1971 Dodge Dart Swinger
Wondering what people suggest for headers for a 318 in a '67 Dodge Dart. I heard some brands have clearance issues?
Any have any experience with Hooker Headers #5901HKR? The only reason I'm asking is I was offered a set that is brand new for $75.
you asked, everyone told you tti or dougs and now your asking about the cheap hookers. if they were a recommended header then we would have posted them along with the tti and dougs.
Please reread my post about the hooker headers, I said the ONLY reason I asked is due to being offered them cheaply, I never asked if they were recommended. Simply put I CURRENTLY cannot afford $500+ for simple headers for the dart. I was want to know if they'll do for a cheap pinch until the time I can shell out the large amount for the TTI or Dougs.
i bought some expensive hooker super comp ceramic coated for my 71 dodge demon and they had major clearence issues so i went back to stock
I was planning on going with what most people suggested, I just couldn't drop $500 exactly this instant. I was then offered cheap hooker headers and then asked if they would do until I could pick up a set of TTI or Dougs. If hookers are really that bad then I'll stick with the rusty exhaust manifolds until then.