8 cats living in her yard.
we never have a feral cat show up here. must be too far out for people to dump them!? I could use a good mouse hunting momma type barn cat! but not gonna pat $50-75

for a cat from the humane society dog pound.

wild runnin dogs just don't last out here in the country. no one will put up with them.
Got a friend out of town with a bunch of feral cats. They all have one name "coyote sandwich". A lot of them get turned into coyote poop.

Know a guy who used to farm. Sold the farm to his son and moved up the hill into the small town. Town's near a rez, the rez dogs are barely dogs. More like feral half breeds. They hunt and kill anything they can, including deer. Notorious for attacking kids. Baby/toddler got killed once a few years ago I think. Anyways. Dad's sitting there watching tv. Get's a call from the neighbour. Neighbour raises goats. Some rez dog got into the pen and killed a bunch of them. He chased it off and it was headed down the street towards the Dads house. Dad run's to the front door. Grabs his win .300 mag, kicks the door open and BLAM. Catches the dog side profile right across the street. Cartwheels it into the ditch, just about split in half. RC's didn't even bother showing up. **** like that happens all the time out there. No one on the rez gives a **** about their animals.
I had a female vat squaring in the back half of my barn. We get ready to put up some hay and low and behold here comes five baby kittens out from underneath a pallet. We got her fixed and ended up keeping one kitten so mama had a buddy. We go to get the baby fixed and she was already a week pregnant. So now they are both fixed. Both calicos and great mousers. Don't know why but they never leave the barn.
we never have a feral cat show up here. must be too far out for people to dump them!? I could use a good mouse hunting momma type barn cat! but not gonna pat $50-75

for a cat from the humane society dog pound.

wild runnin dogs just don't last out here in the country. no one will put up with them.

keep an eye out on their website
most of the pounds around here have several days a year when they will waive the adoption fees