Found my dads original 1971 duster!

It sucks that he is still medaling in your project.

I can see why PG Classics called him though. Yes, Brian called initially to inform PG to ship the panels to you since the build would no longer be in his shop when they arrived. You then called PG to confirm they would still be shipped to your address. All good so far. I think the problem was when you proactively aired the dirty laundry about Brian. That probably raised a few questions for PG in terms of one party claiming the other ripped them off once the item was delivered. That could result in PG Classics needing to provide a second set to the other party when only one was paid for. I can’t fault PG for making another call to Brian to confirm (since he was the one who originally placed the order) and there was now one very pissed off person (you) involved.
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Hey guys. Well you won’t believe this. BRIAN TRASK has sunk to a new low. I’m hoping everyone on here can spread the word for me on this
So remember how I said that I had new door panels and rear panels coming from PG classics? This was arranged before I picked the car up. Brian called PG and told them to ship the replacements directly to me, because I’d already have the car back by the time they arrived in stock. Once **** hit the fan and I got home with the car, I called PG and they confirmed that he had told them to ship them to me and not him. I gave them my address and they said they’d ship them as soon as they received them from their supplier. I even told them about him scamming me out of money and stealing some of my parts. They said “no problem, we will ship them directly to you”

Well I called today to see what the status was….they informed me that when they arrived from their supplier approx a month ago they called Brian to tell him that they would be shipping them out and that they just wanted to confirm that they were still going to my address. The piece of **** loser then proceeded to tell them that they were now to be shipped to him instead. So he literally stole my interior panels out from under me. He is the epitome of a con artist. An absolute piece of ****, waste of air.

I can’t let this guy just get away with all of this. Please spread the word and shout his name from the rooftops. He’s very lucky that I’m old enough and smart enough to not take things into my own hands and teach him a very painful lesson. Keep in mind that he is literally still doing this crap to people as we speak. He has 4-6 cars there that he’s scamming people on. Not only ripping people off, but building unsafe cars that he makes you sign a waver stating that you are taking them “as is”.

Words can’t describe how much my blood is boiling at this point. I said to the guy at PG “Why on earth would you ship them to him, when you just told me that it shows on your computer that they were to be shipped to me???” He stated that it was their protocol to call the person who placed the order and re confirm before shipping things out. So good old Brian Trask who claimed that he felt bad for misleading me and for not getting the car done…..thought that he’d make up for it by now stealing my interior panels to my car

An absolute pathetic loser, in every sense of the word

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Damn man! Is that him on the lawn tractor?
Wow. Not sure how people like that sleep at night. If that’s him on the tractor, I wouldn’t let him change the oil on my lawnmower.
It sucks that he is still medaling in your project.

I can see why PG Classics called him though. Yes, Brian called initially to inform PG to ship the panels to you since the build would no longer be in his shop when they arrived. You then called PG to confirm they would still be shipped to your address. All good so far. I think the problem was when you proactively aired the dirty laundry about Brian. That probably raised a few questions for PG in terms of one party claiming the other ripped them off once the item was delivered. That could result in PG Classics needing to provide a second set to the other party when only one was paid for. I can’t fault PG for making another call to Brian to confirm (since he was the one who originally placed the order) and there was now one very pissed off person (you) involved.
Ya. I never thought of that. That’s a good point