Ever been banned from a web forum?

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There have been some that got banned the first time they screwed up,they deserved it,I did it,that settles it, when pm'd they come back with anger,hatred and no sence of decency to speak of and at moderators discretion it can happen, we moderators keep pm's from these offenders and forward them to the boss if needed to show why someone got shown the door, not something we like to do, in five years I have only banned about 7 people. we have and do make exceptions after a cool off period and allow them back with stern warning,for the most part the moderators here are members just as anyone else,we do this job as a helping hand for a great site and for the betterment of the hobby.
I am as opinionated as anyone here-comes from dealing with the public.Lots of great guy's here that will answer questions as they can.Mods have a job to do and they also have their opinions-goes with the territory.Don't be a cheap bastard,pony up the cash for the gold,if you get ONE question answered it's money well spent!!!!
Were you 'banned/perminitly gone', given a 'vacation/temp suspended''? I'm not going to read this whole thread. :)

I don't remember the offending thread.

On another web site I gave a guy a 6 month suspension, he pissed me off. lol
Welcome to the madness.
This is a great site in my opinion, and that's why i pay for gold status every year.
When you go gold, there is some extra forums that you can see a lot of different things like nudie-dooty pics etc. and on some of these other ones language and racy pictures is not a big concern, as it is stated very bluntly that it is a forum containing racy comments or pictures.
Read the posting rules for each Forum closely before you post, especially the ''for sale'' or ''wanted'' sections and follow them to a T and there is no reason for the mods to come down on you.
If you are a trouble maker, you will be given a short chain.
Enjoy the site, there is lots here for everyone!
Been banned, some sites it does not take much. Surprised I was not tossed off of here before becoming a Staff Member. Then again, there is a TON of understanding folks here. Hang around enough and they will find you. That being said, FABO does have a Politics forum, but it is "Enter at Your Own Risk". As far as I know it is not even Moderated....
yeah, I refuse to moderate the politics forum. Most of the time I refuse to even read it. LOL
Bunch of prudes over there at Moparts. You can't even say "it was a ***** to install xxxx" because ***** is not acceptable language. What is normal talk on other boards is automatically censored over there.

I do admit they have some great tech minds over there who have helped me out over the past few years, but as far as a board that I want to hang out on? No way.
franken or is it 'roof framer'?

If you act over here, like you did at moparts, you won't last long.

I see many errors in this thread with regards to grammar. You sending any PM's to the offenders correcting them and telling them they lack intelligence?

Like ABJ said, you knew the rules and got dinged. When you act like a horses rear on many occasions the rope you are afforded is VERY short. Nobody hung you at moparts but YOU!

Start a thread over here about banning = drama queen.
Banned,well no. Come close to getting the boot no doubt. I can get pissed real fast regarding some of the dumb stuff for sure,so try to stay out of it when the thread go's south. Hard to do when it's your thread......
franken or is it 'roof framer'?

If you act over here, like you did at moparts, you won't last long.

I see many errors in this thread with regards to grammar. You sending any PM's to the offenders correcting them and telling them they lack intelligence?

Like ABJ said, you knew the rules and got dinged. Start a thread over here about = drama queen.
Hmmmmmm;sounds like you know the problem.Guess I don't remember but you and Joe are straight up guy's so I'll definately take your word!!!
memike here :happy1: and to answer you question No......
welcome and keep it neat and nice and help others when you can.
This is the best of the best site going :cheers: and I don't tread on anyone So I would say the old saying :bball: Don't Tread On Me, and Treat folks the way you would like to be treated :D

Everyone have a great day and an even better one tomorrow :happy1:
Im kinda new to Moparts but not really in love with the tension over there. Frankenduster miss your input mang!
Been banned, some sites it does not take much. Surprised I was not tossed off of here before becoming a Staff Member. Then again, there is a TON of understanding folks here. Hang around enough and they will find you. That being said, FABO does have a Politics forum, but it is "Enter at Your Own Risk". As far as I know it is not even Moderated....

Yep I cant believe they passed over me for you.lol
Oh cut it out-If you are married,no difference,just throw your hat in before you darken the door!!!
Not like that here....this time around. First time was a free for all, sort of like the Politics forum. I am very thankful that Joey does not ask us to moderate that forum....
I was banned from Moparts for a period of one week for posting a picture of questionable taste. No warning, No email, No pm, just BANG, your gone !

Begged my way back on after a week vacation, and since then I behave myself for the most part. I pretty much split my time between Moparts, Fabo, and recently Stangnet. Yes I have a mustang too
[quote-AdamR]yeah, I refuse to moderate the politics forum. Most of the time I refuse to even read it. LOL [/quote]

I am not even a "member" of that free for all.......

d5667 said:
Oh cut it out-If you are married,no difference,just throw your hat in before you darken the door!!!

That's why we "lovingly" refer to it as the "Shark Tank". It's not for everyone. The best part about it is, most of us, know and understand what it is, and we don't let it bleed over into the rest of the board.

For the most part, what happens in "News and Politics" stays in "News and Politics". At least I think that way and I'm pretty sure that's how all the "regulars" look at it, too.

We all share one thing in common, MoPars. Particularly "A" Bodies.
And Frankenduster I finished my K member!


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What do you mean, not all the mods have their heads up their a$$? Are you saying some do? Dont make Adam bring back the monkey.
None of are mods do lmao I said that wrong haha! You would be the monkey to call me out on it lol j/k I think this thread may go side ways soon so ya lol Just wanted to clear that up hahaha :cheers::hello1::cheers::hello1::cheers::hello1:
It would be a mistake to say that the Polit forum is not moderated. Let's just say i'm a frequent visitor as well as poster. Someone does occasionally step in and yell "SHARK". That'll be me. I love the place. Some great guys there. Ya hear me AB, Mt, Frankie?
Small Block
I've seen just a few get banned on here. Honestly can't say they really asked for it. ( More like begging!! )
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