Folks who wear eyeglasses...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Recently started wearing prescription readers. Up to the point of me wearing them I could sorta read the computer monitor. Now without them it might as well not even be turned I am damn near blind....guessing this is normal??
Mine is the other way around. Without them I can see the computer just fine. But the TV 10 feet away is a little distorted.
Yeah...the monitor just keeps getting more and more blurry...even after coffee!!!
i have had glasses since i was 5 years. iam now 65. you will get used to them. when i got bi-focal i came home i told my wife. "now i know why old people are cranky all the time. cause half the world is all ways out of focus" if you do a lot of work in the shop or garage do all ways have a spare. safety glasses of course. when i was first showed how to run a turret lathe. my lead man spins the turret and one drill hits the part and it hits him in his eye glasses. then he says, thats THATS why we wear safty glasses. nuf said.
Got my first prescription when I was 39. I laughed my *** off as every man in the family got 'em around the same age, so I was expecting it.

Time to look for an optometrist, Doug. It took me about three days to get used to wearing 'em. They're now the last thing I take off at night and the first thing I put on in the morning.
Got my first set at ten. Cataracts and lens implants at sixty. Took me a few months before I stopped reaching up at my face to adjust my glasses that weren't there.LOL
i have had glasses since i was 5 years. iam now 65. you will get used to them. when i got bi-focal i came home i told my wife. "now i know why old people are cranky all the time. cause half the world is all ways out of focus" if you do a lot of work in the shop or garage do all ways have a spare. safety glasses of course. when i was first showed how to run a turret lathe. my lead man spins the turret and one drill hits the part and it hits him in his eye glasses. then he says, thats THATS why we wear safty glasses. nuf said.

Have 3 pairs, they all have safety glass lenses in them. Have a pair in the garage, a pair on the kitchen table and a pair by my chair. Wife needed me to work on her sewing machine before, forgot to grab my glasses....could barely see that the screws were Torx....

Accidentally went outside with them on the other day, was watering the plants and had to move the hose. Came back in and had a monster headache, guess it was from looking in the distance thru a set of readers...never gonna do that again...
I just got a new smart phone, i cant see a damn thing without reading glasses, i didn't realized how bad my eyes have gotten. i have always had good eyesight, but my age is catching up. if its not 2 feet away , the lights might as well be out. i know an eye exam is right around the corner......
just started needing reading glasses now at 45. still in denial i see computer fine. its magazines, menus and directions i can see for ****.. it sucks because i always forget to bring my reading glasses with me. if we are in a restaurant that the lights are on the dimmer side i have to get jamie to read the freaking menu for me... this
I,m the opposite...I needed them for driving(distance)and found myself seeing everything better.Now after 15 yrs and looking over my glasses to read,I,ve stepped up to Clearview Trifocals.I now just move my eyes up or down to see perfect ...near or distance.(age 51):glasses7:
I could use trifocals, but I don't wear glasses to look at the monitor. Anything over 3 feet I need them. Sucks getting old friends!! LOL.
Up until I was about 47, I had 20/15 vision. Heck...I could read the serial number on a gnats *** at 200 yards! Now, I have to wear bifocals because the CSS has gotten progressively worse. The thing I hate worst is driving at wait, driving at night in the rain! :banghead:
Here as well. The eyes started to faulted around 42/43. Now, at 48, like many have said above, the small print is impossible to read. News papers, many menu's and yes, the I-phone or PC.

It's just one of those things that happens with age for many many people.
You'll get used to them and eventually they will become second nature. And the more you get used to them, the worse they make things seem without them.
Your now officially an old guy.
Welcome to the old farts club.:cheers:
I've worn glasses since my teen years, but switched to contact lenses in college. When I needed reading glasses around 45 I said screw it, I'm not going to carry glasses around with me. I switched back to glasses with trifocal lenses and haven't looked back! They are worth every penny. I can read a magazine or a highway sign an 1/8 mile away. Like other's have said, they become second nature. First thing on in the morning and last thing off every night.
I got my progressives at about 46.
I actually needed them a year sooner, but being stubborn didn't work out too well for me.
The last straw for me was when i couldn't read a fuse box no matter how hard i squinted....
Next day i got an appointment and within a week i got the glasses.
Now i can actually see!
My prescription changed every year for the first couple of years, but now has settled down.
They don't bug me at all, as a matter of fact, i feel naked without them!
Getting old beats dying young!!! And I am 66 yrs old- so far



I'll be 65 in December, and I usually say, "Getting old sure beats the alternative. lol

There's another line I use, frequently, too, "Getting old isn't for wimps".
When I needed reading glasses around 45 I said screw it, I'm not going to carry glasses around with me. First thing on in the morning and last thing off every night.

I agree...(bifocal that turn dark in the sun) wear them all the time, never misplace them, can see everything and they afford some eye protection.
Same here

Had to start wearing glasses at age 45, too.

That's just a minor problem in getting old.

The next thing in line for the old guys, is the prostate cancer biopsy, and or, problems in that department.

One in five guys is gonna have problems.

Had that done Thursday.
Not a nice thing to have to go through.
Got glasses (3-4 years after I probably needed them) in my late 20's...hey, I can see now! I need them for all distances, but my distance vision is worse than my close vision. (I can read without them, though eventually it gives me a headache.)

I absolutely refuse to consider surgery...the THOUGHT of a laser poking around my eyes makes my skin crawl.