Foot Ulcers...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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anyone got'em? These wonderful little things just started appearing in the past few days. Seen the doc today, gave me some cream of some sort to put on them....and is sending me out to see a foot doctor. Did a bit of reading...... don't have diabetes.....but atherosclerosis runs in my family....killed my Grandpa....both my father and his brothers deaths were caused by it.

So anybody got'em? How do you deal with them? Looks like the treadmill is a done deal for now. My back pain has doubled today thanks to having to hobble around...
If I were you, I would get in touch with your local wound clinic.... sometimes located at a specialty clinic, and are at most local hospitals. I would not let it ride, as this kind of thing can spread faster than a hot rocket, especially with your family history you were talking of.
Some may treat you with a hyperbaric chamber, which is a plexiglass tube, filled with 100%
oxygen to aid in the healing process. I only know about this stuff, because of a horrific traffic accident ( one car and I was a passenger in) and left part of my lower body with major acc damage, so I go to a wound clinic at a local hospital for a left lower outside leg ulcer that pop's up, just every once in awhile. I wish you the very best of luck, as these (any type) of ulcers can be very hard on a persons cardio system!! Take care, Dodge33
Go see a wound care provider ASAP and stay on top of things.They are trained to take care of those things.Somethings get worse with home remidies quick.I've been there. Lost my right foot years ago because of ulcers.Stay on top of your foot.
In my experience (through older family members) sores or ulcers on the feet or legs are sometimes a sign of diabetes. Especially those that have trouble healing. Better get it looked at cause you don't need the gangrene foot.
Man I hate to hear that. Those things are painful. Never had one, but have a friend whose dealing with a couple, he wince's when he walks. He's laid up now from surgery over the things.
The healing vibes going your way! Get better man, don't let that crap get down!
Yep as said here get yer *** to the doc on these things, they are nothing to fool with! you can loose limbs over the little bastards.....

Sadly, I have not had them, but know a couple that has one of my friends lost 3/4's of his right leg due to these damned things!

I'm Diabetic, sure. BUT thats not always the case with these.....lack of blood flow into the legs can cause them at the most extremities on the leg.....Such as the toes and feet! I'm sort of facing that myself, as I have at least 2 known blockages in my legs, possibly 3 that they are unsure of the 3rd one, BUT, the difference is, right now the "formed" blockage is only blocking 30% or less on ALL of them, in separate places, you have to have a 70 or more recent to have these, so. they may give you flow tests in the legs to see if they can locate anything, its painless, they use what is like blood pressure cuffs to do it to see if they can tell a pulse and how much flow is in the toes and at different places in your legs....

BUT, again, get to the doctors ASAP......They ruin lives VERY quickly! BUT can be healed almost as fast too, if not tolerated long!
Where'd my rotten foot go? Man that ain't cool.
If I were you, I would get in touch with your local wound clinic.... sometimes located at a specialty clinic, and are at most local hospitals. I would not let it ride, as this kind of thing can spread faster than a hot rocket, especially with your family history you were talking of.
Some may treat you with a hyperbaric chamber, which is a plexiglass tube, filled with 100%
oxygen to aid in the healing process. I only know about this stuff, because of a horrific traffic accident ( one car and I was a passenger in) and left part of my lower body with major acc damage, so I go to a wound clinic at a local hospital for a left lower outside leg ulcer that pop's up, just every once in awhile. I wish you the very best of luck, as these (any type) of ulcers can be very hard on a persons cardio system!! Take care, Dodge33
Had to Google hyperbaric chamber. Interesting device. My doc pretty much said nothing after seeing my feet yesterday...other than time to go see a foot specialist.
Go see a wound care provider ASAP and stay on top of things.They are trained to take care of those things.Somethings get worse with home remidies quick.I've been there. Lost my right foot years ago because of ulcers.Stay on top of your foot.
Sorry to read of your troubles. Doc did tell me no soaking, no messing with them other than to rub the cream on them. Called to see if they got the referral done, apparently they forgot. Will be calling them back here shortly....
In my experience (through older family members) sores or ulcers on the feet or legs are sometimes a sign of diabetes. Especially those that have trouble healing. Better get it looked at cause you don't need the gangrene foot.
Just had blood work done a few weeks ago, including the long term blood sugar test...a1c or something like that. Everything came back good.
Man I hate to hear that. Those things are painful. Never had one, but have a friend whose dealing with a couple, he wince's when he walks. He's laid up now from surgery over the things.
The healing vibes going your way! Get better man, don't let that crap get down!
Wincing when walking....yep, can relate to that. Thanks...
Yep as said here get yer *** to the doc on these things, they are nothing to fool with! you can loose limbs over the little bastards.....

Sadly, I have not had them, but know a couple that has one of my friends lost 3/4's of his right leg due to these damned things!

I'm Diabetic, sure. BUT thats not always the case with these.....lack of blood flow into the legs can cause them at the most extremities on the leg.....Such as the toes and feet! I'm sort of facing that myself, as I have at least 2 known blockages in my legs, possibly 3 that they are unsure of the 3rd one, BUT, the difference is, right now the "formed" blockage is only blocking 30% or less on ALL of them, in separate places, you have to have a 70 or more recent to have these, so. they may give you flow tests in the legs to see if they can locate anything, its painless, they use what is like blood pressure cuffs to do it to see if they can tell a pulse and how much flow is in the toes and at different places in your legs....

BUT, again, get to the doctors ASAP......They ruin lives VERY quickly! BUT can be healed almost as fast too, if not tolerated long!
Of the family members who developed health troubles & died from atherosclerosis my Grandfather was the only one that had leg troubles. At one point, just prior to his death, he only had 10% of the normal amount of blood making it to his toes. My Dad and his brother both had strokes from the atherosclerosis.
I do have high cholesterol but it is under control thanks to meds and exercising. My Dad had all of his crap happen when he was 47....I am a year past it. Sad to say thanks to some paranoia issues I have been a bit worried about this sort of thing happening for years now.
Have been on Ernie on & off for the past several years about both of us cleaning up our eating habits some, perhaps this might make it set in that we NEED to do something about it. She is one of those folks that would much rather put band aids on things...taking meds for high blood pressure for example, than do something about it. Every doc I have seen has told me that if I were to lose the 60 or extra pounds of blubber I am carrying I very well may be able to reduce the amount of pain meds I am on...
Where'd my rotten foot go? Man that ain't cool.
Go figure, something that can be easily found by a simple search....:wack: Might want to check your Facebook page Sir...

If I don't hear back from the docs office by noon about the referral I will be calling them. Don't need to be hobbling around because of these things.....or worst yet start losing parts....
Yeah I thought the foot was kinda cool. It added to the thread. lol
Got new ones growing on 4 more toes. Ernie is on the phone with the foot doctor...with the history my family has I am more than a bit concerned....more like down right scared...
Killed my mother in-law. She was diabetic. Sores were so bad they had to amputate one leg and the other leg later. Really bad way to go out. Get it taken care of. There are nurses that specialize in wound care. Ask your doctor for a referral.
I lost my cousin to foot ulcers the best thing is to get surgery done to improve the curculation
in the legs and feet don't wait or you will suffer more than you need to

the ulcers are caused by low blood flow to the feet from blocked arteries in the legs

be very carefull

and best of luck to you

I lost my cousin to foot ulcers the best thing is to get surgery done to improve the curculation
in the legs and feet don't wait or you will suffer more than you need to

the ulcers are caused by low blood flow to the feet from blocked arteries in the legs

be very carefull

and best of luck to you

Thanks...sorry about your cousin. I do have an appointment with a specialist tomorrow, early in the morning. What kind of surgery is done, stints?
I have blood pressure issues and blood flow issues as well as anger issues. What ended up helping me was taking 250mg of Niacin. I had some bad reactions to the blood pressure meds so the doctor tried niacin. It's a more natural approach and it's working great for the past 2 years. It's the regular flushing type. (Not the no flush junk) what happens is you get a flush and feel warm and tingly for a few minutes. Nothing serious. What it does is it opens up all your capillaries and improves blood flow to the extremedies and lowers blood pressure. As a side effect it also improves my mood and makes me less prone to anger. I'm slowly finding that with natural remedies as well as excercise and diet is a major help for all sorts of things. First and foremost see the specialist and address the foot sores. Also look into a change of diet. Fruits and vegetables, less red meat and dairy. Look for organic and not processed foods. Drink lots of water. I drink 4 glasses right when I get up before anything else. It helps to flush the system and regulate your metabolism. My family has lots of issues on both sides but so far I'm working to avoid all the issues and live longer.....

Only the flushing type works. The no flush junk spreads it out as a time release and won't work. I started with 100mg pills and worked my way up to 250mg
I buy the 500mg pills for the same price and cut them in half and one bottle lasts 200 days of the year. GNC and vitamin world Carry the flushing type.


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Hers the reverse side of the label. Obviously talk to a specialist first but this may increase blood flow to your extremedies, reduce blood pressure, help mood and increase metabolism thru promoting food conversion into energy release. I know a body builder that uses niacin to increase bloodflow to maximize his workouts. He uses 1,000mg though. Way over the usual amount needed for the flushing effect to occur.


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Hers the reverse side of the label. Obviously talk to a specialist first but this may increase blood flow to your extremedies, reduce blood pressure, help mood and increase metabolism thru promoting food conversion into energy release. I know a body builder that uses niacin to increase bloodflow to maximize his workouts. He uses 1,000mg though. Way over the usual amount needed for the flushing effect to occur.

I tried Niacin in the past. Don't remember exactly why but I had to stop it. It was several years ago, going to talk to my doc about it after the sores are taken care of...Thanks...I do drink quite a bit of water normally. Nothing like the amount I drank when I lived in AZ, which was close to 2 gallons a day. I could definitely drink more. My sleep doc and the ENT as well have both advised me to stay very well hydrated to help with the congestion troubles I have at night....
Hello Doug, Here is just a small amount of info on what I usually do to keep my sugar levels low. If you like cinnamon, use it, because it naturally lowers your sugar levels.
I eat alot of Old Fashioned Oatmeal with cinnamon, and other stuff like walnuts, blueberries, diced up apples, blackberries, raspberrys, just something different all the time.
It will help, and good for your heart too. Almost forgot, cinnamon is real good on wheat toast with butter, and maybe a little natural honey too! Good luck too you on eating a little more healthy! Dodge33
Dodge33 is right! I am sort of doing the same thing, cleaning up what we consume will GREATLY help, I've cut out a lot of un-natural things normally found in an American diet....My blood sugar levels have dropped, my A1C has came down drastically, I feel better and I am now up and around more, when I used to work I'd come home and drop like a wanting to die black fly... Makes it difficult to live that way now that I'm "retired" due to the heart related issues, I am out side doing more, sticking close to the house, (more then I used too when I was working I traveled a lot, eating all sorts of not-good-for-you foods!) BUT, I'm active, I'm up and around going on 5 to 8 hours sleep when I used to do 10 or more hours to just to get up and "go"....

Keep us informed on what the doc says! Best of luck to you, and my prayers are with you Doug, May God bless, and heal you.....
I tried Niacin in the past. Don't remember exactly why but I had to stop it. It was several years ago, going to talk to my doc about it after the sores are taken care of...Thanks...I do drink quite a bit of water normally. Nothing like the amount I drank when I lived in AZ, which was close to 2 gallons a day. I could definitely drink more. My sleep doc and the ENT as well have both advised me to stay very well hydrated to help with the congestion troubles I have at night....

Prayers sent your way...... Each person is different the niacin worked for me as I had reactions to the blood pressure meds I tried. It may also be a matter of easing into it with small doses and working you way up. You essentially want enough to cause a flush. But not too much as it gets stronger the more you take. I get the warm tingly feeling and hot as well like a sun burn so to speak. It's mild and expected so it doesn't bother me much. Kicks in about a half hour after taking it. The reaction is about 10 to 15 mins total. Just have to be sure to eat enough right before and take with plenty of water. Without food it gets really hot. Did it once by accident. No biggie as I knew about it as it came on. People freak out due to the flushing effect and think it's an allergic reaction but it's your case only you and your Doc can make the judgement.
Hopefully you'll find it wasn't a bad reaction just too much at once or not enough water and food before...... If not, there may be other natural options to help. You want to essentially cure the root of the problem which may include meds, special diet and or natural remedies as well. Most western meds tend to just put a band-aid over it and hide the symptoms but don't actually address the problem itself. The root of many Americans health issues begins with what they eat. Hope all goes well with the specialist. Be open and ask questions. Ask about all the options and what you can change or do to help in addition to the regular meds.
Prayers sent your way...... Each person is different the niacin worked for me as I had reactions to the blood pressure meds I tried. It may also be a matter of easing into it with small doses and working you way up. You essentially want enough to cause a flush. But not too much as it gets stronger the more you take. I get the warm tingly feeling and hot as well like a sun burn so to speak. It's mild and expected so it doesn't bother me much. Kicks in about a half hour after taking it. The reaction is about 10 to 15 mins total. Just have to be sure to eat enough right before and take with plenty of water. Without food it gets really hot. Did it once by accident. No biggie as I knew about it as it came on. People freak out due to the flushing effect and think it's an allergic reaction but it's your case only you and your Doc can make the judgement.
Hopefully you'll find it wasn't a bad reaction just too much at once or not enough water and food before...... If not, there may be other natural options to help. You want to essentially cure the root of the problem which may include meds, special diet and or natural remedies as well. Most western meds tend to just put a band-aid over it and hide the symptoms but don't actually address the problem itself. The root of many Americans health issues begins with what they eat. Hope all goes well with the specialist. Be open and ask questions. Ask about all the options and what you can change or do to help in addition to the regular meds.
I will be talking to my doc about trying it again, after the sores get resolved. In the past my stress level was off the charts. Had troubles with several different meds. I went thru several different blood pressure meds when I was put on them. Either had that annoying as hell cough or no drop in pressure. You are right on the money with the band aid thought. Seems like that is how most medical problems get resolved. I am overweight, not one doc has suggested losing it as a valuable alternative to popping pills. If I could change one thing about my wife it would be this. She is diabetic. Blood sugars are never very high but when she has the a1c test done the numbers are high. She is overweight as well. Granted, thanks to several different connective tissue disease she is on several meds that are noted for weight gain. Instead of even trying to lose weight to help the blood sugar problem she just takes pills for it. She complains of near constant pain, several of her docs have told her that with all that is wrong with her a low impact type of exercise will go a long ways towards easing some of the pain. Went out and bought a real nice seated elliptical for us. Was right around 2k. The only way I can get her on it is to threaten her with locking up her computer/tablet/ipod and the foot pedal to her sewing machine. Much easier to just pop pills to deal with the blood sugars and discomfort.
I am going to push to just have this problem fixed. It is stopping me from getting on the treadmill. Plus, if it is hardening of the arteries, with it running in my family throwing band aids at it just is not a good idea for me. This has me scared. It is time for a change, health wise. I really do need to change my eating habits...problem is like damn near everybody on the planet change is tough for me. Can not stand fruits & vegetables. When I find something I do like getting the wife on board is often a problem. If it aint lettuce or an avocado she does not want to talk about it.
Bigdummy970490238 said:
Great Idea

I will be talking to my doc about trying it again, after the sores get resolved. In the past my stress level was off the charts. Had troubles with several different meds. I went thru several different blood pressure meds when I was put on them. Either had that annoying as hell cough or no drop in pressure. You are right on the money with the band aid thought. Seems like that is how most medical problems get resolved. I am overweight, not one doc has suggested losing it as a valuable alternative to popping pills. If I could change one thing about my wife it would be this. She is diabetic. Blood sugars are never very high but when she has the a1c test done the numbers are high. She is overweight as well. Granted, thanks to several different connective tissue disease she is on several meds that are noted for weight gain. Instead of even trying to lose weight to help the blood sugar problem she just takes pills for it. She complains of near constant pain, several of her docs have told her that with all that is wrong with her a low impact type of exercise will go a long ways towards easing some of the pain. Went out and bought a real nice seated elliptical for us. Was right around 2k. The only way I can get her on it is to threaten her with locking up her computer/tablet/ipod and the foot pedal to her sewing machine. Much easier to just pop pills to deal with the blood sugars and discomfort.
I am going to push to just have this problem fixed. It is stopping me from getting on the treadmill. Plus, if it is hardening of the arteries, with it running in my family throwing band aids at it just is not a good idea for me. This has me scared. It is time for a change, health wise. I really do need to change my eating habits...problem is like damn near everybody on the planet change is tough for me. Can not stand fruits & vegetables. When I find something I do like getting the wife on board is often a problem. If it aint lettuce or an avocado she does not want to talk about it.


I get where your coming from...... My family is in a similar boat. My sister has connective tissue disease, diabetes and is allergic to everything it seems. Her son, my nephew has Polly morphis light eruption(Allergic to the sun) and was born with diabetes. He has to wear full body protection to go outside in daylight. My mom had a heart problem and almost died this past Christmas time. The problem was fixed with surgery. Thankfully my daughter is a 5ft 3" completely healthy 11 year old. My daughter is only into vegetables and fruit. She won't touch meat or dairy.... I'm trying to follow suit. It is really hard some times and harder for my wife to stay on board.

A couple of videos that might help get the wife on board are,
1: SuperSize Me,
2: Fat, Sick and nearly Dead.

They are available on amazon and for sale or I've seen it on Hulu, YouTube and netflix.
I get where your coming from...... My family is in a similar boat. My sister has connective tissue disease, diabetes and is allergic to everything it seems. Her son, my nephew has Polly morphis light eruption(Allergic to the sun) and was born with diabetes. He has to wear full body protection to go outside in daylight. My mom had a heart problem and almost died this past Christmas time. The problem was fixed with surgery. Thankfully my daughter is a 5ft 3" completely healthy 11 year old. My daughter is only into vegetables and fruit. She won't touch meat or dairy.... I'm trying to follow suit. It is really hard some times and harder for my wife to stay on board.

A couple of videos that might help get the wife on board are,
1: SuperSize Me,
2: Fat, Sick and nearly Dead.

They are available on amazon and for sale or I've seen it on Hulu, YouTube and netflix.

Thanks for the suggestions.....I have plan in mind....don't know if it will work but time will tell...

Good news...while I do have foot ulcers doc said they are not from a lack of blood flow....he thinks they are rash/infection related. The stuff my doc gave me, dipropionate cream, is helping ease the pain. He said if the ulcers were from a lack of blood flow it would not be helping....and the ulcers would be a crap load bigger than they are. Suggested a few more days of no treadmill, but to resume doing everything else. He said what I have should clear up with the cream....if they don't he wants my doctor to give me a cream that treat either a rash or infection....not a cream that does both, like the one I am using....

Ernie recently switched laundry detergents. We have used the stuff she is using now in the past, but that does not mean much of anything. SO she grabbed a jog of the stuff she was using before the ulcers started and is in the process of washing all of my socks. Hope it is really this simple...
Thanks for the suggestions.....I have plan in mind....don't know if it will work but time will tell...

Good news...while I do have foot ulcers doc said they are not from a lack of blood flow....he thinks they are rash/infection related. The stuff my doc gave me, dipropionate cream, is helping ease the pain. He said if the ulcers were from a lack of blood flow it would not be helping....and the ulcers would be a crap load bigger than they are. Suggested a few more days of no treadmill, but to resume doing everything else. He said what I have should clear up with the cream....if they don't he wants my doctor to give me a cream that treat either a rash or infection....not a cream that does both, like the one I am using....

Ernie recently switched laundry detergents. We have used the stuff she is using now in the past, but that does not mean much of anything. SO she grabbed a jog of the stuff she was using before the ulcers started and is in the process of washing all of my socks. Hope it is really this simple...

Hopefully it's that's simple....... An allergic reaction from changing detergents is possible and would be an easy fix.