Helping out members in need

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Apr 15, 2008
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If we sit back and think about the way the economy is right now there are tons of members on this wonderful awesome site that need help they just dont tell people that they are in a time of need. I wish I could help everyone out that needed help. I wish there was someway to start an account so people could donate money to help members out in there time of need. How cool would that be to see a site always wanting to help members out that need help.
That would indeed be cool but you never know, it might bring out the scammers, those pretending need who dont actually need it. People could be helped and other people could be taken advantage of so I think it would be pretty difficult to monitor the "need".

I was helped out by a member on a different site. I didnt ask for help, just commented one day on some tough luck I was having, and out of the blue a $100 bill shows up in my mail one day from an anonamous member of that site. I was shocked but it couldn't have come at a better time. I was blessed by anothers generousity and pledged to pass it on someday to someone else that needed a boost.
Maybe start an auction thread like were doin with Reb,...Have the admin folks oversee It to help weed out the scammers,....just a thought...
Auctions seem to have done well in the past. Jaimus is right, maybe have a general auction thread where the money goes into the same pot for administrators to distribute to those in need. Members could keep donating items today, two months from now, a year from now so the contributions from the thread would continue to keep the pot growing.
I agree there many folks who love this hobby and just don't have the funds to do a lot of things to their vehicle they are lucky to be able to drive it or own one. However there are also just as many folks who'll cry the blues and get a handout then disappear, it's a shame this world has become a place where you can't trust anyone and scammers are everywhere. I love this hobby even tho i can't have a show stopping car, my car is unique in itself and gets lots of attention everywhere i go. My son's car is coming along as a low buck project and will be a presentable car for him to play with, here at the redneck garage we are not into high dollar restorations [well worth it if you can afford to do it to a car worthy of having one] we build cars for the workin man, cars that you can beat on and not worry about scratching a expensive paintjob and still take it to your friday nite cruise in and show it off. We have built 9 cars since 1989 and none have exceeded 10,000 most were well under and won trophys to boot. I have never made more than 29,000 in a year and never asked for help [pride] and did without things just to be able to do my hobby. It would be an undaunting task to ensure that help is receved by folks who deserve it.
Good Luck with your endeavor,but prepare to get your feelings hurt.You might go back and read some prior threads.You will immediately get the guy's that are not happy with a nice /6 or 318 ride.Your good idea will be funding strokers/big block/aluminum headed high dollar cars.Helping someone that is having a hard time is totally different than funding someones wants.
Auctions seem to have done well in the past. Jaimus is right, maybe have a general auction thread where the money goes into the same pot for administrators to distribute to those in need. Members could keep donating items today, two months from now, a year from now so the contributions from the thread would continue to keep the pot growing.
So you are suggesting staff members over see this nightmare and decide who is needy and who is not??? :wack: That will never happen......
As hard as this is to say, maybe some people just need to find a cheaper hobby. I DID for a while.....and I HAVE gone back to it when I had to....and recently. It sorta boils down to what's wrong financially with our gubmint. You need to learn to live within your means.
As hard as this is to say, maybe some people just need to find a cheaper hobby. I DID for a while.....and I HAVE gone back to it when I had to....and recently. It sorta boils down to what's wrong financially with our gubmint. You need to learn to live within your means.
Very true. Nothing wrong with living in reality. If you can not afford something without hand outs then it is just not meant to be......
Good Luck with your endeavor,but prepare to get your feelings hurt.You might go back and read some prior threads.You will immediately get the guy's that are not happy with a nice /6 or 318 ride.Your good idea will be funding strokers/big block/aluminum headed high dollar cars.Helping someone that is having a hard time is totally different than funding someones wants.

That may never be finished.
Very true. Nothing wrong with living in reality. If you can not afford something without hand outs then it is just not meant to be......
I agree, I help lots of people that have had bad luck like houses burn or destroyed in the tornadoes or big medical problems. I do it on a personal level, then I know that it is going straight to the ones needing it. I don't donate to these radio stations or others collecting donations for a certain cause because I know first hand that it does not always get to the ones that deserve it.​
Very true. Nothing wrong with living in reality. If you can not afford something without hand outs then it is just not meant to be......
Is this why i aint messed with the barracuda sice i traded for it over a year ago ... Yup thats it ! I say its not broke dont fix it ... If some one is in need post it up and let the members give what they want if they want .... dont make it where we have to feel like we have to give , Only a want to thing remember praryers always work Or if u live by a memeber thats in need and dont have any cash but u have time to give well then there ya go if u dont live by then say there a 1000 miles away and u know they need help but ya cant do any thing for them well just pick up the phone and call if they have one Shoot the **** with them cheer them up ive tryed that b4 with a member talked for 6 H at a time each day Some times a friendly ear helps more then u think .. I can tell ya when i was depressed I got pm's and a few calls Helped me cheer up
...............Well this is something that only works if the person is truely in dire straits.........which some of us know is very real........ this site with lots of wonderful members have donated to some just causes.... but we have also donated to ppl that abuse the system.......i wont name names as we know who they are and they know who they are, maybe they didnt intend to do it intentionally, but none the less they did
So you are suggesting staff members over see this nightmare and decide who is needy and who is not??? :wack: That will never happen......
You mods do not do nothing but look over clowns like me !!! LOL
Just kidding man !!!
I do not agree with general fund deal.I contribute on a individual basis...
Very true. Nothing wrong with living in reality. If you can not afford something without hand outs then it is just not meant to be......
In this tough economy our expensive hobby can be done by trading parts,putting a little cash aside here and there...finding and searching for parts.
You just have to be inventive if you have small funds and patience...
I am trading a body man for mechanically work I already done on his truck when he was down and layoff and now to my surprise he is going to do my quarter panels and complete body work on my 63 dart as soon as I buy the lower quarter patch panels from ABS.
I run a mechanic shop and save scrap metal,aluminum,and cat convertors.
I will be making a run real soon and that will fund my quarters,primer,sand paper and hopefully paint,if not I got some parts to sell locally.
It is a long and slow process sometimes...
I got five darts I am collecting parts for !!!
I have been buying parts for the last 2 years for some of them.
I am out of cash and not making all that much but my 63 and 74 dart will be finished before Summer.
Rant Over !!! LOL
Your right brother but it's defiantly getting old working these hours constantly every week.
i wheel and deal and scrape and scrounge for what i DO have. there is a BIG difference between helping someone suffering with serious health issues and someone who cant afford a power steering pump or a new lawn. i understand how tough times are, believe me. helping good members out who are in dire need is a great thing and something i would do if i could afford it, but if i have a part you need, chances are good that you will get a good deal on it, and in some cases next to nothing.
I understand wanting to help those in need but I would not give to a fund, only to individuals whom I believe really need it.
i wheel and deal and scrape and scrounge for what i DO have. there is a BIG difference between helping someone suffering with serious health issues and someone who cant afford a power steering pump or a new lawn. i understand how tough times are, believe me. helping good members out who are in dire need is a great thing and something i would do if i could afford it, but if i have a part you need, chances are good that you will get a good deal on it, and in some c ?ases next to nothing.
Agreed,I try to help with what I got also...
My mopar cash fund has going to help others and I really do not care when my cars get deadline here.
A fellow business owner asked me, Are you pay your home bills?
I said yes.
He then asked,Are you pay your business bills and I replied YES.
He then stated You are doing something right then !!!
The he said do not worry about that extra money because there is none !!!
So I feel bless and if I can help I do but sometimes help has nothing to do with money....
I help if I can and do not question the members need especially if the member in question is a well known and respected member of these forums and this is how I roll baby!!!
I don't give away money,.but If I can help someone to save a buck or two or get along a little easier, I figure Its a good deposit in the old "Karma" bank...
I assumed that the original poster was talking about helping people who are actually in need, like they are unemployed and cant afford food, or cant pay their electric bill, etc, etc.
I would not be into adding money to a fund so that somebody could get a new carb, or headers for their 318, or whatever.
I agree with what some others have said, if you cant afford this hobby you should get a cheaper hobby, or do what I've been doing, selling off all my extra parts to make money for the parts I need.
For most of us these cars are not "needs", they are toys. I cant fund someone else's toys and I dont think that was the intent of this idea.

I'll help out individuals that I know have a real need.
i just know that there are a lot of people on this site that are hurting right now and thought maybe we could help a lot of people but I guess I was wrong
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