Having a problem after shipping a part

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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I sold a part to an member(now banned)back in Dec./09,the transaction went fine.I was paid for the part and shipped it.Now here,s the problem,he gave me an address that was wrong so he never got the part.He then sent me the proper address,so the part was in limbo for 6 weeks and appeared on my doorstep yesterday.So I email him and say..send me some money to ship the part again,cause this is your mistake for giving me the wrong addy?He says..no way,and that this is my fault.Well instead of flying off the handle I said I will sent you a money order minus the shipping costs and be done with it.He says..no way,all of the money he sent(for the part and shipping cost)or he will be contacting his Attorney General,the FBI,fruad squad and report me as a fraudster?Now I had dropped the price of the part twice for him as it was Christmas time and I was feeling cheery.What would you do if you were in my shoes?I don,t want charges or bad name after trying to help someone out.Thanks for any advise!Ranting done.:stop:
Seems kinda weird. Not sure what they guy on the parts is trying to do but it sounds like a scam to me
Minus the shipping costs sounds fair to me. It's his fault he gave you the wrong address. What are you supposed to be, a mind reader? Got all the emails of the wrong shipping address to be able to show the fraud police, the FBI, DHS, the PTA, and the local Boy Scout troupe? Tell him to man up and pay what he owes you for his mistake.
Scott, did you have his email or any proof of him giving you the correct address? If so, hold onto it and send back his money less the shipping. It was his fault and if you ordered something from a company and gave the wrong address, they would charge you again for shipping. I think you are being fair with him.
its people like this that make us regret doing favors. what a jerk. i had a similar situation about a year ago. it sounds like its his mistake to me, but who wants to deal with lawyers over shipping charges. he should be told to (shove it!) but i understand your not wanting to deal with this jerk at all.

good luck.
Sounds like he screwed up and wants you to pay for it, makes me wonder why he was banned. Maybe send him the money back for the part LESS shipping, tell him to take it or leave it AND keep notes on the whole deal.
Well the safest thing to do is IF you still have the information and address he gave you in a e-mail is to print it and hang onto it. Tell him you have that information and are more then willing to send back the price of the part minus the shipping. Do you have any kind of information showing it went to the wrong (right) address as proof it was shipped ? IF not... buck up and send it all back. I dont know what kind of money were talking here, but if its really not much... just make it and him go away. Tell him you will send it to the address he provided the first time... :cheers:

From past experience of dealing with similar transactions gone bad quick closure is imperative. It will hurt but you do have the part so call it a loss and give him total refund including shipping or he will drag this on & bother/stress the crap out of you over nothing you did wrong and take up way to much of your time.

Well the first time I got his address was in the Chat room,so I have no way of saving that?I,ll try and talk to Waggin later and see if he can trace back the original address?The thing is he knows he gave me the wrong addy first and then sent the proper one once it was lost.I feel that I shouldn,t have to cover the shipping costs for his mistake as I sold him the part for 1/2 the price I originally wanted.I might just take the lose to save face.If he has joined FABO again(under another name)this is for you!:thebirdm:
Well the safest thing to do is IF you still have the information and address he gave you in a e-mail is to print it and hang onto it. Tell him you have that information and are more then willing to send back the price of the part minus the shipping. Do you have any kind of information showing it went to the wrong (right) address as proof it was shipped ? IF not... buck up and send it all back. I dont know what kind of money were talking here, but if its really not much... just make it and him go away. Tell him you will send it to the address he provided the first time... :cheers:

Yes I have the package sitting beside me now with the zip crossed out and a different one added.It was sent back to me.
send it back to the address he provided the 1st time and tell him to go pick up there...I think it's near Bum --=k egypt..... I think your being a good guy about it and not flying off the handle.... It says allot about you as a FABO member....
Me...I would send him the refund, minus the shipping. But if you are going to send him the full amount back, send it to him in post dated cheques, each of them 2 weeks apart and each of them for a dollar. What a dick! I bet he was sure to inform welfare of his address change so he didnt miss out on the food stamps!!
lol make sure you have proof of the proper address change and send him the amount for the part. If he's going to get a lawyer over shipping costs he's stupid he'll spend more sueing for a small amount then the amount.
Yeah , makes me wonder why this clown was banned. Unless you want to fight with him, even thought you are right about the shipping costs being his fault ,I would just give this guy his money back. You don't need the hassle or the waste of time. Focus on that 66 hot rod! can't wait to see that monster at the track!
If I send him any money,the first check will be for 1 dollar(let him fly of the handle)and the next day send him the remainder.Let him stew for 24hrs.From the e-mails I,ve recieved from him,he thinks he,s something else!:naka::knob:
I guess I would send him a full refund (Against my better judgement) just to get it over.
Keep the parts and get your price for them. And don't send checks!! He can get your account number from them.

Bruce B.
If he sent you an updated/corrected address after the fact, and in that email/PM indicates that this is the "corrected" address, then you have enough proof of his mistake, even without the initial address being documented.

Send him an email that gives him a set period of time in which he is to pay for the reshipping, or be refunded the original purchase price less shipping. Keep all documentation and mailing tags. His threats are worthless, and he has absolutely no recourse in this situation.

How much money are we talking about here? Might be better off just to refund it and then post him up as a dead beat buyer. I have sold a few things here and had good luck with it, but it seems lately we are having alot more problems. Sucks that you helped him by lowering the price on the part and this is how you get re-paid. It might be time to add a buyer and seller rating system of some kind to the board.
Send him back refund minus shipping. That's standard procedure, and that's what everyone else does.

There are A$$holes out there that will ***** about everything just because they get their way when they do it. If he threatens to get anyone else involved, tell him you'll be more than happy to tell them what happened as well.
Send him back refund minus shipping. That's standard procedure, and that's what everyone else does.

There are A$$holes out there that will ***** about everything just because they get their way when they do it. If he threatens to get anyone else involved, tell him you'll be more than happy to tell them what happened as well.

Yeah, on second thought , why give this guy what he wants F%$% him and if he causes trouble you have your side of the story. He has no grounds for fraud, keep all the paper work. If he is the type I think he is he is all talk.
Why should you have to refund all of his money including shipping for his mistake. Send him a message offering him either(A).. his money back minus the shipping,(B)... a request for the shipping to send the part again, or (C)... the bird!!! If he gets upset, tell him you will decide for him!! And then give him the bird!!!... I mean his $$$ back minus the shipping, then ignore him!!! Too much headache just to sell a part!! Geof
Part was $75 shipping was $25 for a total of $100.This is after original price of $150 for the part.Well live and learn I guess.
Why should you have to refund all of his money including shipping for his mistake. Send him a message offering him either(A).. his money back minus the shipping,(B)... a request for the shipping to send the part again, or (C)... the bird!!! If he gets upset, tell him you will decide for him!! And then give him the bird!!!... I mean his $$$ back minus the shipping, then ignore him!!! Too much headache just to sell a part!! Geof
I,ve already tried this,except the bird part.This is when he asked for the full amout or he,d send the FBI my way!
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