Well-Known Member
What exhaust should I go with 2 1/2 or 3 inch?Tailpipes or out infront of rear tires?X or H pipe and why?Thanks for any input!
Yes,the Spitfires are what I expected from seeing pics. of them.They fit good and have thick flanges.I gotta get my car trailer out so I can get the exhaust done.Gotta wire er up first.OldVart,I,ll try to get some progress pics. up later today,have to take the daughter shopping for some spring cloths.Man,she,s growing like a weed!LOL!:angel13:hey scott, good to hear your making progress man! im getting stuff done on mine too man, dying to get her on the road...curious to hear how those spitfires fit? are they what you expected?
Yeah,I,m hoping to be changing intake and carb,seeing that we have a bunch of orders at work!They,ve cancelled layoffs in near future.It was gonna be 1 week a month.Great job pettyblue. It's been fun to watch your progress. It looks like your intake and carb set-up is pretty tall. Don't slam the hood. LOL Mike
Here,s a couple pics. still have to rig up throttle aand kickdown cable bracket.I also have to get a new alternator and wire up dist. and box.I went with the rad. I had,I,m on a budget here and makedo with what I have laying around.
I,m putting Flowmaster 40 series,this will be the end of the budget!!The track has been open a month and I have,nt been yet??Between work,the daughter and the 66,not enough time,oh well it,s another month and the weather will be better!Oh I sold my 06 Fusion to a friends wife(33,000km)she,s taking over the last 2 years payments.No more deductions of my check(Ford Credit)Gotta plan ahead!:wink:what kinda mufflers you gun run on her scott? your making good progress
It was loud!It was 10p.m lastnite,then I had to install the shifter so it could be shifted into neutral,for towing to get exhaust.It,s in the shop as we speak,I guess he,s doing it tomorrow?That,s it for now,here,s some pics. in my driveway!I like the stance on it alot more now!:wink:How did it sound when you fired her up? Pretty good I bet, well done and I think you'll love the flowmaster 40's.