Has anyone reversed the twin hood scoops for a cowl induction effect?



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2019
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winnipeg, manitoba
In the process of rebuilding my 68' Dart. Came with the dual hood scoops. Would like to install a hood tach on like some of the Plymouth Road Runners which got me thinking about reversing the twin hood scoops All three then from the front, in same color, would appear as bumps on the hood with facings toward the driver. Less of a distraction in appearance perhaps. From other pictures it appears the scoop opening, if you could use the same holes (or modify), it appears it would be close enough to the windshield to gain the cowl induction affect. Any thoughts??
The Dart Scoops are long and skinny by effect.



Maybe the Dodge Daytona fender scoops would give a better look and action for your reversed effect on the Dart Hood.


It is my opinion that the stock position is way to far
from the Cowl to have any significant impact.
might give better ground affects... air coming into the engine bay through the front creates lift at speeds.
Hood openings with negative air pressure would allow the air and heat in the engine bay to escape through the rear facing scoops... maybe?
Help keep the front end from floating at high speed and let heat out. just a thought...
The only benefit would be to you personally if you like that look, not the engine. Most cowl induction hoods have the air inlet in the center of the hood feasting off of the air from that part of the windshield.
Yeah, to get any benefit from cowl induction the opening needs to be very close to the base of the windshield — the high pressure area is right at the angle. Anywhere on the flat hood is laminar flow.
Those 70 scoops look terrible on a 68 dart anyway in my opinion, turning them around backwards is just gonna look exponentially worse.
I'm saying it would look wrong, about like the young kid in my high school that put chrome traction bars on his nice 66 Mustang BACKWARDS-he was the laughing stock in high school. So in other words, you'll probably get called a dumbass a few times.:rofl:
Take fresh air from the cowl chamber. I'm on my phone now so I am not going to look for it, but there's a guy here who was taking fresh air from there on his car.
The ducting looks ugly as ****, but if it's stupid and it works, it ain't really all that stupid.
Take fresh air from the cowl chamber. I'm on my phone now so I am not going to look for it, but there's a guy here who was taking fresh air from there on his car.
The ducting looks ugly as ****, but if it's stupid and it works, it ain't really all that stupid.

Something like one of these?
In the process of rebuilding my 68' Dart. Came with the dual hood scoops. Would like to install a hood tach on like some of the Plymouth Road Runners which got me thinking about reversing the twin hood scoops All three then from the front, in same color, would appear as bumps on the hood with facings toward the driver. Less of a distraction in appearance perhaps. From other pictures it appears the scoop opening, if you could use the same holes (or modify), it appears it would be close enough to the windshield to gain the cowl induction affect. Any thoughts??
If you're talking about those shorty scoops like on the Formula-Ss; I was 16 in 1969, and even as a dumb kid in high-school, I could tell those were tacky; and the hood-tach was even tackier.
As to scoops in general, the thing is, on an automatic street car, 65mph will get you ~4200 or so in Second gear with 3.23s, and yur engine is barely getting up on the cam. A few extra hp from even a good scoop will do what?
at 65, you just don't have enough roadspeed yet.
The Dart Scoops are long and skinny by effect.

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Maybe the Dodge Daytona fender scoops would give a better look and action for your reversed effect on the Dart Hood.

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Those duals look lower than I am imagining mine are and I am missing the chrome trim on the front. These look quite good actually with the paint color and quality. The third picture is what I was thinking might work???? Thanks for posting.
I'm saying it would look wrong, about like the young kid in my high school that put chrome traction bars on his nice 66 Mustang BACKWARDS-he was the laughing stock in high school. So in other words, you'll probably get called a dumbass a few times.:rofl:
bet he had no axle tramp in reverse though :rofl:
Added this fresh air set-up to Butch Leals street Duster. Air enters thru ducts in the extreme right / left of the valance opening. Strictly for looks, I would do something different on the duct connects if ever I made another sert-up. It usually takes me a try ot two to get it the way I like it.



better picture of duct on left side of valance. All aftermarket stuff readily available from Amazon (Spectre air cleaner) and Summit (ducting)

Would have to be a very small tacho and scoop would have to be very high up the hood, it will look terrible. Would rather just run a revers cowel if that was the idea
better picture of duct on left side of valance. All aftermarket stuff readily available from Amazon (Spectre air cleaner) and Summit (ducting)

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Very nice. I find some of the long dual scoop a little overbearing for the size of the car. However as mentioned in an earlier post, it depends on the paint scheme, for me anyway. Some folks change the color of hood or scoops which draws your attention to them. Then when they are not functional, you just wonder why. The reason for suggesting the reverse mounting would be to make them functional, albeit likely not 100%, however better than a scoop with no holes in the hood. The other issue I am trying to get some insight on is, how to handle rain if you have opening like yours or open holes with hood scoops. I am likely way overthinking this. Anyway, thanks for posting.
Very nice. I find some of the long dual scoop a little overbearing for the size of the car. However as mentioned in an earlier post, it depends on the paint scheme, for me anyway. Some folks change the color of hood or scoops which draws your attention to them. Then when they are not functional, you just wonder why. The reason for suggesting the reverse mounting would be to make them functional, albeit likely not 100%, however better than a scoop with no holes in the hood. The other issue I am trying to get some insight on is, how to handle rain if you have opening like yours or open holes with hood scoops. I am likely way overthinking this. Anyway, thanks for posting.

I follow the one of the biggest rules in plumbing. ****, or rainwater in this case, runs downhill. The duct / air opening is considerably lower than the air cleaner intake. Drill a 3/8" or 1/2'' od drain hole at the base of the duct to the air cleaner and let any intrusive H2O out.
I am not against people customizing their cars with things like hood scoops or spoilers. It's your car. That being said, I am not a big fan of mixing up things from different years or models within a specific car brand. By that I mean that an aftermarket scoop on a 65 barracuda might look OK, but I wouldn't be a fan of a pair of 70 A Body scoops on it. I am kind of the same way with paint colors. I am not a big fan of most 70-71 High Impact colors on some pre 70 A Bodies. Just saying.
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