Had to let go of a friend yesterday.



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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We had to put Vincey down yesterday.

He had been slowing down for about a month but was still eating, although he couldn't eat dry food any more and the food had to be brought to him. He was staying in the same place for most of the day, but he had three or four places he liked, and he went back and forth to the litter box.

Day before yesterday, he threw up what food he ate. Then he went into the 2nd bedroom and hid under the futon. That's the last time he went anywhere under his own power.

We sat up with him for a long time and he was struggling. I slept with him and he was slightly better in the morning but we knew it was time.

He appeared in our back yard in 2013 right when we decided we had to let the six we already had inside become inside/outside. He stayed under one of my parts cars for a few weeks and would sometimes peer at us from in back of the step to the shed. We could tell something was wrong with one of his eyes, but not exactly what. One day I decided to try to feed him something. I took some ham out and sat on that shed step. He came up and I offered it, but I held it on his "bad eye" side and he accidentally bit me (hard) trying to take it. He never again would take anything from my hand. He always waited until I set it down.....until a few days ago when he very gingerly took a small piece of ham from me.

After some coaxing and leaving food closer and closer, he came in as far as the screen porch and lived there for about a month before he'd come all the way in, watching all the others go in and out. While he was out there we had a big storm and I could tell he was scared. I went out to talk to him and he eventually put his big ol' kitty head in the palm of my hand. I believe it was the next day when he finally came all the way in to the house.

After that, whenever I petted him, he almost always rooted that head into my palm. We called him "the self petting cat" because you could just hold your hand in front of him, and he would do all the work. If you stopped before he was ready, he'd tap you with his paw, and keep tapping until you obliged.

We're pretty sure he got dumped, as we've had at least 5 others that "just appeared" in the neighborhood. What we can't fathom, is who would dump such a sweet cat. On top of being sweet, he only ate dry cat food. Nothing else for 8 and a half years! He was clearly someone's cat just a week or so before he found us.

I had several conversations with him, in his own language. He had a very unique voice. We were surprised the first time he spoke and wondered if that was really him. I could mimic him about 95% and if I started, he'd usually answer, sometimes going back and forth a dozen times.

He wasn't a lap cat, but he'd sit up against you and sometimes put his forepaws on you. He would find "the curve" of your body to nestle against. Quite the sweetie for a grizzled, old one eyed cat.

I named him Vincent after the character in the 80's TV show "Beauty And The Beast" because at first glance, you might think he was a monster, but he was really a beautiful cat with a sweet personality, He never let that bad eye keep him from anything, either. He holds the record for largest animal caught in the yard. A pocket gopher. When I saw him with it I had to say out loud "what the hell is that" a half a dozen times. I finally had to look it up. The gopher did live and was released by the creek.

The past couple years were pretty rough. He survived being attacked by a hawk. Twice. He developed a thyroid condition and survived radioactive iodine treatment (he was technically radioactive for a month), and he had to have a few teeth pulled and also developed stomatitis. I should probably also mention that when he got neutered about a month after he came in, the SPCA tested him for FIV (Feline Immuno-deficiency Virus), and he was positive. They wanted to put him down on the spot. I said "No, we'll just take him home", and we made sure no one else ate after him or got into chewing, bleeding fights with him.

Despite all that, he pulled through everything, until about a month ago. I'm not sure what finally did him in, but I suspect it was just plain old age on top of all those underlying issues. We had him for 9 years and he was no way a kitten when he arrived. Our Vet says he was likely about 15, which is a pretty good run for a cat.

He spent most of the last month beside me, on the arm of the couch. Every now and then he'd come over and sit up against me...and every now and then he'd want to root his head into the palm of my hand. We had plenty of time to reminisce, and tell each other "I love you".

We lost a good cat and a great friend yesterday.

Godspeed to you, Mr. Vincent. We'll see you on the other side.


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Very sorry for your loss, Vincent went through a lot in his life and you two were lucky to have found each other.
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My sympathies. It is truly amazing how deeply they become part of a person
Not Vincent! Man, I am so sorry. He will be there waiting for you.
I feel your pain, man. We just had to put down our 17-year-old cat Biggie on Wednesday. His lungs were surrounded by fluid. :( My wife and I got him just before we got married, and we're both taking it pretty hard. He was a good boy. Here's a picture of him wearing a lei for some reason. :) Sorry for your loss...it stinks, I know.

I tell people I'm not a cat person and my wife's cat loves the hell out of me! And now when I go to play my guitar she comes and rubs up against me as if I'm serenading her!?.. in the end I'm not going to be happy when she's gone...
I'm sorry for your loss brother...
Well written, sir. Shed a couple tears for Mr. Vincent while reading. Animals seem to be the truest friends. We'll seem 'em on the other side.
Thanks everyone.

We have a lot of cats, but today it feels like we don't have enough.
The empty space seems much larger than the space they occupied when they were here.

I forgot to say anything about Vincey's purr.

It was the loudest purr I've ever heard.
Lawn mower loud. Diesel engine loud.
Could easily drown out anything else in the room including the TV and dishwasher.
If he was purring between you and someone talking, you'd have to ask them to repeat and speak up.

I took Mr. White (pictured above on our dining room rail with Vincent) in to say goodbye, as they had become pretty close of late.

White sniffed Vincey's front paws and immediately fell down and rolled over, showing love and/or respect. I sure didn't expect to see that. Very touching.
Amazing story/

I feel so bad for the people of this world, that have known the love that can exist between man and critters. Because, those poor people, there is a piece of their soul that they have never known.
The joy they give is so much greater than the care, food, shelter we offer them.
I feel your pain, man. We just had to put down our 17-year-old cat Biggie on Wednesday. His lungs were surrounded by fluid. :( My wife and I got him just before we got married, and we're both taking it pretty hard. He was a good boy. Here's a picture of him wearing a lei for some reason. :) Sorry for your loss...it stinks, I know.

My first cat I had as a kid ended up with a lung fluid and heart fluid issue.
I LOVED that cat. 20 plus pound street bruiser that frequently kicked dogs and raccoons ***', but was as gentle as could be with me. Smart as hell, too.

Vet said nothing to do, but he'd probably pass without pain.
We took him home and he made it another year. I believe he was only 8 or 9.
Here's Vincey tapping me to say "pet me, please".


Thanks everyone.

We have a lot of cats, but today it feels like we don't have enough.
The empty space seems much larger than the space they occupied when they were here.

We've been feeling the same way this week - it just feels lonely. We've been paying extra attention to our other cat (Diesel), because he and Biggie were pretty good pals. I'm sure we'll go out and find a slightly older abandoned cat soon to keep Diesel company, but it's been a rough week.
Sorry to hear, You gave Him plenty of love, and sent His soul off fulfilled with that companionship.
Very sorry for your loss. I can tell from your original post that Vince was a very special member of your family and he will be missed by everyone. You gave him a good life and a loving home, and in return he gave you love and affection in a way that I believe only pets can.

Rest in Peace Vincey
You really went above and beyond for him and he showed his love and appreciation for you. Very well done. Thanks to you and everyone else here that take in stray cats and dogs. Y'all are good people.
We had to put Vincey down yesterday.

He had been slowing down for about a month but was still eating, although he couldn't eat dry food any more and the food had to be brought to him. He was staying in the same place for most of the day, but he had three or four places he liked, and he went back and forth to the litter box.

Day before yesterday, he threw up what food he ate. Then he went into the 2nd bedroom and hid under the futon. That's the last time he went anywhere under his own power.

We sat up with him for a long time and he was struggling. I slept with him and he was slightly better in the morning but we knew it was time.

He appeared in our back yard in 2013 right when we decided we had to let the six we already had inside become inside/outside. He stayed under one of my parts cars for a few weeks and would sometimes peer at us from in back of the step to the shed. We could tell something was wrong with one of his eyes, but not exactly what. One day I decided to try to feed him something. I took some ham out and sat on that shed step. He came up and I offered it, but I held it on his "bad eye" side and he accidentally bit me (hard) trying to take it. He never again would take anything from my hand. He always waited until I set it down.....until a few days ago when he very gingerly took a small piece of ham from me.

After some coaxing and leaving food closer and closer, he came in as far as the screen porch and lived there for about a month before he'd come all the way in, watching all the others go in and out. While he was out there we had a big storm and I could tell he was scared. I went out to talk to him and he eventually put his big ol' kitty head in the palm of my hand. I believe it was the next day when he finally came all the way in to the house.

After that, whenever I petted him, he almost always rooted that head into my palm. We called him "the self petting cat" because you could just hold your hand in front of him, and he would do all the work. If you stopped before he was ready, he'd tap you with his paw, and keep tapping until you obliged.

We're pretty sure he got dumped, as we've had at least 5 others that "just appeared" in the neighborhood. What we can't fathom, is who would dump such a sweet cat. On top of being sweet, he only ate dry cat food. Nothing else for 8 and a half years! He was clearly someone's cat just a week or so before he found us.

I had several conversations with him, in his own language. He had a very unique voice. We were surprised the first time he spoke and wondered if that was really him. I could mimic him about 95% and if I started, he'd usually answer, sometimes going back and forth a dozen times.

He wasn't a lap cat, but he'd sit up against you and sometimes put his forepaws on you. He would find "the curve" of your body to nestle against. Quite the sweetie for a grizzled, old one eyed cat.

I named him Vincent after the character in the 80's TV show "Beauty And The Beast" because at first glance, you might think he was a monster, but he was really a beautiful cat with a sweet personality, He never let that bad eye keep him from anything, either. He holds the record for largest animal caught in the yard. A pocket gopher. When I saw him with it I had to say out loud "what the hell is that" a half a dozen times. I finally had to look it up. The gopher did live and was released by the creek.

The past couple years were pretty rough. He survived being attacked by a hawk. Twice. He developed a thyroid condition and survived radioactive iodine treatment (he was technically radioactive for a month), and he had to have a few teeth pulled and also developed stomatitis. I should probably also mention that when he got neutered about a month after he came in, the SPCA tested him for FIV (Feline Immuno-deficiency Virus), and he was positive. They wanted to put him down on the spot. I said "No, we'll just take him home", and we made sure no one else ate after him or got into chewing, bleeding fights with him.

Despite all that, he pulled through everything, until about a month ago. I'm not sure what finally did him in, but I suspect it was just plain old age on top of all those underlying issues. We had him for 9 years and he was no way a kitten when he arrived. Our Vet says he was likely about 15, which is a pretty good run for a cat.

He spent most of the last month beside me, on the arm of the couch. Every now and then he'd come over and sit up against me...and every now and then he'd want to root his head into the palm of my hand. We had plenty of time to reminisce, and tell each other "I love you".

We lost a good cat and a great friend yesterday.

Godspeed to you, Mr. Vincent. We'll see you on the other side.

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Hate to hear that you lost a good friend. I understand how we think of our pets as family, I had a yorkie that lived to be 15 1/2 years old and it was really hard on me when I had to put him down.