explaining cars to the old lady

Mine has taken a great interest and helps even. She ran the timing light while I adjusted the distributor after I put my electronic ignition in. Her hobby is photography, so she is keeping a photo journal of the restoration for me.

yes, I am very fortunate.
Minor hijack: Hey JP, welcome aboard! After reading a few of your posts already today, I can see you seem to be making yourself right at home here. Sorry if I missed your welcome thread.
Oh wow.

My wife has driven over one million kilometers since '95 for work She has absolutely no passion for cars. All she wants are awr, cruise, heated seats and a cup holder but she is a trooper.

On our second date, I had her under my MG helping me put the exhaust on..I figured if she was going to drive in it then she should work on it. Lost a lot of girlfriends doing that.

She lets me indulge in my passions..she will drive them, go to cars shows, buy me magazines when I have been down..and it has been hard the last three years.., buys me tools, and has gone to car shows and bought me my Mustang after I sold my 2 brit cars..and beat this, she said that the v8 felt and sounded much better than the /6...and then, she had no problems letting me custom it..

Just booked a hotel in Moncton for 3 days at the nats in Moncton.

The only two neg comments I have heard from her in the last 25 years were..she said she felt old in the Vauxall and she thinks the mustang is a bit loud :) however, she enjoys driving it.

She did not object to me buying the duster and letting the three of us..I am more of a consultant ..work on it..

She supported the family in MX for 5 years even though she was very uncomfortable..the kids have been hurt more in V-ball than MX !

I could go on..

I think I am a pretty lucky puppy..
