Help identifying valvebody?

I'm betting he has a worn trans. If I were the OP I'd throw his spare VB in it, and see if there's any improvement. If there is, then there's a problem with the Turbo-Action valve body. If there's no improvement, then the trans is due for a rebuild and it's time to pull it out. But the kickdown is irrelevant in this case, because that's how the T-A #17156 is, meaning present and non-functional.
Then what? Throw the TA valve body away? Bottom line, if I was the op, I would want to fix this valve body if it's malfunctioning. Worn trans? Did you see that fluid color? Not bad. Both shifts soft from a worn trans and no other symptoms? Not likely. All I asked was to see a pic of the other side of the valve body to see if there is an arm on the kd. Asfaras a pdf file, idk if that one applies to this vb; as old as it is. I've been installing shift kits since the seventies, and I see the same kit being sold for decades...but it's not the same kit; it's different in parts, and it's different in instructions. So what do you suggest if he throws his other valve body in it and it works fine? What would you do with the TA vb? And if it does the same thing, that doesn't necessarily mean the trans has to come out and be rebuilt. There may be an incompatibility between his case and the Ta vb and not the other one; or both. I say either there's something wrong with the vb internally or it doesn't match the case.
Hi everyone- no, I had no kickdown linkage previously. Everything seems to match up to the TA instructions and it definitely didn’t have any low band apply. Put the Cope valve body in today, along with the new billet servos, accumulator and and struts and adjusted my bands (which were a little loose) Wouldn’t say it it made a huge difference over the TA valve body- probably just the band adjustment and blocking the accumulator. Still happy to have some engine braking in first and consider it an slight improvement.
Have you found very much sediment in the bottom of the pan or in the filter? So, it's still shifting soft? Does it shift too early as well? I wonder if these valve bodies are matching up with the case correctly; probably are. Does the Cope call for no kickdown linkage?
Have you found very much sediment in the bottom of the pan or in the filter? So, it's still shifting soft? Does it shift too early as well? I wonder if these valve bodies are matching up with the case correctly; probably are. Does the Cope call for no kickdown linkage?

Well it can’t really shift to early because it’s full manual, and no it still doesn’t utilize any kickdown linkage. I didn’t find much sediment in the pan or on the magnet, but like another poster said in a round about way- who really knows the history on a trans like this? It might be do for a full rebuild, but that will be a project for this winter when I can’t drive it too much.
It has a 5.0 lever. The instructions with the valve body recommended a 4.2 but I had the 5.0 on hand. Adjusted to 72 inch pounds and backed off two turns. I have a little over overlap 2nd to 3rd so I may back it off another half turn.
Right on the early shift; senior moment. This might sound silly but you are checking it in neutral running and it is AT LEAST to the full mark? Are your cooling lines kinked? And i am still wondering about the case configuration. Was there a plug in the case feed hole to the direct clutch?
Right on the early shift; senior moment. This might sound silly but you are checking it in neutral running and it is AT LEAST to the full mark? Are your cooling lines kinked? And i am still wondering about the case configuration. Was there a plug in the case feed hole to the direct clutch?

Yep, checking fluid level at temp running in neutral. I didn’t think about the cooler lines, but I will verify those. The trans cooler wasn’t hooked up at all when I got the car, so it’s possibly I made a mistake running the lines. This was my first time really tinkering inside the tranny, so I didn’t check for a plug in the feed hole, or even know where I should be looking.
You can't make a mistake running the lines; just make sure that the fluid can get thru easy. Maybe disconnect both lines fromt he trans and make sure you can blow thru them easily.