F*ck usps!



Mopar runs thru my veins!
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Kingston, NH
So yesterday I get a carb from another member here delivered to my house and the box looks like hell. I open it up and the vent tubes are peened over and the linkage is all bend and binding. Today it's been pouring rain out, I come home, and there's another package sitting in a puddle without even a bag on it. I pick up the box and out falls all my goods. Not to mention, the a$$hole left my letter mail under the box!

I called the post office to explain what happened. The guy says this to me verbatim "That's why you should always put insurance on the package." so I ask him about my letter mail. His response "must of been easier for him to just leave it with the box." So I just tell him "This is why the USPS is going bankrupt and you'll all be out of a job!"

I'm contacting the post master general, this is completely unacceptable!
It has happened to me more times than not. Things need to be packed well enough to survive 10, 25' throws and hit concrete. Double boxing, tight packing and lots of tape.

I recently got some rocker arms, the post office would not deliver because the box was shredded, with parts falling out. I had to go in to get them.
It has happened to me more times than not. Things need to be packed well enough to survive 10, 25' throws and hit concrete. Double boxing, tight packing and lots of tape.

I recently got some rocker arms, the post office would not deliver because the box was shredded, with parts falling out. I had to go in to get them.

What a bunch of a$$ clowns. They are the reason the box fell apart. They should of repackaged the stuff up and just delivered it. Oh but wait, you probably have nothing better to do than work a normal job like the rest of us right.

Ive noticed a real decrease in customer service and companies that don't care over the last 10 years. There's no pride in what anyone does for a living anymore. No wonder this country has fallen behind the likes of China!

I'm sorry but when I spend good money, no wait......MY HARD EARNED DOLLARS to give you business I damn well expect good customer service and the job done right!

**** 2 weeks ago I was craving MD's French fries really bad. Now I never eat that crap because it gives me a stomach ache but I will indulge on their fries once in a while. I sat in the drive through for 5 minutes with only 2 cars ahead of me. I get the fries and they are all nearly burnt. I grabbed a parking spot ran inside and just threw them at the fry guy. I mean how hard is it to remove them from the fryer when the F'n thing goes DING!

With that said here's some humor before I pop an artery, lol!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8LFyyiv93s"]Family Guy - Ding Fries Are Done with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
You know, when I order a part for my car and it shows up all bashed to hell, I don't want the damn insurance money.

Too bad they don't have an online feedback system so we can let them know how much thier customers think they suck.

A holes.
The worst thing is if you had insurance on it, and made a claim, they'd say they weren't responsible, it was an act of God/nature out of their control. Getting the USPS (or any of them) to actually pay on a claim is near impossible. They'll use any excuse to get off the hook.

The answer they gave "you should have bought insurance" is total BS. I would throw that in the postmaster's face and hope he's not a total moron like the person who said that to you.
I sell parts that go from Austria, to Australia, for the past 13 years.
In all that time i never had a customer get back to me with a complaint, or problem, with an item being damaged in shipping, because i pack to survive all kinds of abuse within the shipping system.
I will bet a dollar to a doughnut, that your seller did a piss poor job on packaging that part in the box, to begin with.
Everything needs to be packed tight, to survive all the automated conveyor belts, and all the handling on and off trucks that a package needs to go through in going from point A, to point B.
Sorry in your getting a damaged part, but if it wasn't packaged properly. Firstly, blame your seller, and not the mailman, FEDEX, or UPS boys and girls.
USPS isn't the only ones. I've had UPS deliver boxes to my wife that looked like they were run over by the. Delivery truck. Of course my wife never checks before letting the delivery man go... Always insure goods I send for the value. You just never know.
I sold a set of kb 107 pistons a while back pack them nice and tight with them all wrapped up each the guy gets the package and call me...hey the box is busted and the pistons are broken..sent them back to me and I refunded the guys money 2 pistons was chipped at the skits and even broke a ring on 1 piston....:violent1::violent1::violent1::violent1::violent1:
It has happened to me more times than not. Things need to be packed well enough to survive 10, 25' throws and hit concrete. Double boxing, tight packing and lots of tape.

I recently got some rocker arms, the post office would not deliver because the box was shredded, with parts falling out. I had to go in to get them.

Fed ex and ups do the same thing. I've watched them THROW a brand new computer from one truck to another and the other guy just lets it hit the ground. I could here the internals rattling around inside the desktop tower when they picked up when I walked by...
I sell parts that go from Austria, to Australia, for the past 13 years.
In all that time i never had a customer get back to me with a complaint, or problem, with an item being damaged in shipping, because i pack to survive all kinds of abuse within the shipping system.
I will bet a dollar to a doughnut, that your seller did a piss poor job on packaging that part in the box, to begin with.
Everything needs to be packed tight, to survive all the automated conveyor belts, and all the handling on and off trucks that a package needs to go through in going from point A, to point B.
Sorry in your getting a damaged part, but if it wasn't packaged properly. Firstly, blame your seller, and not the mailman, FEDEX, or UPS boys and girls.

Why not blame the post office? They're the ones that left it in the damn water! :finga:
Yeah, in this case leaving it in the water is the USPS's fault. Normally I agree with hemi71x. It seems hardly anyone knows how to pack securely nowadays. And that's the very first thing the shipping company will point to with a claim.... if it wasn't packed well, claim denial... and with good reason. Movement of a fragile item within a box is very likely to break it.
I sell parts that go from Austria, to Australia, for the past 13 years.
In all that time i never had a customer get back to me with a complaint, or problem, with an item being damaged in shipping, because i pack to survive all kinds of abuse within the shipping system.
I will bet a dollar to a doughnut, that your seller did a piss poor job on packaging that part in the box, to begin with.
Everything needs to be packed tight, to survive all the automated conveyor belts, and all the handling on and off trucks that a package needs to go through in going from point A, to point B.
Sorry in your getting a damaged part, but if it wasn't packaged properly. Firstly, blame your seller, and not the mailman, FEDEX, or UPS boys and girls.

I agree mostly to this but....
had good luck shipping fedex express, USPS cept some items got stuck in customs forever mostly Canada, RPS lost things and I once had a package I nick named boomerang because it went from TN to a state and back and forth from that state to another state back and forth for a month, excellent service with grey hound bus and much cheaper for large parts, I shipped two heavy car doors ups and had insurance the customer prepaid and the UPS guy when I shipped them noted how well I always packed items but the customer got his doors and they were smashed in and crushed as though they were run over with a fork lift and he sent photos to me via email omg it was horrible and shocking he said he had had a lot of problems with ups damaging his packages so it seemed to happen locally. but they refused to pay him his insurance money with some flimsy excuse. ... I used to work for FedEx Express in Memphis and was a courier here in Nashville. I KNOW how to pack a package. I know what a package goes through in his process 8-)
Yeah, in this case leaving it in the water is the USPS's fault. Normally I agree with hemi71x. It seems hardly anyone knows how to pack securely nowadays. And that's the very first thing the shipping company will point to with a claim.... if it wasn't packed well, claim denial... and with good reason. Movement of a fragile item within a box is very likely to break it.

That's right 72Dodge! I've had stuff show up here for restoration that needed a lot of work before it was shipped ... and with a crappy packing job and little or no cushioning whatsoever, even more damage occurred in transit to my shop and resulted in higher job cost.

You need at least 3 inches of solid packing on all sides, not THIS.

View attachment Customer's Box is Too Small (1) - Copy.jpg

Another important point I've learned in dealing with shipping insurance claims on behalf of my customers is that the box itself is also highly scrutinized. There is a (usually) circular stamp on the bottom of suitable boxes that contains various information; the one shipping companies seem to be most concerned with is the "edge crush" number, a certain number of pounds of force required to damage the box. If that stamp is non-existent (such as on a box fan or clock you'd buy at the store), it's not suitable to use for shipping ANYTHING because if something happens to it along the way, the insurance claim will be denied in its entirety. Further, if that number is too low for the weight of the contents, it is also a basis for claim denial.

Adding to the rant at hand, I took Snake's valve covers to the Post Office this very afternoon to get a shipping quote. The last pair of sb Mopar M/Ts I sent to Canada -- moderator Scott's I think -- were about $25 if I remember right. I about fell off my feet when the clerk told me it'd be almost FIFTY BUCKS for 8.9 pounds and only $200 in insurance, about half of what I'd prefer to buy. That's friggin ridiculous!!
............for the past 13 years............
In all that time i never had a customer get back to me with a complaint, or problem, .

I can assure you that you've either been lucky or have never shipped something that was truely delicate. There is NO AMOUNT of packing that will protect some sensitive electronics from being thrown, dropped 10 ft off a dock or other similar.

As an amateur radio operator, and as a person who spent the last years of my working life working for a Motorola service shop, I've seen plenty of consequences of ALL the major shippers.

Couple of 'xamples. Brand new HP computers, "back then" were Winhozed NT4, were packed in HP factory boxes and then THOSE boxes were packed in outer boxes. One must have been dropped AT LEAST 10-15 ft. The hard drive mount had been ripped completely out of the case, and of course the hard drive then beat the XXXX out of the motherboard

IFR service monitor. Google them. This was an IFR 1000 or 1100 which was sent to IFR for service. Now IFR knows how to pack stuff. Came back with the CRT broken, and one of the control knobs looked like it'd been hit with a ball pein hammer. "Back then," these were worth 10, 15 grand U.S.


We always poked at the supplier for water protection, but you cannot expect a shipper to pack for complete immersion in a pool!!!!
I've determined that the company itself isn't the issue. Their employees are responsible for all feedback, good or bad.
Feedback scores from me;
USPS batting a thousand.
FedEx 3 strikes, they are out !
UPS/others no scoring good or bad.
Still waiting on a package sent out from Colorado to Michigan on the 4th of April.... And another one from Canada sent the same time, both by USPS!!!
I repeat: THE postal service is losing $25 Million dollars A DAY. $25,000,000.00 every day, of tax payer's money.

There are reasons why this operation continues to bleed money. This thread touches on a couple of them.
And still people complain because I don't want to send parts. I would rather have them picked up. What good is it to post pictures.
I repeat: THE postal service is losing $25 Million dollars A DAY. $25,000,000.00 every day, of tax payer's money.

There are reasons why this operation continues to bleed money. This thread touches on a couple of them.

Would you mind posting a credible link to where the post office is funded by tax payer funds?

I can see where it could happen if things aren't changed.

Funded outside the approximately $96 million that is budgeted annually by Congress for the "Postal Service Fund." These funds are used to compensate USPS for postage-free mailing for all legally blind persons and for mail-in election ballots sent from US citizens living overseas. A portion of the funds also pays USPS for providing address information to state and local child support enforcement agencies.
Would you mind posting a credible link to where the post office is funded by tax payer funds?

I can see where it could happen if things aren't changed.

Funded outside the approximately $96 million that is budgeted annually by Congress for the "Postal Service Fund." These funds are used to compensate USPS for postage-free mailing for all legally blind persons and for mail-in election ballots sent from US citizens living overseas. A portion of the funds also pays USPS for providing address information to state and local child support enforcement agencies.

I never said the PO was "funded" by taxpayer funds. The reality of the situation is that they are loosing $25 million a day, and THAT loss is being Subsidized by congress via tax revenues. Without that subsidy the PO could not meet it's liabilities to the various unions, retirements funds, not to mention daily operational costs, maintenance, vehicle expenses, etc...etc...

The 96 Million you mention doesn't get them through a week of financial losses.

Congress has no other monies than tax revenues to play with. Each and every time the PO receives a, so called, "loan" it comes from taxes, and in the processes of losing $25 million a day, the chances of turning that around, or even just reimbursing the tax coffers is realistically impossible.

That's $9 Billion plus a year they are losing, and that number continues to grow. Do you seriously believe that the PO is continuing to operate on it's own without public funding? Without the tax dollars being injected the post offices would simply cease to exist.
The PO went private yars ago but I feel the government is gonna have to step in and take over again because obviously the private sector cant handle it.
That's $9 Billion plus a year they are losing, and that number continues to grow. Do you seriously believe that the PO is continuing to operate on it's own without public funding? Without the tax dollars being injected the post offices would simply cease to exist.

Just like the government they will attempt their debt ceiling raised.

Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013 10:56 AM

The U.S. Postal Service, which lost $1.3 billion in its first quarter, said its debt could reach $45 billion by around 2017 if Congress doesn’t pass legislation allowing it to change its business model.
The post office, at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing today, will ask for permission to run its own health plan for employees and retirees. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, in testimony prepared for the hearing, said the service could save as much as $7 billion a year through 2016 by taking its health coverage out of the U.S. government plan.
Donahoe last week said the service plans to end Saturday mail delivery in August even though an appropriations law first enacted in 1981 requires it to deliver mail six days a week.
The service has reached the $15 billion limit on what it’s allowed to borrow from the U.S. Treasury and defaulted last year on two payments due to the Treasury for future retiree health benefit costs.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/post-office-debt-45/2013/02/13/id/490218#ixzz2WDD3nxrU
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