Hockey fans

I dont think i said Crosby wasnt good. He is. I can give you a lisst of in my mind some good players now,,,,,,,Nash,,,Whos he got, Malkin,,got some to play with,Ovetchkin, slumping ,dont carefore him still good,Toews great young guy,Brodeur..goalie, Stamkois,St.lois, to name only a few. Sure do they rack up points like Crosby..not really. Wouldnt you take em on your team ..For sure.Crosby is having a great year, he nows were to be and were to pass. Hes fun to watch but like golf concerning wOODS....There are more players out there and we are all human.Betman and his cronies are idiots yes. Theres to many teams and to many players. Thus giving you good players buy themselves pulling the whole team behind them. Look at any team thats doing well and you will find at least one good strong line...not one player trying to carry the load..............IE¨ Torontos one man show...poor bastard, of course this is only my 2 cents:bootysha:
Since our beloved Winnipeg Jets left, i rarely will watch an NHL game entirely. The hockey I look forward to every year starrts on Boxing Day! The World Juniors is awesome hockey and I love seeing the upcoming stars give it their best. Going to be really exciting since it is in Buffalo this year and the US wants to repeat its championship from last year. The US is going to be a heck of a hard team to beat with most members from last year returning, but Go Canada Go!
I enjoyed watching him got hit in the noggin a few times by Weber when they played the Sabres. Poor Sid, like a defenseless little seal surrounded by hungry sharks. :toothy10:
you are a piece of ****--******* moron

And you're a troll who likes to start pooping on forums where people's happy places are and whatnot! Try to figure out what that meant, I dare ya! And in the meantime... hope you like the taste more than ralphie!

Sorry to tell you cry babies but Sid is the best player on the planet right now so your going to hear alot about him. And FYI, the NHL needs players like Sid.... and Wendel Clark! How luckey am I to get to see, Lemieux, Malkin, Crosby, Yags, Coffee and the list goes on and on.........
Yeah......What you said Mark LOL
I've been watching, and playing the game since 1966 and in my humble opinion the best player in the game today is Sidney. I'm not really a fan of him but I know talent when I see it. Bettman and the NHL are just trying to hype Sid and Ovie to the US to sell the game down there. If Bettman really wants to do something to improve the economy of the league, move Phoenix back to Winnipeg and maybe a few other southern teams that aren't selling tickets, to places like Quebec City, and Hamilton. As far as to who is the best ever???? Orr of course. He could do it all. Score, setup, hit, and fight when he had to. 99??? Not a chance, hitting and fighting for the Wayner was what cementhead was for.:toothy10: I think Mario was as close as anyone's been to being as good as Orr but his health problems held him back and he didn't like clutching and grabbing. The clutching and grabbing never seemed to bother Bobby much because when he had the puck no one could catch him.:toothy10:
the clutching and grabbing wasn't really a big part of the game when Bobby played , but he certainly was a great one ,how about names like Richard , Mahovlich , and Bobby scored a big one flying through the air but a different Bobby -Baun scored one with a broken leg in the cup final in 67 lets see the prima Ballerinas of today do that , that said the Classic is pitt versus wash this year and Bettman is hyping the big 2 for all it's worth ,remember it is new TV contract time for the league and he needs a big US deal to keep his southern buddies afloat
PS Ovie is a big tough guy when it comes to fighting guys half his size but when the guys his own size want him to pay for his dirty stick work and hits from behind he runs like a little girl
I hate both those guys! Bettman is a greaseball and Crosby is a friggin whiner.

Oooops there I go again entitling myself to an opinion! When will this madness stop?Lol:toothy10:
...........I dont watch 2 much anymore..........but we need the Crosbys and OVs.......WE SHOULD BE DAM GLAD EXCEPTIONAL PLAYERS come along once in awhile..............the game would be pretty dam boring if not.,,,,,,,,lets not forget Gilbert Perreault, Mike Bossy, Yvan Cournoyer. and The Flower.............even Bobby Clarke despite all odds had 1 heck of a
Hey I'm from PIttsburgh, played hockey for 17 years, and even I have to admit it does get old seeing Sid the Kid on everything. YES he is a great player, and YES there are going to be folks who hate him for that. Just like the camps that loved Gretzky and hated Lemieux and vice versa. You have that in every sport, the key is the sport gets to grow. And why do you see so much of Sid and OV. Because they sell tickets. Lets face it some teams only sell outs in a season is when Crosby or Ovechkin show up to play. Same as it was in the past with Gretzky, Lemieux, Bobby Orr, Gordy Howe, etc etc etc etc.

ITS the same with baseball (everyone appears to hate the yankees, but they sell out road games for losing teams) folks hate the Mannings but they sell out road football games. Hell the Steelers are sold out for 15 years, and they have roughly 10-20,000 fans who travel to road games when they can get the tickets.

Its just sports.....

True fans no more about the lesser known players...... Hell tell me what you think about Letang's points streak? Or your thoughts on how Robby Brown was basically a bucket on skates for Lemieux to bounce pucks of of? Or your thoughts on Mark Messier without Gretzky? Or great your thoughts on Probert?

So with out the great players we never get to see the ones that make them look great.
So, as far as Bettman goes, his desicions don't make much sense. Moving the Jets and Nordique was all about money, not fans. But now the Coyotes staying in Phoenix is all about the fans, no matter how much money they lose...
Would anybody else like to have heard Bettman convincing the board of governors to fund the failing Coyotes rather than sell to a hockey-crazed billionaire? That must have been SOME sales pitch.
I think Betman basically dosent like hockey in Canada.You have the fans,,,you have the money,,,,,you really have no problems.....OH! i forgot that wasnt your plan........Mr. Betman get your head out of your ***..................:bootysha:..Get rid of some teams, drop some players,shorten up the season and bring back some great hockey...........
If you want a list..

Howe, Able, Delvecchio, Sawchuk, Ullman, Lindsay, Yzerman, Lidstrom, Shanahan, Fedorov, Larionov, Fetisov, Datsyuk, Zetterberg....i could go on. Not to mention Journeymen the wings have taken under their winged wheel like Wendel Clark, Robataille, Ciccarelli......etc

3 cups to 11.

But that isnt what this thread is about.

Funny how only people form pittsburgh, and gary bettman and his minions say what youre saying.

Lets get down to it.... Back to the roots of Hockey. Ask Canadians. Every Canadian posting on this thread seems to agree with me that they are riding this Crosby train into the ground and taking the NHL along with them.

I thought this was about "to much Sid"

To the purest like myself the game is great because of the game, not the players, but in this economy, with no TV deal the NHL needs to promote its stars to get people interested. Sid is a star.......... sorry..... and FYI, there are only 6 Canadian NHL teams. They need the states to be successful ....
I disagree that they need to hype the stars to promote the game. Hype the action and speed. Put fighting back in the game. Get a network tv deal. Promote the game. Players come and go. All that remains is the game
Fighting is still there in hockey. Tanner Glass and Rick Rypien pound someone on a weekly basis.

I think the exploding sticks are on purpose and makes the game more interesting.
Fighting is still there in hockey. Tanner Glass and Rick Rypien pound someone on a weekly basis

And we got Thornton here in Boston, pounding someone on a nightly basis..fighting is still part of the game people..