GREEDY! CRAZY eBay prices thread, trim rings $5495, Barracuda window trim $450

Most of those parts never sell. If those guys wanna pay fleebay a bunch of fees to list parts it's a free country man. If you don't like the guys prices buy from someone else.
Most of those parts never sell. If those guys wanna pay fleebay a bunch of fees to list parts it's a free country man. If you don't like the guys prices buy from someone else.

FYI, Power sellers don't pay the same fees a regular seller does.

This thread is about GREED and the fact they are driving all the prices up on all of us. Much like other threads about way over priced vehicles with barrett Jackson prices, such as the $200,000 Dakota.

I pick off the reasonable price parts on eBay when I need the part.
If I pay big dollars for a NOS part I had better get the original box. Most of these do but some Bozo's think a used part in good condition is NOS. tmm
1969 Dodge 318 Engine - $3000 (Bozeman)


Wow, I just bought a running 1968 318 with 904 attached for $200 - carb, maniflds alt, fuel pump, everything!
It doesn't bother me. $3000 nos parts drives the aftermarket to make nice repro parts that are much more afordable. Believe it or not it's a good thing for the hobby. 20 years ago when I started in the hobby you could barely get anything new for an abody. Nowadays you can start out rusted out junker and buy almost anything you need to fix it up. With out those greedy guys selling for crazy prices the aftermarket for 40 year old mopars wouldn't exist .
it is the DEMAND for parts that creates aftermarket and repops, not the idiot down the street wanting 4k for an NOS wiper blade
It doesn't bother me. $3000 nos parts drives the aftermarket to make nice repro parts that are much more afordable. Believe it or not it's a good thing for the hobby. 20 years ago when I started in the hobby you could barely get anything new for an abody. Nowadays you can start out rusted out junker and buy almost anything you need to fix it up. With out those greedy guys selling for crazy prices the aftermarket for 40 year old mopars wouldn't exist .

The need for parts in the market are why nice repro parts are being manufactured. It is all about need not greed. If there is a big enough need and it is cost effictive then it is likely that some of the parts will come out. 20 years ago A body Mopars were worth little in the market. I bought a rust free and dent free 1967 Barracuda fastback with perfect grilles less the motor and tranny in 1997 for $400. The motor and tranny went in a B body and the car was for sale for a year before I bought it. Today that car would likely bring in the $4000 area if it were for sale.
The need for parts in the market is caused buy supply and demand.Low supply and high demand is why an guy can ask super high prices for an nice nos piece and get it. This drives the market to create more supply.Don't get me wrong man I miss the days of cheap parts but it don't bother me.
They can ask what they like. I would be interested to see what they get. I would expect they will not sell any of those parts at those inflated prices.
The need for parts in the market is caused buy supply and demand.Low supply and high demand is why an guy can ask super high prices for an nice nos piece and get it. This drives the market to create more supply.Don't get me wrong man I miss the days of cheap parts but it don't bother me.

Most of the supply of everything but mechanical parts is about gone. This is why we can now buy the little $1.00 and $2.00 foam gaskets, the little rubber bumpers, the screw kits and tons of other inexpensive items. The need not the greed is what brought these items to the market. That is why we haven't seen a lot of seldom use parts reproduced because the market is too slim to pay for the tooling and the R&D. Companies aren't going to set up to build something that they are only going to sell 10 of because it won't return the money it has to. Do you think they will reproduce the NOS MoPar 1964 Dodge 330, 440, 500 Left Quarter Panel ****4 door**** because this seller has one priced for $1199.99? I don't think this will ever happen. This is the quote from the seller "For use on 4 doors but most of this panel can be used on a 2 door car".
Things are manufactured because there is a demand that will justify the cost of bringing it to the market. I really doubt that anyone is seeing what the highest priced item is on ebay and then running out to manufacture it.
I'm guilty of paying a lot for a real nice part that would finish my car, but nothing even close to what's been posted here. But when I see these auctions I can't imagine that anyone is actually buying these parts at these prices. I just assumed it was some kind of insurance scam or something.
I'm guilty of paying a lot for a real nice part that would finish my car, but nothing even close to what's been posted here. But when I see these auctions I can't imagine that anyone is actually buying these parts at these prices. I just assumed it was some kind of insurance scam or something.

I have paid a lot for some parts too but never prices like these. The flip top cap for $1295 comes by in the $300 range every know and then but fail to sell. I picked up a NOS one for $130 on eBay.

You know you may have nailed it right there. If your price it high enough and a car is insured with good coverage and damaged that might be the way they sell those parts. I hadn't ever thought about it but it would make sense.
In general,I agree with you. Most of that stuff will never sell at those prices.

But playing devils advocate,
How many NOS 1964 quarter panels do you think are left ?
Do you think he should just give it away ?
Would I pay this much for the panel ?
Depends on the situation.
But if both buyer and seller are happy,more power to them.
So how many NOS 1964 quarter panels do you think are left ?
Do you think he should just give it away ?
Would I pay this much for the panel ?
Depends on the situation.
But if both buyer and seller are happy,more power to them.

Did you read the entire thread? I referenced it to a total different conservation and not the need for it. If I needed it and there was no other option I would buy it but what is a 4 door car worth?

The idea of this thread is to just share some crazy prices some people ask for things and not a debate.
Thought I read/looked at the whole thread.
Looks like a bunch of whinning about the high cost of parts,with a bunch of useless
post horring sprinkled in.
What part did I miss ?
Everyone should make a profit (cost of living and so on) Those price are insane and are
they selling? Everyone including the rich middle and poor should have a hobby or a
sport, Now that I say this, What are the lower income people going to do?
Are they just going to just get drunk out of there minds including drinking and
driving and kill some one , What do they have to live for and what are there morals?
I am not saying the lower income people are like that, I am stating something here.
Keep the price normal you Greedy $SOLES, So everyone can enjoy.
Sorry I had to vent here
Well,if you read my "Entire" first thread, you would have seen that I generally agree with you. And to tell me that I can't debate after 3 pages of debate is,well, pretty lame.
Just because you didn't like the answer/opinion I had.
Note to self: Only debate when Okcardude says its ok.