Garage Cat Sam (He was big on Mopars - Darts in particular.)



Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2022
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Richmond VA
I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

Cats are one of the greatest pets with very cool personalities. I was never a cat person but in the past 20 years I've had 5 of them, all discarded by callous folks. Sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. And tears are okay, and normal.
I have been a cat person all my life, now a dog person too, since we've gotten our shepherds. I cried like a baby too, when I had to put my Mopar girl down .
Sincere condolences.
Tough to go through with any pet. Them barn cats are always my favorites, the work for a living.
I cried like a baby when I lost Clyde. He was one year old in the second picture when I lost him. I still get teared up. He was a lean 140 lbs. but like a big baby to my wife and I.


I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

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I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

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Sorry for your loss and understand your pain. Miss mine a lot. He was more like a dog and followed me everywhere.
It's so easy to become attached to cats or dogs, we don't even realize how much they are a part of our lives until we have to say goodbye to them.
I am sorry for your loss, you gave Sam a home and he surely appreciated that.
May he rest in peace.
I guess this forum was the right spot for Sam. He was meaner than a junkyard dog and was never intimidated by any of the other dogs my kids had. My little Yorky, who is equally mean at times gave wide birth to Sam until the last year when they actually tolerated each other.
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The one thing about it is,,,,,when you find a good cat,,,,,you have a good one !
We have a little outside cat,,,she is indoors sometimes,,,,mostly at night and cold weather .
But she loves being outside,,,,,a natural stalker and killer .
She kills everything that is within her range,,,,and eats it !

But,,,,she is the most docile and loving creature to anything else,,,,other cats,,dogs,,,,and especially people .
Not aggressive at all,,,,unless you are on her food list .

If she disappears I drove down from Richmond!!!
The one thing about it is,,,,,when you find a good cat,,,,,you have a good one !
We have a little outside cat,,,she is indoors sometimes,,,,mostly at night and cold weather .
But she loves being outside,,,,,a natural stalker and killer .
She kills everything that is within her range,,,,and eats it !

But,,,,she is the most docile and loving creature to anything else,,,,other cats,,dogs,,,,and especially people .
Not aggressive at all,,,,unless you are on her food list .

We have more than a few cats. One loves the minature dashund, couple love the wife, I had one that loved me, and followed me everywhere, but somoething got him. ( was killing neighbors chickens I do know), several that love the Boar goats and are their constant companions, a moma cat (retired) that loves me.... several that just have to sleep on top of my cars, especially if not too long ago painted!
Sorry for your loss. We had a scare with our pound hound a week ago. He swallowed one of the kid’s squishy latex water filled toys thinking it was food. He chewed it enough to pop it before he swallowed it. Took most of the day but by the grace of God he pooped it out. I hate saying goodbye to pets. To me it’s easier to let go of humans than it is pets. I’ve never been a cat person either but we have 14 lb Tom cat the wife and kids brought home as a kitten. I’ve grown to appreciate him and would definitely miss him if he was gone.
We all understand, getting tore up over putting your pet down is not a small club in here. Bunch of brawny men, we like cars, women, music and our pets. Amazing how similar we all are when ya get right down to it. RIP shop cat

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That looks like a Havana Brown,,,,,gold eyes,,,,,hair is black ,,,but looks brown when the sun shines through it .
But,,,I don’t know,,,,all black cats might have gold eyes ?

That’s what we have,,,,,a true killing machine if there ever was one !

I imagine it was a copperhead. Because Sam was in such bad shape and hurting when my wife picked him up, he bit her. My wife was going to have to have surgery today, but the last culture came back much better than it had been. Monday will be four days in the hospital. Where he bit my wife in the wrist and the fact that he was much sicker than we realized, it caused a terrible reaction in my wife with an infection. Orthopedic surgeon today. said he truly could not explain to my wife how serious it was when she came in on Friday to the ER. Thank God they were able to cancel the surgery for today and Cindy should be home on Monday.
We have 11. See post #2. I can't add any more than that.