Floods locally

we just talked about it too .. '
'I had the same issues, the system could not keep up ..and it filled 2 1/2 feet instantly in my basement I have it pumped down to about 6 so far, just talked to city guys, he thinks they are getting close to catching up .. put 2 million gallons in the lagoon today .. normally they keep it at 65,000
Road into Brads

Damn.... Good luck with your clean up. You're absolutely correct on how this affects and how long it affects people involved.
Not sure, water is running fast and its not very far fron house .. I know the last time, it was within a few feet, this one is worse
I don’t think many people understand what it’s like to see streams and rivers form in the middle of crop fields. Fields that are far above the local creeks. When the water comes down and has no other path, ditches become rivers. These are then traps for anyone living aside them.

Good luck down there folks. Water is the master of this rock we live on.
my basement is free of most of the water , still got a day or two to clean up the lest over mess and get all the items ruined out of there .. tired :(
I don’t think many people understand what it’s like to see streams and rivers form in the middle of crop fields. Fields that are far above the local creeks. When the water comes down and has no other path, ditches become rivers. These are then traps for anyone living aside them.

Good luck down there folks. Water is the master of this rock we live on.
Seen my share of flooding here in the mountains, mother nature shows no mercy.
Dangit, my heart goes out to yall. ....and here we are in the midst of a drought.
small miracle , was able to take a warm shower .. water heater it looks like for now at least is working ..
seems like for whatever reason , I'm more depressed now than I have been , guess the adrenaline is wearing out ..I have two more tough days to clean up and try to get everything out of basement and then fight with insurance, get in line to get everything fixed ..
Hang in there. It is hard to see so much loss. Especially when you know some can never be replaced. The memories are still there.

Good luck with your recovery.
I'm with ya Big D. Thought we we're making headway this a.m. Seems as though it's still coming in. Down to about four inches and maintaining. Want to get started on cleanup. Just sitting here kinda helpless. Tried getting started, but, still just too much water. Troding around in it just seems to make a bigger mess. Idk...... Patience isn't my greatest virtue.
small miracle , was able to take a warm shower .. water heater it looks like for now at least is working ..
seems like for whatever reason , I'm more depressed now than I have been , guess the adrenaline is wearing out ..I have two more tough days to clean up and try to get everything out of basement and then fight with insurance, get in line to get everything fixed ..
It's funny they don't have to fight to get their premiums.
water, awful powerful !

This is about 40 miles or so south of my , it was a little community built in a old oxbow of the Missouri , McCook lake ,SD ..

BASICALLY .. for the good of the mass of people , they put in a levee to save north sioux city and this place is now gone
Not looking good for Mankato, Minnesota...

anyone south , this is all going into Missouri then to Mississippi .. and its a monster, if you are near, prepare now , don't wait
Full 10 hours today. Had my son and wife, one good friend, and four volunteers. The basement is empty and free of "river mud". Now to mop and bleach. I think the furnace will survive. Pulled out the squirrel cage and cleaned it all real good. Letting it dry and lube tomorrow. It's OG 1979 to the house, I'm confident. Back when they built ****. Fingers crossed on the water heater. We shall see.
I agree with Big Dad. Anyone possibly in the way of these floods, don't take anyone's ******* word on how good or bad it's going to be. PREPARE!!!!
I suffered thru 95 plus humidity today to work on getting more stuff drug out , shocking how heavy a piece of carpet 12 x 12 is when its filled with slop , no one has made it here yet to look at my HVAC .. got calls into 5 places but, honestly still can't get across rivers or creeks to get here from the east.. my water heater I think was injured , water is just somewhat warm .. pressure poor

got W/D out , got the new bed I just bought out , they put 2 dumpster in city lot, they will be over flowing in morning ..

I have almost everything out , and then I go to cleaning the floor .. good times

No help just know its got to get down , beat

did call insurance .. up to $15,000 they cover due to the sewer back up