Flipping baseball cards



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
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Hoppyworld, PA
Wow what a throw back The wife asked me what Larry's meant when flipping baseball cards. I kind of remember it but totally forgot what it meant. Anyone?
Wow what a throw back The wife asked me what Larry's meant when flipping baseball cards. I kind of remember it but totally forgot what it meant. Anyone?
what it was each card had a heads (front) and a back (tails) first guy would flip and then second guy would flip. if you matched his head or tails you would win his card. if not then he wins yours.
I remember that but what did calling Larry's mean? (might be a NY thing)
Driving me nuts now. Just was a random "do you remember Larry'" that came out of her.
It was done down here in Texas during my junior high schools days & that was a looooong time ago.

Baseball cards were the rage in the 60's/70's. One game we played was each guy (sorry no girls) to lean a card(s) against a wall and then a player would flip a card from his deck to try and knock down a card. You kept the ones knocked over.

We also would play a version of WAR. You would shuffle your cards, and then take one off of the top and the next player pulls one from the top of his deck. Who ever's card picked had the best stats got a point. Top score wins. Sometime we kept those too.

Good Times in an Analog Age!

We would throw the card kinda like a frisby into a corner or against a wall and depending how it landed you win or loose. Go home with a huge stack of cards or bust!
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Driving me nuts now. Just was a random "do you remember Larry'" that came out of her.
I didn't do a lot of card throwing, but that kinda sounded familiar. But, I cheated and found it online... Calling "larrys" meant you got to throw last.

Baseball cards were the rage in the 60's/70's. One game we played was each guy (sorry no girls) to lean a card(s) against a wall and then a player would flip a card from his deck to try and knock down a card. You kept the ones knocked over.

We also would play a version of WAR. You would shuffle your cards, and then take one off of the top and the next player pulls one from the top of his deck. Who ever's card picked had the best stats got a point. Top score wins. Sometime we kept those too.

Good Times in an Analog Age!


Bingo almost. 64 year of age here and when we flipped baceball cards we lined up possibly up to 10 cards in a big game up against the wall. The person knocking down the last card won every card knocked down and those thrown trying to knock others down. Played mostly in my area till you were out of 6th grade going into junior high. At that time I had shoe boxes of baseball cards which I and others flipped into the air for others to chase. Not part of the game but a sign of moving on. Looking back I could have possibly been a millionaire if I had kept the baseball cards I had back then.
Sorry for jumping in so late and hope someone cares about this answer. I am a 61 year old woman who was a big tomboy as a kid. In my school, "Flipping" mostly referred to each kid holding the same amount of baseball cards, face down, in one hand. We'd each have baseball cards in our hands and we'd put them out, 1 at a time, into one person's hand. When a card would match the one on top of the pile in the hand by having the same color frame (I think each team had a different color), the person with the top matching card would take the pile in the hand and put the cards on the bottom of their pile.
You'd keep going until one person had won the other person's cards.

You'd be in the schoolyard calling out: 10 Larries or 20 Larries, the number being how many cards you'd each flip.