Dam, I can’t seem to edit posts or add pics. Center the scoop front to back according to the witness mark from the carb stud. U may be off from side to side so u can probably center it a little better. Here is mine.
I guess you'd have to know if the air coming in the scoop would go down through the holes, or, would the hot under hood air come up in the scoop?Would it be a benefit to cut opening in hood for the air cleaner but also add a 3 or 4" hole in the two rear corners for excess pressure to vent down the firewall?
My 68 hoodYes that’s what I was getting at. So it won’t take away a measurable difference in seat. I will try to find instructions on the hood. I am putting in hood pins. Thanks everyone. I think I will remove the 1” spacer it’s pretty close if not up against hood now when fully shut. There is a witness mark where bolt for air cleaner top goes. I’m still not clear on if mounting in the front or back or whatever I think looks better.