Fresh Air Door



Sep 15, 2015
Reaction score
Shawnee, KS
The door on my driver side, I suppose because of more use, had rusted hinges and the fastening tab had broken out of the fresh air box (whatever that's made of I don't know). So whenever I drove the car, even if it wasn't really cold air, it was filled with bad engine air (not so fresh). So I decided since I can actually kind of drive it now, I though I'd take car of it.

One hinge tab was frozen, so I soaked it with PB Blaster and eventually it loosened up. The lower hinge completely broke off from rust. So I cleaned it up, brazed it to the hinge flange and then riveted it back to the door. I cut some small some small pieces of metal to take up the space where the original rivets tore out of the fresh air box. Cleaned it all up and sprayed it satin black with VHT Epoxy satin. The results below.

I am lucky enough to have an original fresh air door assembly that the door actually opens and closes. Also have 3 or 4 that when I have time will do a repair similar to what you did and put them back in service for someone else to use.
I am lucky enough to have an original fresh air door assembly that the door actually opens and closes. Also have 3 or 4 that when I have time will do a repair similar to what you did and put them back in service for someone else to use.
I suspect if a car was treated nicely to a garage or carport at least for most of it's life the originals would be good. Most of these poor old babies don't get that kind of treatment.
I personally have nothing but bad experience with those air doors! Oh yeah they always seem to work LOL but it seems to always get open at about 50 on the freeway and everything that's collected in there for the last 20 years comes blowing out into the interior on the freeway in your face and eyes! I guess I have bad timing for opening those doors or my passengers do... I can already remember myself waving my arms and swerving on the road coughing and sputtering and wiping my eyes..
close that damn door!
Really top notch work. My driver's side door is missing and, when a friend opened the passenger side door it broke off. The biggest problem is the rivet hinges. No rust and I've soaked in everything including PB Blaster. No luck. Could I drill both of them out? I know I can't replace with a nut and bolt, otherwise they won't move. What type of rivet? What holds it in place? Thanks for posting great pics. This is a big help for me.
I used a small butane torch on the rivet head, then after it cools it usually breaks free.
I'm not a restoration-freak so if it doesn't, I just take the door off and get rid of the pins to be replaced with whatever is handy. Once the door is on the bench by itself,you can be mean to it.

I agree, OP does nice work
This post inspired me to copy what I saw here. Using a Dremel with the cylindrical stone, I ground off the inside of all four rivets and punched them out. I can figure out how to mount the hinge plate to the box (really big holes there) but what type of rivets do I use so the plate still moves open and shut? If not for you guys and this forum, my 68 Barracuda would just sit
Yeah once the original rivet comes out your good. My first mistake was trying to free it up and broke the flange clean off. I really didn’t know how they were assembled until I drilled it out and it came apart. Once the original rivet comes out, easy to put back together. 1/8” rivet I think
I almost did the same. After soaking it for half a day in rust remover, and then for a day in PB blaster, one of the 2 rivets moved. Thinking I had freed them, I began to move it when I saw a crimp and tiny cut form on the opposite end which had not freed. I caught it in time. I've never done any of this work before so I truly appreciate what I'm reading here
I almost did the same. After soaking it for half a day in rust remover, and then for a day in PB blaster, one of the 2 rivets moved. Thinking I had freed them, I began to move it when I saw a crimp and tiny cut form on the opposite end which had not freed. I caught it in time. I've never done any of this work before so I truly appreciate what I'm reading here
That’s what I love about this forum, loads of help!
I almost did the same. After soaking it for half a day in rust remover, and then for a day in PB blaster, one of the 2 rivets moved. Thinking I had freed them, I began to move it when I saw a crimp and tiny cut form on the opposite end which had not freed. I caught it in time. I've never done any of this work before so I truly appreciate what I'm reading here
Just realized you were so close. Might have to have some local mopar therapy sessions. @BrianT
Hey Rustyfish & Inspector71, I am in KC also. Are you guys going to the HPAC Mopar show June 8 at Bass Pro?
Last year was the first year I had a car to take. It was really hot. Costs $25 to register. Would be fun to meet some guys from the site here.
Last year was the first year I had a car to take. It was really hot. Costs $25 to register. Would be fun to meet some guys from the site here.
You have a 69 Barracuda? Wow. Yes, agreed. I am trying to organize two of us to go. Be great to meet up. Hot is a four letter word to me. I'm from back east and had no idea it got so hot here. What I'm doing:
Looks good. Mine still works, but the foam is gone & they leak a lot of air. Will need to find some foam to fix them.