Hard to keep going sometimes

When you do file for SSD include EVERYTHING that ails you, no matter how insignificant it might be....as long as you have had the condition for a year, or it is expected to last at least a year.

That's right. When my back let go I was working as a forklift mechanic. No possible way I could do that again cause there was a lot of heavy lifting and bending over. I had disability insurance through work that I had no problem getting ok'd but they required me to sing up on SS disability and SS denied me twice until I got a lawyer and he noticed on my doctors report it said how I was having 4-5 migraines per month and at the hearing he had me tell them about the migraines. I never thought about mentioning it cause I figured they were just headaches so it wouldn't matter. I was wrong. Even though I had 5 discs trashed in my back and couldn't lift over 30 lbs. or bend over much anymore I would have probably still been denied but telling them about the migraines made it go right through.
What you guys are saying does make sense. I need to sit down and make a list of the things that are wrong. The RA inflammation is in every joint in my body, and it causes some crazy stuff. Headache almost every morning, random sharp stabbing pain from various joints, for no reason, out of nowhere (dr is concerned about that one), back spasms that knock the wind out of me for 20-30 seconds, random numbness. Monday, I am going to schedule a consultation with a lawyer. Between the R. arthritis, the anky spondy, the uc, 2 herniated discs, I lose track of all the things that hurt.

Ink-thanks again! I sent you an email a while back, but I think it may have been flagged as spam and you missed it lol.
Hey Metallidart. I just read thru most of the thread, and I really admire you for hanging in there. :prayer: More people than not, might have just thrown their hands up and quit. The only help I can offer is my experience with one of the new auto-immune drugs. I have Psoriasis, which is also an auto-immune disorder. I'm 56, and I've had it since I was about 21 or 22 years old. It never was real bad, and I was always able to manage it on my own with snake oil that all the drug stores sell. Fast forward to 2007. I had a terrible flare up, and had to start seeing a dermatologist. He got it kind of calmed down with Methotrexate, but that stuff was awful. I started doing research online, and learned of a new drug called Stelara that was coming out. I talked to my dermatologist, and he told me about the risks vs rewards of such a medication. Long story short, I've been on Stelara for 2 years now, and it has changed my life. I just have to be diligent about hand washing and avoiding snotty nosed, sneezy people...lol. I also need to clean wounds I get while working with my hands, and keep a band aid on longer then I used to. It's all well worth it to me, cause you'd never look at me and know I have Psoriasis. If there's some type of new drug that may be helpful to you, at least consider it before the lawyers that write the disclaimers scare you away from it. For me personally, the rewards far outweighed the risks. Hope you're doing ok, and best of luck with the SSDI. People like you are exactly who it should help. Take care,