Help with paypal stuff?



The Green Manalishi
May 2, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Im trying to sell some mustang parts that i got with my transmission to a guy in calgary, alberta (im in toronto, ontario). I have sent email payments before to people with paypal (challengergary) but im not exactly sure which section of the site i would go to do this...i saw stuff about sending a request for payment as a i have to do this first? also, do you have to pay paypal a percentage when recieving an email payment? this is what i saw under merchant services...and not to sound stupid, but the buyer would pay me shipping as well right? that way when i go to the post office to pay tp ship it to him, he already has me reimbursed? id appreciate any help guys:read2:

thanks in advance
Hi Matt,

I accept Paypal all the time. The best way is to give your buyer the Email address you use for your Paypal account. Give him a total including shipping and he will go to Paypal and send you the money through Paypal using the Email address you give him. When you ship the parts you already have the shipping as part of the payment in your Paypal Account.

I hope this helps,
Hi Matt,

I accept Paypal all the time. The best way is to give your buyer the Email address you use for your Paypal account. Give him a total including shipping and he will go to Paypal and send you the money through Paypal using the Email address you give him. When you ship the parts you already have the shipping as part of the payment in your Paypal Account.

I hope this helps,

Hey joe,

thanks alot for the info it definatly helps. I guess sending a payment request is different. Im assuming that whatever money he sends me will directly into the bank account i have registered with paypal?

I have bought and sold allot using PayPal and Joe is right about that being a easy way. But I once screwed up when I typed in my e-mail address to a guy (one letter off) and I didn't notice it and he tried to send it and luckily nobody else had that e-mail address so PayPal just told him it wasn't a good address. So for that reason I now send a request that they can pay from. It's just like sending somebody an invoice. And as the payment receiver you will be charged from PayPal. Sucks don't it? Also it doesn't matter what country your payment comes from it goes into your PayPal account so to get your money you have to do a money request to transfer it to your account.
Nope, will stay in your paypal acct until you transfer it to your checking acct. They do charge a fee also. Don't rememger the percentage.

thanks guys for all the info...youve just about clarified everything for me...sending out the request like fishy68 says does sound like a good idea...thanks guys
one more question long does it take for me to recieve the buyer's paypal payment- i dont want to ship it until i recieve the payment from him...thanks again
You should receive notification from paypal immediately (or at least within an hour or so of the time the buyer makes the paypal transaction) that the transaction has been made. If the buyer uses a credit card, the monies are charged to his card and then transfered to your acct at that moment and if you check your acct it wil show that the transaction is complete. If he uses a bank acct then it may take a day since they won't deposit the funds into your acct until they are physically taken from his bank acct, in which case paypal will show a "pending" on your acct until the funds are transfered out of his bank and into your paypal acct. It will usually take a day unless its a weekend then it won't show until the 2d business day.

great thanks for the you recommend the buyer pays me for the item and shipping before i send it out, or would it make a difference if i shipped it first and he paid me after i had shipped it?
great thanks for the you recommend the buyer pays me for the item and shipping before i send it out, or would it make a difference if i shipped it first and he paid me after i had shipped it?

Yes. It's much easier and better to get your money all at once. If you don't charge him the shipping first you may not get it from him after you ship it. Some guys may even get mad that you didn't charge them all at once. They may feel your asking for more money after the deal is done unless you make certain it is clear you didn't charge them shipping first. Even then your taking a risk not getting all the money. If your not sure what to charge him for shipping either take it to your local shipper (whoever you use) and get a shipping quote. You'll need his zip code for this. Or you may be able to just go on the shipper's website and put in all the info and get a quote.
Yes. It's much easier and better to get your money all at once. If you don't charge him the shipping first you may not get it from him after you ship it. Some guys may even get mad that you didn't charge them all at once. They may feel your asking for more money after the deal is done unless you make certain it is clear you didn't charge them shipping first. Even then your taking a risk not getting all the money. If your not sure what to charge him for shipping either take it to your local shipper (whoever you use) and get a shipping quote. You'll need his zip code for this. Or you may be able to just go on the shipper's website and put in all the info and get a quote.

thanks fishy....I had gotten a quote for him and given it to him, but i told him that when i actually would ship it the box may be different so it may be a few bucks cheaper or more depending and i told him once i sent it he could send me payment for everything, but he has already sent me more payment than nescessary for everything even though i told him to wait, and i havent even shipped it yet im off to the post office this morning to send his stuff on its way...thanks alot guys for helping me out on this, its much appreciated8)
Your welcome Matt. I've had that happen too and when it does I slip an envelope in the box with the difference if it's much. If it's only a buck or 2 I don't' worry about it.
If I remember right you can also refund any amount you wish back to the buyer. If they overpaid for shipping and you wish to refund the difference, it will return the money the same way they paid, either to credit card or to their bank. If they pay you with a credit card, you will be charged a fee.

Is PayPal free?

Question : Answer : You can sign up for a PayPal account for free, and there's no charge to transfer funds from your bank account to your PayPal account.

There are fees in other instances such as:
  • If you have a Personal account, you have the option to accept credit card payments. You'll pay a fee if you choose to accept a credit card payment.
  • If you have a Premier or Business account, you'll pay a fee to receive payments.
If I remember right you can also refund any amount you wish back to the buyer. If they overpaid for shipping and you wish to refund the difference, it will return the money the same way they paid, either to credit card or to their bank. If they pay you with a credit card, you will be charged a fee.

Is PayPal free?

Question : Answer : You can sign up for a PayPal account for free, and there's no charge to transfer funds from your bank account to your PayPal account.

There are fees in other instances such as:
  • If you have a Personal account, you have the option to accept credit card payments. You'll pay a fee if you choose to accept a credit card payment.
  • If you have a Premier or Business account, you'll pay a fee to receive payments.

Yes signing up for PayPal is free and you can transfer money from your bank account to your PayPal account to use to pay for stuff for free but you are charged a fee anytime you accept a payment from anyone no matter what type of account you have, business or personal, and it doesn't matter where their payment comes from, their bank or credit card, you still get charged. I've been selling on E-bay and selling parts on boards for several yrs. and any time I accepted a payment from anybody I was charged a fee. Mine is just a personal account.

You are correct in that your able to do a partial refund for overpayment of shipping.