four-wide nationals

When? Now? What time? Replays @?

Did you DVD it for me? Do you have pop corn? Beer? BBQ ribs and bibs for the kids? LOL
they use to race four wide at MIR in Maryland back in the 60s early 70s that track was so big you dint need brakes and still don't,
My wife and I watched alittle bit of it...The drivers looked alittle confused as I was with all the lights....holy moly with all the Hot woman drivers,,,wooohooo
Yuom yuom muc splger...Good tacos...yuom yum yummy dbhuiew ujibenkjmf mmmmm, burp, pass the Coke please...
Growing up going to so many tracks and event (with my dad and his racecar) it's different to me, but I guess It's pretty cool.
Our cable co sucks!!:bootysha: I seen most of it but when the went to the final round I lost it.
Did what's his name in Pro mod Mopar make it to the final round ? Alderman I think ?
The tree sure is a hand full for the driver's, I would not like to be a late staging person with three mad drivers coming at me at the end of the track
I thought it was great. However, once a year is all that NHRA needs to do this. Maybe a little later in the year. It shakes things up. I hope the weather is what kept the spectators away. The finals got rained out, they will be run on Monday.
I thought it was great. However, once a year is all that NHRA needs to do this. Maybe a little later in the year. It shakes things up. I hope the weather is what kept the spectators away. The finals got rained out, they will be run on Monday.

Cool :cheers: I can catch that and keep everyone updated on Pro Mod 8)
If my cable co. does there job!!! Yes I have called 10 times in the last 4 Weeks
I must be old school, but I didn't like the idea and after watching it, I still don't!! I'm for good old side by side, you vs. me action, 4 wide just seems like a publicity stunt and not a competition. JMO, Geof
Wished i could have watched it.. what channel i got a messed up version of speed channel down here
ESPN2 is the channel I picked it up on for a little while

I must be old school, but I didn't like the idea and after watching it, I still don't!! I'm for good old side by side, you vs. me action, 4 wide just seems like a publicity stunt and not a competition. JMO, Geof
I agree, and it cuts down on the time the racers have to get there car ready to race there next race that they need.
I must be old school, but I didn't like the idea and after watching it, I still don't!! I'm for good old side by side, you vs. me action, 4 wide just seems like a publicity stunt and not a competition. JMO, Geof

Count me in on that one.

I didn't like it. Hate the countdown, didn't like this either.
The reason for the short time wasn't due to the format, it was because of the rain coming in. They didn't beat the rain.
:snakeman:Whaaat ever, just pss me more taco's!