Hardly believable



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I hesitated to post this because I thought/think some will think it's an exaggeration, but I swear it's true.

I was driving the Dart about 70 on a 65mph two lane hiway the other day and was in the right hand lane when a small truck that was pulled off the road on the right shoulder put his signal on and started out into the road.
I checked my mirrors and my left blind spot to see only one little red car about 1/8 mile behind me, so I signaled and moved over into the left lane.
I was coming up on where the truck was and checked my mirrors again and the little red car was coming up behind me and suddenly changed lanes into the right lane to try and go by me.
At this point the little truck was only doing about 45 so the red car jumps back over in the left lane and passes me on my left with his wheels off the shoulder in the median while I'm going by the little truck that was in the right lane.
Dirt, gravel and weeds were flying up in the air and I could hear them hitting the front of my car and see them bouncing off my windshield.
I turned off the hiway at the same offramp he did and SOOOO wanted to get my tire iron out and make a mess of him and his car both.
I followed him to a house and stopped down the street a couple of houses and watched him watching me as he went in the house.

I called the police while sitting there and told them what happened and that I was sitting right down the street and could point the car out and they said that without any witnesses they couldn't just accuse the guy of doing what I said he did.
I told them that they could go check all the grass and weeds on the front of his car, and I would take them to where his tires were off in the weeds when he did it, but they said that couldn't prove anything, and that if I approached him about it they could very well arrest me for road rage.

I was like WTF!???
It's getting to the point that even if you are not interfering with anyone and minding your own business other drivers have to mess with you, cut you off, pass you in a 25 residential area, do 50 in a 25 and run stops signs and red lights and they don't do a damn thing about it.
Hell I recently got passed on the left in a 25 zone with my frickin left signal on AS I was turning left.
Happens all day every day here.

Worthless cops won't even do their damn jobs around here.
I guess I should have followed my first thought and ran his *** off the hiway when he came up next to me and then played dumb about even knowing he was there, and let him explain how that happened if he lived through it.
Dashcam. You can buy chineseoated dash cams for cheap nowadays. I've got one that points forward, and has a long tiny wire which goes to a second tiny camera for the rear. At the time it was about 80 bucks.
let it go brother, you got a family to get home too

(oh, and if one of us does decide to do something stupid, lets make sure we drive the winterbeater out there and not our A bodies which EVERYONE knows)

Dashcam. You can buy chineseoated dash cams for cheap nowadays. I've got one that points forward, and has a long tiny wire which goes to a second tiny camera for the rear. At the time it was about 80 bucks.

that would do the trick
Dashcam. You can buy chineseoated dash cams for cheap nowadays. I've got one that points forward, and has a long tiny wire which goes to a second tiny camera for the rear. At the time it was about 80 bucks.

Then I'd have a video of something they won't do anything about. :D
I already told them if I or someone in my family get hurt by some A hole breaking traffic laws that I will sue the city for the laws not being enforced.
I also asked them if they could imagine riding a motorcycle in a town that no one uses signals.
I am a pretty well known local business owner, so they know who I am. (not that it means anything really)
But for about a week after that there were cars pulled over everywhere you looked (only for that week) then back to total mayhem.
It's bs.......but the truth is you really suffered no damage from an incident that cannot be proven. At least not without some doughnut eatin fatass getting off his duff to actually do something.

No offense to doughnut eatin fatasses.
It's bs.......but the truth is you really suffered no damage from an incident that cannot be proven. At least not without some doughnut eatin fatass getting off his duff to actually do something.

No offense to doughnut eatin fatasses.

rusty, you old doughball, your getting soft :D
Do not Worry Joe will go arrest some lawn care company and deport them.... But he wont do the work he should be doing on a daily basis....
Traffic infractions have to be witnessed by law enforcement personnel to be valid. It's not the officer's fault, that is the law.

If you had dashcam video, it would be different as that can be used as evidence in court as long as a few things are present and verifiable, like the date and time of the video. But without it, the whole thing will come down to your word vs. the word of the other driver, who will likely deny everything. The marks on the pavement and on the shoulder could have been made by anyone, and the gravel and weeds in the other drivers car could have come from somewhere else. While you know that's not the case, the evidence doesn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Knowing what happened and proving what happened in a court of law are two different things, and they SHOULD be.

Don't get me wrong, I ride a motorcycle and would love for people to actually follow the damned traffic laws. I've nearly been taken out more times than I can count by folks that didn't use their signals, or bothered to look before they changed lanes, made an illegal u-turn, whatever. But I also wouldn't want to be cited because someone doesn't like motorcycles, or thought my bike was too loud, or fast, or whatever, and made up a story and told the police something that wasn't true to get me cited, fined, or worse.
No one said anything about the little truck pulling out! In PA if you move over to let someone on to the road it "can" be a violation. That is a courtesy and not required. I was taking my CDL test and a car was yielding up onto the 4 lane. The examiner watched me and must have thought I was going to move over and she said if you change lanes you fail. Just what I know has happened to me.
No one said anything about the little truck pulling out! In PA if you move over to let someone on to the road it "can" be a violation. That is a courtesy and not required. I was taking my CDL test and a car was yielding up onto the 4 lane. The examiner watched me and must have thought I was going to move over and she said if you change lanes you fail. Just what I know has happened to me.

Also from PA, this is valid. I changed lanes to let someone on to a ramp during my license test and I was failed because I technically 'impeded the fast lane'. This was a good 5 years ago, but if I know PA, it hasn't changed.
No one said anything about the little truck pulling out! In PA if you move over to let someone on to the road it "can" be a violation. That is a courtesy and not required. I was taking my CDL test and a car was yielding up onto the 4 lane. The examiner watched me and must have thought I was going to move over and she said if you change lanes you fail. Just what I know has happened to me.

We can change lanes whenever we want, but the law is that you are supposed to signal for it to be a safe and legal change.
These people remind me of watching and ant hill with everyone going all different directions with no warning at all. (especially when a light turns orange)
It's a no signals scramble for the lane they think will go the fastest when the light turns green, but there isn't a damn thing in this town to be in that big of a hurry over.
It's purely a competition thing to see who can get over on or take advantage of whom even though it causes a safety problem.
The PD told me (which I already knew) that they only have two cruisers for traffic enforcement out of 60 cars, but here recently they spent their annual gov grant to replace all the damn stop signs in the town (THAT PEOPLE DON'T STOP AT ANYWAY):violent1:
Then I also find out from the Mayor himself that they don't turn in all that aluminum because no one wants to fill out the paperwork for where the money came from.
They GIVE it to the recycle center which is a local welding and steel supply owned by one of the local "Good ol boys" who's wife is on the city council.

I wonder how much that is. #-o
Don't take me wrong TB. I am in no way criticizing you or saying you were wrong. I was just trying to point out that if the dope in the truck would not have started to pull out the whole thing would not have happened. I get highly pissed off at the stupid drivers.

And thanks Expire when I tell that story people try to tell me I am wrong.
Oh and we can change lanes too but it has to be safely and use your signal. Something else they were announcing on the news just a month ago....The police are starting to target slow drivers in the fast lane.
Sounds like the same sh*t you were dealing with in Santa Maria,Greg. Stay safe,man.
Be thankful he didn't lose it and take all three of you out. Can't fix stupid just try to avoid the dumb asses
No one said anything about the little truck pulling out! In PA if you move over to let someone on to the road it "can" be a violation. That is a courtesy and not required. I was taking my CDL test and a car was yielding up onto the 4 lane. The examiner watched me and must have thought I was going to move over and she said if you change lanes you fail. Just what I know has happened to me.

One of the reasons I've stopped moving over as a courtesy when I'm dragging the trailer with a load. It's not like my little 302 has the power to just put my foot in it and go if some dumbass decides to just match my speed once he's on the highway and I'm out in the left lane where traffic wants to do 10 mph faster than I do. Want on the highway? Gun it and go and match highway speeds. That's what the ramps are for.
In NY if there is a vehicle on the shoulder you have to move over. If it's a state vehicle and you don't they will ticket you.

Was there any damage to your car?
Here in Ontario you can call 911 and report a drunk driver... give licence and vehicle description and describe the incident... they WILL go knock on his door. Not to say anything will be done but at least they may think twice before being stupid again.
In NY if there is a vehicle on the shoulder you have to move over. If it's a state vehicle and you don't they will ticket you.

Was there any damage to your car?

I don't see anything but I sure did hear it hitting the car.
The fact that he would intentionally risk the car damage pissed me off almost more than the stupidity of the move.

Here in Ontario you can call 911 and report a drunk driver... give licence and vehicle description and describe the incident... they WILL go knock on his door. Not to say anything will be done but at least they may think twice before being stupid again.

After thinking about it for awhile I think reporting for road rage will do more.
They do go find someone for that if reported via a license number.
What this guy did is not an infraction it is a misdemeanor. The cop doesn't have to witness a misdemeanor for a charge. You will have to have the plate number and be able to identify the driver. Then meet an officer at the magistrates office to write out a sworn statement. The magistrate will then charge the driver if he finds probable cause. Really no different than a minor assault charge. Sounds to me like it meets careless and reckless elements.