Head porting

my bench draw about 23A, 6motors. (not enough,more to come)
Them two HP LH motor must be doing better then i thought.
I have to drop test pressure as I pass roughly 220cfm@28...
well...cant be here when the garage is calling!
I max out a 195cfm@28" then drop to 10" and have plenty of motor for the rest..
LOL Yeah I bought the PTS plans, then tried to shrink them so i could make it out of three old desks i had colecting dust!

caused my self a hole lot of greaf trying to get it to calibrate correctly

Had to pull it a part several time to fix turbulance issues with in the bench.

The next one I will build as Bruce intended!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know the old saying,........"Hind Sight is 20/20!"

Here is mine.

Now that is a real garage :):), it look used.. like it shouold be :) nice flow bench. do u get power cords from different outputs in the house for the engines, i beleave u guys have 110v, ull ger quite a voltage drop if u put all the load on 1 cable, it might help? :snakeman:
110~120v is correct for smaller items here in the states. Big stuff is 220. I have a separate 100 amp 110/220 volt service to the garage. It'll power most anything you ever want.
You mind me asking where you bought plans for a flow bench?

I did a google search some time ago and ran across a magazine article detailing the build of the MSD flow bench,built by thier engineer John Clark.
You mind me asking where you bought plans for a flow bench?


Then go here http://www.tractorsport.com/cgi-bin/forum/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi

You will have to become a member to see every thing, but that's not to bad.

DON'T DO A MDS BENCH!! Bruces bench is much better, simpler and accurate then the MDS.

get on his forum and ask questions.......you will soon learn why.

Bruce, has help several MDS owner improve the accuracy of there bench's as well.

I had bad design errors because i didn't fallow his plans.......and still got grate help to get it accurate!!!!!

Grate bunch of guys over there.
Well, in lack of air for the porting-tool, we could not get any furter this weekend. instead I added one more motor to the bench...now pulling a max of 280cfm@28 before i need to drop test pressure! I begin to feel worried about powersupply! still holding up then... Edit:Also added cooling to the electronic speed-control, and picked up some speed on the motors!

I`ll also have started on a simple spreadsheed...not finished yet, but I will put it up on the board if anyone want it:love7:
I have set lift increment in millimeters, but I can change to inches...

Well, in lack of air for the porting-tool, we could not get any furter this weekend. instead I added one more motor to the bench...now pulling a max of 280cfm@28 before i need to drop test pressure! I begin to feel worried about powersupply! still holding up then... Edit:Also added cooling to the electronic speed-control, and picked up some speed on the motors!

I`ll also have started on a simple spreadsheed...not finished yet, but I will put it up on the board if anyone want it:love7:
I have set lift increment in millimeters, but I can change to inches...

Got held up this weekend, a Horse ran into/over thebed of my truck today.. i managed to turn off the road before it entered my windshield... the next car wasnt as lucky as i...... unfortonaly the horse had to be put down.. Norwaydart i have lent the test plate, and will bring it over tomoro after the police has looked over my truck.. :( this sux