Grand Spalding Dodge

If I had any leads on any others, they would be in my collection. I don't know what to tell you, but keep your eyes open for them at garage sales, flea markets, auctions and swap meets.
I'm a Grand Spaulding Dodge nut myself, and this stuff is very rare. Kinda makes me wish I were a brand X'er, the "rare" performance dealership items are much more common for those guys.
I here ya...hard to come by. But that's what makes the Mopar stuff all the more cool!

How did you come into contact with Lucky anyway? And why did he give you his GSD stuff? Curious on the history...

I just bought the last 2 size Large Direct Connection jackets from Jim's Auto Parts. Couldnt find one anywhere since they are discontinued. They arent vintage, but still pretty cool and getting harder to find. They only have Med and XXL now...may keep one and sell one. But I'd really like to find an original!
Lucky answered an ad I placed and we talked on the phone for a long time. I was looking for people to talk to about the dealership (customers or employees). We hit it off and when the weather warmed up (July) I drove my GSS Demon in to Chicago to meet him. He said he was about in tears when I drove up (don't mistake him for a pussy) and he saw the car. He was flooded with memories when he heard the car turn on his street and came out to meet me out there. I spent all afternoon with him and he took me to the old dealership sites. The most impressive thing about that day to me was that everyone I talked to in that neighborhood still remembered GSD and respected it. It had sort of a mob feeling, but not in a bad way. It was obvious that GSD and the people involved took care of their neighborhood and still do today. If you have ever been to a city and know what I mean about neighborhoods, you'll understand what I'm saying.
As for Lucky giving me the stuff, He had mentioned that he had it and I asked if he wanted to sell anything, but he wouldn't take a thing and just gave it to me. I think it was because I had my beautiful daughter with me and they loved her. Lucky's wife has a large doll and dollhouse collection that Heather loved, and they don't have any kids. Lucky is in to Harleys these days and no longer has any of his cars, the last one being a 71 Charger R/T. I asked him if he wanted to get another 63 Dart and he said no. I wouldn't mind building a clone of his 63 Dart someday.
That's awsome...I totally know what you mean by the neighborhood thing. That's the way it was (and still is somewhat) in those old neighborhoods in cities like Chicago. People looked out for one another. I'd love to take my Dart down to the dealership sometime for pics like you did. That would be cool. Cool story! Not many people get to experience that kind of thing these days and come away with some cool items and memories. Just goes to show you never know who you'll meet if you try!
This shot is of a parking garage that was a remote storage lot for Grand Spaulding Dodge. It was about five blocks away from 3300 W. Grand Ave. The garage held about 1000 cars. It is still owned by Lenny Kraus, Norm's older brother and is a bustling flea market.

I though I would bring back this old thread because of what just happened.
Lenny's building just burned down last night and he was on the news saying he will rebuild.
I drove the GSS there last summer. The dealership looks terrible. Didn't spend too much time running around the building on foot trying to look inside because my daughter was sleeping in the car. I doubt anything of value is still in there, Mr. Norm still owns the building and just last year he took down the last "Dodge Used Cars" sign that was primed over and sold it. Here are some pics.

That's just sad !
I drove the GSS there last summer. The dealership looks terrible. ----, Mr. Norm still owns the building and just last year he took down the last "Dodge Used Cars" sign that was primed over and sold it.
i've read over and over, in several different sources, that Norm sold his stake in GSD in 1977 and when i bought my B200 conversion van from GSD in early '78 i asked to meet him, and i was told he wasn't there anymore, that he sold the business. i bought a stripped van from them in late '79 and customized it myself. i guess it's possible he bought the property back, i moved to Seattle area in the mid 80's so i wasn't around when GSD closed for good.
what ever happened with the GSS/GSD REGISTRY? did Pat and Larry ever get a round to it, or did it end up like this .... ? gts340, did you get a registry built for 71/72 GSS Demons?
Did they ever build the 40 GSS Darts? I saw Mr. Norm last weekend and didn't think to ask, we were just talking about my car and some racing stories. I was pretty excited just to see him doing his thing, he's no spring chicken anymore. My father was a mopar mechanic so I grew up in and around an old dealership, Mr. Norm is definately one of my favorite people out there.
Did anyone see Mr Norm at Carlisle? I thought I might have seen him come in in a Caravan but not for sure
Did anyone see Mr Norm at Carlisle? I thought I might have seen him come in in a Caravan but not for sure
He always travels in a maroon mini van with plates that read Mr Norm, so you probably did see him. I bring his swag and a modern Challenger to the shows for him every year.
Met him several years ago at Carlisle back when he was promoting his GSS darts. Think it was the same year Steve Austin had his black one there from SS/AFX He was great to talk to. Like being back in time. I was with the late great engine builder Steve Kanuika and they were talking old war stories of jungle JIM and others they both knew that Steve built engines for. I could sit and hear stories from the old guys for hours. Like stepping back in time