Galen Govier's Code Book - is it worth getting?

I think i have one if you want to browse it!! but ask away & most questions can be answered here ,Lawrence
Knowledge is power! Find out what you can on the net and if you aren't satisfied then get his books. tmm
I got 3 different ones back before the WWW. They were still cheap back
then. I only use them if I'm out looking at a car for quick referance., Yearone and afew others have the same stuff for free.
Use them! Galen's got enough money.
I use mine all the time, especially when I'm out junk yardin'!! A quick run through the parts interchange book when looking through piles of bellhousings, intake and exhaust manifolds and the like has yielded me more scores than the books ever cost. Not to mention on-the-spot confirmation capabilities and all those little hidden notes that explain things about other models I'm not that familiar with!! Bought a lot of good cars and parts running numbers through those books!! Worth every penny IMO!! Geof