here it comes Colorado

here are a couple this morning. I-70 is shut down as well.


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Well, I got slammed. About a foot in the backyard and higher drifts as well. This might be more than my little tractor/plow can handle. Getting ready to go out and get some pics.

Oh yeah, the snow is up to Merlin's belly and he's a big dog.
Pics! That's my work van. I'm calling my supervisor right now to let him know what's up out here.


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We always hear about you guys in Colorado. Mainly because we get to experience your weather sometime after you - the infamous Colorado low.

We've been pretty light on the snow here, and for the last couple of days have been in an unusual inversion where the fog is intense. Weird for us for sure

Take care all.

And Joe, we couldn't use that as an excuse for not making it to work lol..

We always hear about you guys in Colorado. Mainly because we get to experience your weather sometime after you - the infamous Colorado low.

We've been pretty light on the snow here, and for the last couple of days have been in an unusual inversion where the fog is intense. Weird for us for sure

Take care all.

And Joe, we couldn't use that as an excuse for not making it to work lol..


Lol! Well, I'm a Telecom/Data Field Service Engineer so we get dispatched from home to wherever in the state. We're trying to get them to get us some 4WD vehicles here in Colorado. A 2wd van with an open diff doesn't get us very far in these weather conditions. :D If we have to go up a hill (we have a lot of those here, lol), we are done.

I'll probaly fire up the Ramcharger and the Jeep and go have some fun a little later...... I wish I had a plow on the RC.
yeah , we catch grief for sending great stuff out to you guys coming off the rocky mountains lol . its still coming down and isnt supposed to stop until tomarrow. but out here the sun could come out and melt it off by 5 pm lol. so far the official total here in falcon is 17"
The last snow we had they were predicting a foot. We got about 4" here, they claimed 10" in Spokane but it sure did not look like it to me. You guys stay safe......and please, whatever you make sure you have enough BEER to get you thru it.....
I don't know how much we have here in Longmont, just know it's almost up to the shoulder on our border collie. Been a long time since she's seen this much snow, she hasn't decided if she likes it or not.

Hey ramcharger, know of any 74 or 75 rc's for sale?
Busy day here at work in Evergreen. Looks like about 18" in the lower elevations. The county offices are closed so it's overtime for me!!!!!!
I don't know how much we have here in Longmont, just know it's almost up to the shoulder on our border collie. Been a long time since she's seen this much snow, she hasn't decided if she likes it or not.

Hey ramcharger, know of any 74 or 75 rc's for sale?

Not off the top of my head... have you checked out Craigslist? I might sell mine, but you wouldn't want to pay what I want, lol.

The last snow we had they were predicting a foot. We got about 4" here, they claimed 10" in Spokane but it sure did not look like it to me. You guys stay safe......and please, whatever you make sure you have enough BEER to get you thru it.....

Got beer. :)

Busy day here at work in Evergreen. Looks like about 18" in the lower elevations. The county offices are closed so it's overtime for me!!!!!!

Say yes to overtime! My tax dollars hard at work. :) At least I know who it's going to and I know you have one hellavu work ethic. :thumblef:
We always hear about you guys in Colorado. Mainly because we get to experience your weather sometime after you - the infamous Colorado low.


Well you Canadians are always sending us your snow here in Chicago. Those "Northerly Winds" coming from the north... :banghead:

At least Colorado is sending you some back... LOL!!! :D

Thanks for the pics. I love to see a good deep snow.

I remember when I was real little once. We got a deep snow. When our dad finally got the sidewalks and driveway all cleared, it felt like we were in a snow maze. That was soo cool... :thumblef: :yawinkle:
Plowed my driveway, my neighbors drive, the area in front of the mailboxes... This MTD is a beast! :)


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It's coming down still in Longmont, but not heavy, not enough to cover where I shoveled today so far. It's heavy and wet, more like a spring snow than a winter one.
It's coming down still in Longmont, but not heavy, not enough to cover where I shoveled today so far. It's heavy and wet, more like a spring snow than a winter one.

Seeming to ebb and flow here and like you say, bigger flakes. Still coming down though...
wow denver made the national headlines for snow accumilations up to 20" in the metro area. 600 flight cancellations at DIA
Evergreen CO has gotten 48 inches of snow and still going

Power went out for about 2 hours or so here in Lakewood and just got restored. I was just running a 12/2 outdoor cord from the van inverter when everything came back up.

Snow still coming down. :hello1:

My only two worries were the freezer (duh, put all the frozen goods in the snow) and heat. No fireplace, but pretty sure the van inverter would run the fan for my propane heater. Well stocked on candles and batteries, have propane and kerosene lamps..... kinda hoped it would last longer,, lol.

Dogs and I went on a mission..... get the mail, lol! They were romping with Maxi always trying to figure out where I'm going and ahead of me and Mr. Merlin always walking on my right hip like a trusty .45 Colt. No leash, not needed... It was awesome. I almost wish I were born 150 years ago as I feel I would've done just fine.
man the wind is kicking a$$ over here. my place is all on propane, got the wood burning stove going .we havent lost power yet, but i dont know how those power poles can stand up to the wind. that is a great idea running power from your inverter! its not supposed to let up until tomarrow afternoon sometime down here.
Same here 73A... I figured you were on propane being in Falcon. My van inverter is pretty lame, rated at 400W constant. Time to get a generator and a transfer switch.

Are you on well or city water?
we are on well water, so if the power goes out the pump shuts off, then i would have to go out and climb down in the well to reset the pump. the only real bad part about that is there is a 3 foot drift over it lol. we havent seen snow like this in quite awhile. its kind of cool.
I've seen 4+ feet here at times.. How long you been here?

BTW, if you have well water, you NEED a backup generator and transfer switch. :)