Holy Crap, Hot.



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I couldn’t even imagine living in a place like this.
101 at my place today at 5000 feet.

Television weather forecast today said possibility of 130F in Death Valley on Saturday.

90° here East Coast Florida today. High Humidity

Figured out if I want to get something done outside, have to take breaks in the AC after being outside for an hour.

Get my core temp back down to quit sweating, change T-ee shirt and go again. Repeat, Repeat...

Was able to get this back of the cab prepped and clearcoated in the 90° heat under my sunshade tent outside, today on the 4th of July.


Paint sets up real fast on a hot day. That finishes up the cab, working one area at a time.

Still 84° at 11:45 p.m. with 76% humidity, this evening of the 4th.

Plan is to prep and clearcoat one box side tomorrow with same approach. 90°s every day for a week yet.

I couldn’t even imagine living in a place like this.
101 at my place today at 5000 feet.

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That's not bad at all

During the scamdemic us and 25 of our closest friends went on vacation in Phoenix, in the middle of a heatwave

By 10 am, the mercury was sitting at 120 degrees, and I swear, it felt better then 90 does back home in the Michigan humidity
I was in my shop working this morning at 5 AM... I finished around 12:30 went home, took a shower & went to bed till around 8 PM... After 8 the whole area sounds like Bagdad... ***** blowing up constantly.. After it quiets down I might get some more sleep, then back in my shop before 5 AM...
Oh but it's a dry heat. lol
Tell that to the guy waiting for a bus who just burst into flames. LOL.
A few days ago, here in Topeka, it was 95 degrees with 82% humidity. I was outside doing yard work from 10:00-4;00. I had to stop. I was absolutely drenched.
Tell that to the guy waiting for a bus who just burst into flames. LOL.
A few days ago, here in Topeka, it was 95 degrees with 82% humidity. I was outside doing yard work from 10:00-4;00. I had to stop. I was absolutely drenched.
That's what we have all summer long.

it's been trips the last few days up in this piece and even tho i've got a little portable cooler it's still hot enough to sap any motivation to do work.

had to make an impromptu yard run to nab some wheels for the bmw project, 100* even in the parking lot. joint was like the surface of mars, eerily quiet with the far off noise of the dump sounding like weird outer space noises. i not even joking when i say was so hot you could hear the heat.
Lol, ,,,,was 101 here yesterday,,( Thursday),,,right before the evening shower came .
Temp dropped to 88 in about 10 minutes,,,,,,was 83 after about another hour .
This is Middle Tennessee here,,,,been hot like this since I was a kid,,,( I’m 60 now ) .
I remember back in the mid 70’s ,,,all the scientists were talking about another Ice Age !
Now it’s global warming,,,lol .

I think it’s probably because I’m getting old ,,,,I sweat a lot when it’s hot,,,,but I’m not what I used to be ,,,Lol .
My old Daddy is 95,,,, he just now started getting where he stays indoors during the hot parts of the day,,,lol .

I couldn’t even imagine living in a place like this.
101 at my place today at 5000 feet.

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105 here yesterday ,over 100 a couple times .
I worked out in Victorville for about 4 yrs . , it reached 118 3 times , and close to it quite a bit , you could get sunburned easier , but it wasn`t as uncomfortable as 98 and hi humidity here ...
It has hit 101 here last few days but it tied records from 1931, so it is not the global warming they are crying about, Joe
Temp varies a LOT up here in the N. end of Idaho/ Spokane WA area. They talk about global warming, HOWEVER
I distinctly remember the summer of 67--last summer I was home before I joined the Navy. Hot and dry all summer. I had my 57 Chev apart, and rod a Honda 50/55 "step through" all summer. THREE MONTHS and not a drop of rain. We got the 57 running either a Fri or Sat the last of August, ---EXCEPT for the mufflers. It just opened up. Thunder/ and lightning, a gully washer. Filled some of the streets up to the tops of the curbs. We reasoned that the cops would not stop us so we went growling around town with just head pipes. It was bangin' on or at 100 a lot that year

Another year I remember was 73. My little brother was killed in a crash, and I came home on leave just before the 4th. HOT. It was for sure bangin on the hundred door that year!!

And now........TURN ON THE SWITCH. Wx up here has been up and down, but not that hot. Next several days are supposed to be at or over a hundred. HOT!!
and here I am stuck inside on account of it won't quit raining, with an outdoor temp running from 16*C to 24 tops.
In Fahrenheit, that is from 60 to 75 ..................
So far this year, the hottest we have hit was IIRC, 82*F, and just one time, between thunderstorms, that blow up here from the South.
Right this minute, it is a balmy 68 and it's looking like rain by afternoon.
It's so wet up here, I couldn't mow my lawn for 10 days, and when I finally got to it, the grass ended up laying in wet heaps everywhere.
The humidity is like 100% most of the time.
Thank the Lord for the near constant 30 mph winds..........
Thank the Lord that I'm fully retired, lol. Sitting half-naked on the covered deck, sipping Pepsi, and banging keys. I love Manitoba in the Summer ......
Been getting lots of rain here this year, and much cooler temperatures, which I don't mind one bit. Next week the blast furnace turns on with temperatures approaching 100*f.
Two years ago I was in Las Vegas where the temperatures were nearing 120* late in the afternoon. That's about as hot as I've ever experienced.
I went thru Alberta on a motorcycle in 1975, which they say was a hot year. I remember up in the Crowsnest I think it was, seeing many bikes pulled over, in what shade they could find. I remember seeing a rather king-sized thermometer set-up for all to see. IIRC it was showing 101*F; or maybe 104, one or the other.
Me and a buddy had these Suzuki waterbuffalo's, on which the gauges never moved after the bikes were up to temp. We were in our early 20s and heading to the Ocean, to find work and girls, not necessarily in that order.
A few weeks later, on our last thin dimes, we were motoring back to Manitoba, no jobs, and no girls, but man those bikes flew!
Somewhere in Saskatchewan, with my last 5 bucks, I topped up our tanks, and we arrived back home, with empty pockets and our hearts full of great memories.
Oh to be 23 again.

Supposed to be above 120 here today and over the weekend for a high temp. Toughen up out there. :)