great... stupid walmart.

I'm glad I'm not an employer in this country. They can't hire the Mexicans and all the Americans under 25 yrs old with proper work ethic and attitude are in the military.

So true RedFish. How do you get fired for pushing carts at Wal-Mart? See the cart? Go get it and bring it inside.
So true RedFish. How do you get fired for pushing carts at Wal-Mart? See the cart? Go get it and bring it inside.
just spewed more coffee on the computer, thanks Badart.....:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
Hey, I just got back from Wal-Mart.........Where are all the carts??? Dang lazy cart boys!!!!! Just kidding. I got fired once for smoking on break....... my pipe didn't have tobacco!!!!!! LOL
So true RedFish. How do you get fired for pushing carts at Wal-Mart? See the cart? Go get it and bring it inside.

Haha :thebirdm:
I was fired from managements lack of logic. That's how it can happen
When I was in hs working at Rickel's Home Center we would go out to my buddy's bug to smoke night in a wicked snow storm the boss came out to his car to move it closer to the front door of the was parked nose to nose with us! Good thing it was snowin hard! LOL
Haha :thebirdm:
I was fired from managements lack of logic. That's how it can happen

Oh my bad. I thought you said "Lack of performance." Thanks for the bird. I hear Burger king is hiring.

The truth is that I was a maintence manager for 4 different Wal-Mart distribution centers across the country for about 8 years. My small personal experience with the company was very positive. They do have a huge bulls eye on them because they are the worlds largest retailer. They do demand quite a bit from their employees, but I guess I do too. I have seen them build a distribution center in a ghost town were people lived at a poverty level and transform the community. Bringing in not only 600+ jobs, but other businesses to support the community.

BTW I did not get fired. I had a better offer with another company. I am sorry, but if you are still in high school you still have quite a bit to learn about the world. My experience with Wal-Mart is that you only get fired if you are not willing to work or can't follow the rules. Just my 2 cents.
I wont shop in a walmart ever.I have seen and heard enough to stay outta all them.Saving ten cents on an item is NOT enough for me to justify the lack of business ethics and employment standards the walmart corporation has.You will be treated better elsewhere and not have to wear that lame blue vest.:thebirdm:
I'm glad I'm not an employer in this country. They can't hire the Mexicans and all the Americans under 25 yrs old with proper work ethic and attitude are in the military.

Since you aren’t an “employer” in this country, you may be
A. An employee.
B. Self employed.
C. “Retired”.
D. Unemployed yourself.
E. Other (not in this country?)

At any rate.

Certainly you were engaging in hyperbole.
Both of your other statements are patently untrue.
Like someone said earlies, every job has its horror stories. My son worked at Wal-Mart for over a year as a cart pusher. I use to hear stories from him. But it was because he stayed there for that long got him the job he has know. They said it was nice to see that he stayed at a "respectable" place of employment for over a year. Now a year and half later he makes over $15 an hour and was just promoted. He had a pleasant experience with Wal-Mart. But I have two horror stories about being employed there. My late husband worked there for many years and was in the management program. They had plans on transferring him. At the same time I became pregnant. They said no problem they could wait on transferring him until after the baby was born. I started working there for Cmas for extra money. The season was over with, I was 7.5 months pregnant and miserable. I was expecting them to get rid of me because I was only season help. When I questioned them about it they got mad at me because I wanted to quit. I couldn't even fit behind the counter. Anyway I had it, so I quit. When I had a few more weeks to go before the baby was born and Wal-Mart decided it was time to transfer my husband. He talked them and asked if it couldn't wait a few more weeks. They said yeah no problem. We started packing lightly. Then one day they said you got to move now or not at all. He told them a thing or to and quit. What a bunch of crap!!!! He didn't have any trouble finding a job. The most important thing was he got to see his son being born. But guess where we went two when I was released from the hospital, Wal-Mart showing off my beautiful son.