Have you ever lost



Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2017
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jerseyville, illinois.
interest in your car? I think I have. I have 2 cars, a 65 coronet sw and a 71 dart. Wagon is 1 of the neatest cars. It needs very little. a rear window w/s that no one makes and I need to replace 1 window motor that has gone bad. It was build as a race car/street car. It has 4.56's and a spool. We blew the 540 up and now it has a ding dong 440. Fiberglass 1 pc removable front clip, a/c and a lot of other features. Lots of time, effort, thought and money went into the 8 year build. It sits in the garage and I start it occasionally but seem to have lost interest in doing anything else with it. Has anyone lost interest in their car but got it back? I am at a point in my life that I don't know if the car really matters now.

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Is the car driveable? As in can you go to the Burger King if you want? I've had Vixen since 2019 and I vowed to keep her "runnin & drivin" with as few down times as possible. So far it's worked well and I've really enjoyed it.
Lost interest? Yep, I'm pretty much there. I think my issue is my heart surgery a few years ago. THe dr. keeps asking me if I am depressed and loosing interest in hobbies and the like. I looked it up and it's a real thing. I don't care to work on my cars any more. I got my Swinger out for a wedding last weekend. 1st time since Memorial day weekend. I have lost my Mopar Mojo.
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interest in your car? I think I have. I have 2 cars, a 65 coronet sw and a 71 dart. Wagon is 1 of the neatest cars. It needs very little. a rear window w/s that no one makes and I need to replace 1 window motor that has gone bad. It was build as a race car/street car. It has 4.56's and a spool. We blew the 540 up and now it has a ding dong 440. Fiberglass 1 pc removable front clip, a/c and a lot of other features. Lots of time, effort, thought and money went into the 8 year build. It sits in the garage and I start it occasionally but seem to have lost interest in doing anything else with it. Has anyone lost interest in their car but got it back? I am at a point in my life that I don't know if the car really matters now.

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I have gotten tired of several through the years. I understand. I’ve also regretted getting rid of them after the fact.

Sorry to hear that you’re tired of that wagon. Good Lord that thing is incredibly cool.
I still enjoy my cars and drive each of them as much as I can.
That said, I'm not getting any younger and some of the heavy work is getting to be an effort. And the frustration of the current parts situation isn't helping my attitude, either. I really enjoy working on my toys, but I hate having to do a job twice. The joy I once found in tinkering is fading. The completion of my current project may inject a bit of enthusiasm back into things, but I dunno. We'll see. Not sure what else I'd do, honestly.
Perhaps find another enthusiast in your area, not nec Mopar.
Talk to your parts guy, and put up a "anyone interested in sharing help" note on your local grocer bulletin board, or similar.
My parts guy puts folks onto me often, go look at their ride, kick some tires and ***, get er done.
Go put something new and shiny on the car .
The wagon is super cool, I drove a 65 Coronet as my first learner car my grandpa gave me.

Yes I have lost interest in a few, my 48 Willys sits in a rented storage shed, with my Duster sitting in front of it.
I have not even drove either of them in probably 6 or 7 years, but I do start them every once in a while, and do keep insurance and tags on them.
I guess I just like building them more than driving.


Yes the car is drivable. I live 7 minutes from where I work and they have a cruise in every 1st Friday and 8 minutes from where there is a cruise in the last Friday of every month. 4.56's are ok to drive the 7-8 miles but I just seem to not care as much as I did when I built it. Hell, it has a/c, pw, full interior and all kind of other cool stuff. It is licensed and insured.
I think it's just that as we get older, Or I guess I should say as I have gotten older I have lost interest. Eye sight has gone down hill, tired of ripping myself open and bruising myself all up . Just the price of junk parts like the Professor mentioned. I still like messing with the old mopars, just in a different way. Buying and selling and parting them out and saving some stuff from being scrapped. Getting to meet new friends and road tripping is what my wife and I enjoy more now ! Love that wagon rbkt
Sorry to read Rick, I hear ya with losing ambition. I love driving the cuda but it always seems like any work I do on it takes 10 times longer and my frustration is 10 times shorter. That is a really cool ride!
I shall interject. I have multiple hobbies, and my interest in them is ever shifting. I might go several months or years without touching a hobby, but I often circle back to it eventually. The Duster took me 3 years to build and perfect, and I circled off it several times for my other hobbies, but forced myself to get back to it and get it usable. Now that it is usable, I might go a few weeks without driving it, but I circle back to it and drive it to remind myself I can finish a project and enjoy it. Same thing with all my other hobbies. I do find that if I have someone to “share” my enjoyment with, I enjoy my hobby more, even though that outside opinion should not matter to my enjoyment, it does go a long way to see someone else excited about my hobby. So yes, I understand that, and getting tired of fixing certain things can drain interest too. Like living alone and having to clean the house for myself is not interesting, but if someone wants to come over and share interest in my hobbies, now that’s interesting and then it becomes interesting to clean the house, make sure the Duster is road legal and operational, the model trains have clean track to run on, and the stereos still work, etc.
20 years ago my son and would thrash on these day in and out . retired moved south, sold car , life changing events and eventually lost interest.
Drove my Dart to the Woodward Cruise and that was it. Need to work on the other cars but the cash is very low. Yea and getting slower in my old age. I tried to do a job to help make life easier for myself but it all turned to **** and only managed to hurt myself more. Ya and the **** parts! And the price for **** parts! $80 for a $20 dollar part.
Back in 2011 I was driving the 340 Duster with the windows down when all of the threads holding the headliner turned to dust and I had to drive home with one hand on the steering wheel (no power steering) and the other trying to keep enough of the headliner out of my face in order to drive. My daily driver had given up the ghost and I had plans of using the Duster. I was upset that another thing on the Duster needed to be fixed in order to keep it on the road.
So I went and bought a low mileage 2007 Charger RT and loss interest in the Duster soon after driving it a few days.
I got some interest back in 2016 and worked on the Duster for a few weeks and then lost interest again.
I’m trying to get enough interest to finish the Duster.
I lost my enthusiasm in the last few years as well. I spend all day doing machine work and engine building for others, and literally never touch my stuff anymore. Almost all my cars, engines and parts have been/or are for sale, but no one else seems interested in them either. Rebuilding a 69 hemi dart for a fabo member and getting vastly shorted on the money helped seal my desire to avoid anything other than machine work.
For the last 35 years I have been working on, driving, racing, fixing, rebuilding, selling, and flipping vehicles seemingly nonstop. I'm damn tired now, and like everyone else, not getting any younger. I spent a few weeks this year working on my 76 Pontiac Ventura, am very happy with the results, but have only driven it maybe 300 miles all summer. I have my brother's 68 Dart GT in the garage as well, completely at my disposal, but have not driven it in at least 3 weeks. I did some work on it as well, spent 2 weekends playing around with it, but have no real interest in doing anything with it either. I've had the itch to get back into motorcycles again, it's been 18 years since I sold my last one, and I've looked at 2 in the last 2 days, am planning to look at at least 2, maybe 3 more before I pull the trigger but I want something basically turnkey and go, I'm really tired of projects and feeling like I spend all my free time working on things.
I’m not tired of my cars, I’m tired of working. If work wasn’t in the way, I could get a lot more done on the cars. I also think I wore my pencil down some over the years by parting out so many cars. For some reason, I still have a passion for that too, and am helping a couple families clean out their Dads estates full of cars and parts. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth trying to get folks to make the right decision about stuff, or sometimes make a decision at all. No sentimental attachment on any front, it’s just that it’s too overwhelming to them to even think about it. I keep telling them that I’m the only one that wants to do this, and you won’t let me do it, you just want it done! It doesn’t make sense to me, and it burns me out trying. I’m their only buyer too, they’re too paranoid to let anybody see any of it, mostly with good cause.

I drive my cars and ride my motorcycle whenever I can, they bring enjoyment to me that no other material thing in my life can match. Heck,on Sunday I went for a ride with friends, came back, took out the Roadrunner, came back and took out the convertible. It was a banner day!
For the last 35 years I have been working on, driving, racing, fixing, rebuilding, selling, and flipping vehicles seemingly nonstop. I'm damn tired now, and like everyone else, not getting any younger. I spent a few weeks this year working on my 76 Pontiac Ventura, am very happy with the results, but have only driven it maybe 300 miles all summer. I have my brother's 68 Dart GT in the garage as well, completely at my disposal, but have not driven it in at least 3 weeks. I did some work on it as well, spent 2 weekends playing around with it, but have no real interest in doing anything with it either. I've had the itch to get back into motorcycles again, it's been 18 years since I sold my last one, and I've looked at 2 in the last 2 days, am planning to look at at least 2, maybe 3 more before I pull the trigger but I want something basically turnkey and go, I'm really tired of projects and feeling like I spend all my free time working on things.
Just bought a 1968 Honda cl 350. All there. Gonna be my last hurrah. Still gotta get the 67 cuda done too but YA, getting tired.
Just bought a 1968 Honda cl 350. All there. Gonna be my last hurrah. Still gotta get the 67 cuda done too but YA, getting tired.
I looked at a nice, low mile 83 Honda CB1000 Custom tonight, very reasonably priced, but it needs a lot of work to make it reliable and roadworthy, liked the bike, but don't want or need another project. Looked at an 82 Goldwing yesterday, runs and drives good, it's been well used, but still pretty solid, and very reasonably priced too. Planning to look at an 83 Goldwing yet, super low mile clean bike, a bit more than I want to spend, but might be a better buy in the long run.
I looked at a nice, low mile 83 Honda CB1000 Custom tonight, very reasonably priced, but it needs a lot of work to make it reliable and roadworthy, liked the bike, but don't want or need another project. Looked at an 82 Goldwing yesterday, runs and drives good, it's been well used, but still pretty solid, and very reasonably priced too. Planning to look at an 83 Goldwing yet, super low mile clean bike, a bit more than I want to spend, but might be a better buy in the long run.
Been down the CB road pretty heavily. Awesome bikes. Hard to work on. Carbs are a ***** but a sweet powerful machine when you get them tuned.
Beautiful 65 wagon! As for me, my girl and i have 5 cars between us. Her VWs which she absolutely loves (70 bug convert and 79 hippie bus) I completely rewired it and IT completely burned me out with all the bs that I dealt with. To the point, I come home and don't have one inkling to even want to look at my Demon or finish building the big block for it. I literally just said today that I could care less about all my **** ( parts) in our garage. It wouldn't bother me if they all caught on fire. I'm just getting older and more tired. I want to drive, not work all the time on projects.
Yep, lost mine in the late 70’s. Unleaded gas intro and fazing out of regular leaded, butt ugly new cars that couldn’t get out of their own way. Add all that to working to build a solid foundation for my career which took me years. So I regained it in 1990 and to my shock the appreciated prices that muscle cars were commanding. All the cars I could have bought for less than a grand. The parts I sold along the way for peanuts that I thought would never appreciate. One example, 340 and 383 a body exhaust manifolds, who knew?

Rule #1 muscle cars will always be lusted for. Mans need for speed will never die. And this means at all levels of the spectrum from pro classes of every racing venue you can think of to all the ratty street warriors racing from stop light to stop light.

Rule #2 never sell any performance cars or parts. Will them to your loved ones with the explicit understanding of their place in culture, their personal worth and the space in time they have occupied and why they will continue to occupy.
I think it happens to most of us, I did a post hear a couple months ago about getting my 56 Dodge truck on the road after 40 years, I owned it 32 years personally but it had been off 8 before that, anyway, how the hell did it take me that long? because sometimes I just got bored with it, sometimes life got in the way, many times it would sit months without me even looking at it, then I'd go to a swap meet or car show and get inspired again. At one point I even put it up for trade for someone to finish and me to get something running and driving but my kids talked me out of it and got me to take the ad down. Then along came Covid.. the best thing that could have happened to me getting it done. I couldn't really do anything else so I hunkered down until I could finally see the finish line, then off to paint and body, ( that took a year ) back to me and voila!!! It was done, I drive it as much as I can but it isn't as practical as my daily driver, my wife wasn't interested in going in it in the summer cause no A/C, lol. ( vintage air in the future) BUT it's done, ill never sell it, the kids will get it when I'm done with it. Would I do a complete project like that again? HELL NO! I would do a running driving muscle car....maybe, if it's the right one, my bucket list car, sorry A body guys but it's a " Sad mouth" Challanger ( 72-74) .....time will tell....