
The last cheap headers I used around 93-94 got flattened at the end of my driveway dropping off the curb onto the street....so the lasted about 15 feet of driving.
The old chrome TTIs on my scamp are over 20 years old and are still good... just ugly.
The last cheap headers I used around 93-94 got flattened at the end of my driveway dropping off the curb onto the street....so the lasted about 15 feet of driving.
The old chrome TTIs on my scamp are over 20 years old and are still good... just ugly.
18 years on TTIs, and about 120,000 miles including 5 winters. But to be fair, the winters were hard on the topside welds on the merges. I had to repair them twice in the first 8 years or so, and the drivers side needs patching again. The head flanges never leaked or loosen off by themselves, or burned the gaskets out... on the Eddies.I replaced the first set of gaskets after about wearing them out with 10 engine swaps. I still have them and they are my back-ups. The second set are about 13/14 years old .
With 1.03 bars and HD shocks, I have had my K down to 5.5" off the tarmac, and I hammer mercilessly over speed-bumps with impunity. I had to make a skid-plate tho for my Morosso road-race pan.
actually it was recommended to stick with the manifolds if ya read the thread.. the dougs and tti were only recommended if he just had to have headers..
Yes but the original poster wants headers he doesn't need a recommendation to leave the stock manifolds on that's not what this is all about it's about headers on a budget?
yea get an under car pic if ya can.
I don't think these are the headmen's or the hookers that you are talking about? Like I said these are cheap Summit headers. Two things about that number five number seven obviously you don't change the spark plugs while they're hot duh. And they make these little fiberglass socks that go over spark plug boots? There in about every parts store I've ever seen. Now I did ding in the passenger side one where the torsion bar comes through. No scrape's and no fit problems. Been in and out more than a half dozen times. Always a new set of carbon gaskets and never a leak or have to retighten.
And they make these little fiberglass socks that go over spark plug boots? There in about every parts store I've ever seen
with a good header like tti or dougs you don't need silly things like that... putting crap like that on would drive me nuts the way it looks every time i popped the hood..

kinda hard to see but that car looks to sit kinda high. sure you can crank the bars up so a car sits like a 4x4 so they never hit but i prefer mine sitting more stock, maybe a little lower then stock all the way around.. i know that oil pan hangs on the lower side but look at the damn header its even lower then the pan.. no thank you...

those cheep one should work at the track fine since its about as smooth as ya can get. but on the street the way they hang really sucks balls.. and thats speaking from my personal experience..

Yes but the original poster wants headers he doesn't need a recommendation to leave the stock manifolds on that's not what this is all about it's about headers on a budget?

dude needs to be informed as to why its better on a street car to spend the extra money on a better set of headers. saves him from headaches down the road.. if he chooses to go against all the good advice here then he has no one to blame but himself when he smashes them on every stinking bump in the road... i'm sure he can compromise and find a used set of tti or dougs for maybe even cheaper then that $300 line he posted..
$400 340 logs and a nice 2.5 head pipe. Ask about Magnum log fitment, could get them for 1/4 of that. I like the wrap too. Screw the rust issues, if its a daily driver they will work fine. lots of F.A.S.T. guys killing it on logs and street tires.
with a good header like tti or dougs you don't need silly things like that... putting crap like that on would drive me nuts the way it looks every time i popped the hood..
$400 340 logs and a nice 2.5 head pipe. Ask about Magnum log fitment, could get them for 1/4 of that. I like the wrap too. Screw the rust issues, if its a daily driver they will work fine. lots of F.A.S.T. guys killing it on logs and street tires.

kinda hard to see but that car looks to sit kinda high. sure you can crank the bars up so a car sits like a 4x4 so they never hit but i prefer mine sitting more stock, maybe a little lower then stock all the way around.. i know that oil pan hangs on the lower side but look at the damn header its even lower then the pan.. no thank you...

those cheep one should work at the track fine since its about as smooth as ya can get. but on the street the way they hang really sucks balls.. and thats speaking from my personal experience..

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These cars where not all that low stock,i bet there is a number somewhere regarding how high of the ground the K member should be(if i remember i can take a look in the body manual if its listed this weekend) ,i believe people just got used to seeing them low when people started putting smaller than stock tires on them and cranking down the torsionbars because people thought it looked better.
I have also had cheaper headers hittting the ground more than once and i learned to get around most of the situations where they would hit but i think the problem would have been much smaller with a car sitting just alitle higher with slightly taller tires.

$400 340 logs and a nice 2.5 head pipe. Ask about Magnum log fitment, could get them for 1/4 of that. I like the wrap too. Screw the rust issues, if its a daily driver they will work fine. lots of F.A.S.T. guys killing it on logs and street tires.
at $400 you can get better headers and realy at that point the remaining exhaust will be much cheaper compared towith manifolds. FAST is a way different ballgame
I've got some headers you can have cheap if you want to drive down to Santa Cruz and pick them up. Came to me with a project along with a bunch of other stuff I didn't use. No name on 'em that I can find, but good, thick flanges. Need a bead blast and paint.
What is their 20% code? i cant seem to find it anymore.

AutoZone regularly puts a 20% sale on it's Homepage Banner,. Perhaps sign up for the newsletter. Seems to me 4 or 5 times a year,. 4th of July would be a good bet, Xmas, etc.
Sanderson dd7, 550 with ceramic coating, 360 without it. They are shorties, so you don't have to worry about dragging them.
Tried a set of Sanderson shorties on my 75 Duster (pwr steeering) & an absolute no fit. They are built really nice w/ good craftsmanship but would not clear the steering box or steering coupling. Might fit other A bodies tho.
Tried a set of Sanderson shorties on my 75 Duster (pwr steeering) & an absolute no fit. They are built really nice w/ good craftsmanship but would not clear the steering box or steering coupling. Might fit other A bodies tho.
Turns out I end up with the same problem on mine, they would have fit great on manual steering but I had to do quite a bit of modification to make them fit with power steering.
Tried a set of Sanderson shorties on my 75 Duster (pwr steeering) & an absolute no fit. They are built really nice w/ good craftsmanship but would not clear the steering box or steering coupling. Might fit other A bodies tho.
They can work.
Not worth the trouble though.
But like you said they sure are nice.
[QUOTE="j par, post: . And they make these little fiberglass socks that go over spark plug boots? There in about every parts store I've ever seen.

Ya, I'm using that insulation on my #5 & 7 boots. Got the colored stuff to match the color of the wires. Works just fine. Being on a budget (the twins start college in the fall :( ) I'm more into function than looking pretty. I find great satisfaction in making inexpensive/free/recycled items perform well. The cash I saved by keeping the old hookers will be used for a set of 3:91's. Not building it to impress anyone other than myself. That said. I appreciate a pretty set of nice fitting headers and nicely detailed engine compartments. Just not in the cards for the Duster at this point in time.

Be well folks,