Father lost the battle

My condolences. Recently lost a friend to breast cancer. 32 years old, 3 children. Gone with in 6 months of being diagnosed. Cancer sucks and its my biggest fear.
Yup sorry to hear,
my friend lost his wife two weeks ago to a 2 year battle.
Prayers going out to you and your family! May God bless you with peace and comfort during this time!! Geof
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. I lost my father to brain cancer a few months ago, it is hard but you will find peace, I have. Doesn't make it suck any less,I won't even say it gets easier, at least not yet but some how you deal with it.
Sorry to hear this my friend! My prayers are sent to you and your family. My dad was in a coma, but woke up yesterday. At 79 years old, he is down to 130 pounds. He is a life-long smoker and kind of gave up his desire to live recently (his nursing home tried to make him quit so he went on a hunger strike).

I think I am as stubborn as he is, so his curse is that I'll probably follow his footsteps.

Again, sorry to hear about your loss. Hang in there!

My Condolences to you and family and prayers for all
Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to cancer 32 years ago. I still miss him everyday.
Prayers sent and you and your family are in my thoughts. God is the ultimate giver of peace to us,
Thank you so much everyone! Today was even harder than yesterday... I really miss him. Cancer does suck and I'm so sorry for the ones going thru it now and did in the past.. Thanks again everyone........
My Condolences to you and family, sorry for the loss of your Dad.

Sorry for your loss. He's in a better place now for sure. tmm