100% this.
these days, cash talks and bullshit walks. this isn't answering an ad in the local auto trader or newspaper classifieds any longer, because of the interwebs the pool of prospective buyers is enormous. and the pool of people actively looking for cars, for deals, for whatever is wayyy more keyed in: search bots, notifications, networks of friends, two racoons talking to each other at the dumpster, whatever.
add to that the ability to now send cash *instantly* for what you want and now all the nickle dick time wasters, tire kickers and wafflers are gonna get lapped by those that have the cash, means, and drive to go get what they want.
and this goes back to something i told dan last year (or two years ago) when he said that he had 20K to spend on a car, but then divulged that it was, like 9 in cash and the rest was a bank loan and was predicated on an inspection of the vehicle. you don't have 20K to spend, you have 9.
nobody in their right mind selling a car at that price point is going to deal with that level of tom foolery. maybe for a car that was 30~40K+ i certainly would and could see others, but at 20? nah, man, that's small time.