I understand your point, in regards to my avatar, it is a sign that was made by a person going to school for making neon signs as a student project, and as you stated, is not/was not for profit and was looked into regarding the legality of using it. The article the original poster reproduced via a scanner, and then posted is a direct infringement upon the owners of the article/magazine's rights, whether for profit or not. I will qoute directly from the bottom of the index page of that very magazine
"Reproduction of any portion of this book in any form, for any reason is strictly prohibited. This includes any refrence without credit to this book. All manuscripts, photagraphy, illustrations, charts, and data are likewise the sole legal property of Dobbs Publishing Group and may not be reproduced in any manner, including photocopying. The only exclusion to the above rights will be for brief excerpts for the purpose of reviews, magazine articles, or newspaper articles" MoparMuscle November 1992.
I agree that there "should" be no problem with it as it was not intended for profit, but I know they can be sticklers beings as there are advertisments on this sight which imply someone is profiting (or not) or attempting to profit from this sites existance, and having an article of that nature posted in that manner could be construed as info meant to entice people to come to this site. I for one happen to like this site, and a few others, enough to not wish for the owners of it to get into any sort of troubles over what any of us post here and make every effort to avoid it (unlike 340mopar who obviously dosn't give a rip what happens to anyones site over his or others behaviours/actions). But as I said I also believe in the free sharing of info amongst the masses, as it is good for our hobby/intrests in the automotive world and helps continue the hobby such that it will further the magazine's intrests to have the article posted somewhere. That is why I suggested a letter to the editor of the online version of MoparMuscle, to get the info up in such a manner that we could link to it, and or tell others about it or where it was. As I stated, it is a good piece of info that shouldn't be allowed to just fade away.
BTW, to make a jackass of yourself by attempting to insult me through my user name by intentionaly misspelling (edited due to apoligy from said person). Also, you mention your "site" but make no other refrences to it anywhere else and provide no links, why? Instead of looking for an excuse to argue with me, how about attempting to get the article either posted up on MoparMuscle's online site, which by the way contains some other good tech info, or permission to allow it to be posted here. It never hurts to get permission.
Adam, it wasn't a link, it was a scanned copy of an old article in a magazine, you cannot find it anywhere on the net, yet.
Just to make a point here, here is a link to Mopar Actions online web site,
MoparActionOnlineTech please read the first paragraph at the top. Note the part where they state "most were posted without
PERMISSION" so if one has permission I would assume one would not get into trouble. Also note how they make mention of "While we wait for our lawyers to do their thing (can you say: copyright infringement?" Care to tell everyone how smart you are again, 340mopar.